h2g2 Post 02.10.03

1 Conversation

Posted: 2ndOctober 2003


Watch out, watch out, there's a Greebo about.

So what has been happening in the world of Greebo, well my computer blew a gasket yesterday, totally freaked me out. What is it about these things that makes you fall to pieces when you turn it on and nothing happens... or works? It's like losing a friend, a loved one, or at least someone pretty close, bit of a downer really.

To be honest, I guess I am none too respectful of my 'plastic pal who is fun to be with'. I use it every day without a please or thank you, when it's slow I get angry with it, when it doesn't do as I want through no fault of it's own it gets called very hurtful names. I am mean to it, some would say cruel, and still it always tries to be there when I really need it. Yet it is only at the times when it is no longer available that I realise what a large hole in my life would be missing if it were gone forever. What I used to do before the advent of the computer I honestly can't remember, nor want to. I only know that today, I am thankful my best buddy is back with me, and long shall it be that way.

Talking about things that are gone forever, it is with a heavy heart that I edited the very last 'Next to the Custard' this week. I know you will all join me in remembering what a fantastic story Ripper introduced us to all those weeks ago, and I am only slightly mollified when I remember that I can enjoy 'Custard' whenever I please by dipping into the treasure chest that is The Post Archives. So it's not gone forever, it's just waiting for me whenever I fancy a really good read.

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Greebo T. Cat


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