Escape Pod Dreams - 41

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If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, sell him some Amway...

The New New blob

Ten things that should not be on anyone's top ten list:

  1. People who have their Geek Code tattooed on their lower lip
  2. People who think 'Touched by an Angel' is a spinoff of 'The X-files'
  3. People who drive automobiles that are called names they know nothing about
  4. Creatures that have been so hidden from the rest of the world that they have only been seen by the moron who named them
  5. Commercial products whose misspelled trademarked version of a common word has now eclipsed the actual word
  6. People who dress like they have no idea what their body really looks like
  7. Dogs who believe that your nose and their behinds are of equal tastiness and should be alternated between early and often
  8. Politicians who believe that your nose and their behinds should have more than a nodding acquaintance
  9. Movie makers who believe that any relationship between Truth and their wallet is purely philosophical
  10. People who think top ten lists are really really important

More instances of people who were fleeced by an angel:

1. 8:57 AM
I'm not a skeered a nuthin', but a few things ain't as respectful as I'd like.


Coriander Collander, the Queen of Collation

2. 9:57 AM
Harry Forth and the Indonesian Racing Snail, by Mudgard Cupling


Jerry Weed, looking for an insignificant other

3. 10:57 AM
Another short story: The Wish


Edith Piaf's Hairdresser, jobless again.

4. 11:57 AM
A short story: The Woman With The Blue Scarf

Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

The Escape Pod Dreams

(tonsil revenge)

02.10.03 Front Page

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