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Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3301


Can't argue with that description.. smiley - ok

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3302

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3303

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

oh but really officer she said she was 27
smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3304


was this recent, Tac? smiley - biggrin

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3305

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

smiley - laugh no just figured I would put in a little random note smiley - winkeye

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3306


Oh.. I was just worrying that the next time I saw you it might be at Rikers.. smiley - winkeye

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3307

Thog the Loinclothed One, God of BLEEP!, Bearer of Nailguns... Hm.

smiley - laugh
That's not funny, you knowsmiley - cross That really happened to me once -- not including the Rikers bit obviously, but the "really, she told me she was " bit... terrible, terrible thing.

Anyhoo... what are we celebrating with all this smiley - disco and hoopla?smiley - wow

Oh -- in re to the b'log... Paul, the your posting re going to the CVS store or whatever was regarding some manner of egg-shaped confectionary... Sade is indeed a truly beautiful and talented singer, and... hmmm... I guess that's about it.

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3308

Plastic Squirrel /Back, on the good foot, and doing the bad thing

Oooh! Thog's almost right about Sade, she looked good, but shame about the monotone voice... btw, you may just be imagining this post Bats. smiley - hug

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3309

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i happen to like her monotone voice. let others sing polyphonic. noone sings monotonic like sade smiley - smiley

oh, well, did someone mention smiley - chocsmiley - huhsmiley - bigeyessmiley - drool

smiley - pirate

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3310

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

I'm with you Pierce! I love Sade! smiley - ok

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3311

Thog the Loinclothed One, God of BLEEP!, Bearer of Nailguns... Hm.

YEAH!!!smiley - ok

smiley - ermGranted, I don't make a habit of listening to her, but the band I used to travel with did a few of her songs, and they were really very good...

smiley - cheers all

*wanders off to find some more of whatever that last thing he smoked was, as hallucinations of Plastic Squirrels amuse him in a smiley - weird way*

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3312

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

smiley - bigeyes

Now where the heck did Batty run off to? I'm telling you, people disappear right and left here. You gotta keep on your toes! smiley - ok

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3313

Thog the Loinclothed One, God of BLEEP!, Bearer of Nailguns... Hm.

smiley - crossI KNOW!!!smiley - cross Without even a "by your leave", or a "s'long, suckers!"

smiley - bleep, but it's not like I haven't done the same thing before too, so I guess I can't smiley - bleep about it too muchsmiley - biggrin

smiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stout

smiley - cheers

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3314


*attempts to breeze in gracefully but fails miserably due to the wrinkled clothing, mussed hair (with a lollipop stuck in it) and a broken heel on her shoe*

smiley - puffsmiley - puff

Remind me NEVER to have kids... My nephews have been in town and spent the night last week, followed by an amazingly frustrating day at a local amusement park. Upon their departure PC's daughter arrived for a week's visit. She's positively adorable and unquestionably a teenager...

smiley - cdoublesmiley - zzz

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3315

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

Just wait until my daughter and I come to visit you bats... talk about teenagers! smiley - laugh

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3316

Thog the Loinclothed One, God of BLEEP!, Bearer of Nailguns... Hm.

smiley - yikesUh oh... I seem to be irresistible to teenagers of late... I'd better stay clear!

smiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3317


So I've heard, Tac... smiley - biggrin

Well now all the kids are gone but unfortunately so is PC.. smiley - erm He had to be in Seattle and doesn't get back til tomorrow..

*tries to pick the lollipop out of her hair but gives up and leaves it dangling at a jaunty angle*

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3318

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

smiley - bigeyes

That's quite a daring look you have going for you there Batty...

You might just start a new trend! smiley - ok

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3319

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - biggrin

it matches your candy floss hair nicely, dear

smiley - pirate

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3320

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

And the pc should be back from Seatle by now.smiley - smiley

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Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

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