Created | Updated Jan 31, 2002
Bristol University Boffins have developed a watch which tells you where the nearest pub is.
Ideal for the Red nose and cheek brigade. It uses a GPS (global positioning system) to give thirsty punters the nearest location of four drinking holes and the distance for each one. Now all they have to do is invent something to stop you wobbling after your visit.
They are now working on a jacket which will give you a guided tour of Bristol. No, honestly, its true.
Not quite as much fun but, at the University of Southern California, they are working on miniature robots which will check out the pollution levels in our oceans and seas. This will not interest the average pub goer but could be more beneficial to finding ways to clean up the environment.
Have you heard of Crybot? No, it is not a robot that cries. NASA Scientists are developing a robot which will bury itself by melting into ice and take samples/data as well as images. No doubt something that would be more useful on Mars but who knows? It could end up there someday or even bury itself in the fridge and sample your food intake.
Talking of Mars and Space. Is Star Trek coming a little closer to reality or should I say that the other way round. A US company called Etaco has announced its hand speaking translator. No it does not speak Klingon or Ferengi but it does a mildly passable English to Spanish, French or German. With a 3000 word and phrase capability it has a long way to go to come up to Star Trek standards, but we all have to start somewhere.