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Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3261

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - musicalnote

Good King Wenceslas looked out
On the feast of Stephen,
Where the snow lay round about,
Deep and crisp and even.
Brightly shown the moon that night,
Though the frost was cruel,
When a poor man came in sight,
Gathering winter fuel.

Okay, okay, I apologize for inflicting
more images of snow and bitter cold
on my fellow researchers who are sick
of winter. Hey, guys, it was just a
throwaway line. Just a pun. smiley - grovel

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3262


smiley - erm Now what the smiley - bleep did that have to do with the conversation again???

*decides to change the subject*

PC has gone all Emeril on me. smiley - biggrin He's been cooking all sorts of yummy things for dinner since I work until late. smiley - bigeyes Really if he keeps this up I may never go home...

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3263

Thog the Loinclothed One, God of BLEEP!, Bearer of Nailguns... Hm.

smiley - crossI say we flog him.

smiley - ermPaul, I mean... although while we're at it I suppose we may as well flog PC toosmiley - smiley

smiley - cheersand a smiley - bleepful weekend, allsmiley - ok

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3264


smiley - yikes Not PC!!! Especially not when he's spoiling me rotten... How about I find a suitable penalty for him? smiley - bigeyes

I was just offered a wonderful position at the school. I have been working there part-time since I finished my classes but last night I was offered a full-time position with a lovely salary change and full benefits. Woohoo!!! smiley - biggrin

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3265

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

Congratulations Batty, I sounds great.smiley - ok

Just check the fine print, you never knowsmiley - winkeye

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3266

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Congratulations, Batty. smiley - cakesmiley - bubbly

You took those courses in order to get a better job,
and it certainly seems to be working for you. smiley - ok

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3267

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

YAY!!! Congratulations Batty! I knew it wouldn't be long before they realized that you were indispensible! smiley - biggrin


smiley - discosmiley - cakesmiley - divasmiley - bubbly

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3268

Thog the Loinclothed One, God of BLEEP!, Bearer of Nailguns... Hm.

smiley - okYAYYYYYYYY!!!!smiley - ok

smiley - ermAlthough it took the smiley - bleepers long enoughsmiley - cross

*wanders off to flog them*

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3269


Thanks guys... smiley - erm if only I had thought about getting a job here before I started classes - could have saved serious $$$$$

Thog dear don't flog them til AFTER they tell me exactly how much I'm making. I may need you then to goose the price up... smiley - winkeye

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3270

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I think it was brave of you to go
back to school, Batty. I haven't taken
any courses since 1979. Oh, I've gone to
workshops that my boss thought I should
attend, but there isn't a lot you can
take in in just a morning, or even a whole
day. They usually summarize a lot of material,
so you don't get much detail. smiley - erm

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3271


Thanks Paul. smiley - smooch But I don't think it was so much bravery as it was lack of other viable options...

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3272

Thog the Loinclothed One, God of BLEEP!, Bearer of Nailguns... Hm.

Ah. That would be a circumstance with which most of us are well acquaintedsmiley - sadface

smiley - bleepin good for you nonethesmiley - bleepingless, though!smiley - ok

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3273

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

But it worked out for you, Batty. smiley - ok

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3274


Great news Bats smiley - smooch
About time you had a boost, you`ve earned it!

smiley - cheers

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3275

Also ran 1

Wonderful news Batty, big smiley - hug
Now you need no longer loll around in warm tapioca pudding which shounds quite horrid. It can be cherries flambees and smiley - bubbly

Incidentally have a wonderful Easter. It sounds like you have got yourself a real super guy. I am so pleased.

Much affection

AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3276

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - yikes

I'm not sure I like the thought of
lying in cherries flambe (or *anything*
that's on fire). Sitting in Champagne
is something I haven't tried. What's
it like? smiley - huh

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3277

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

smiley - erm Didn't we do that once in the fountain out in the veranda? Or did we just fill it with smiley - ale? I think it would be fun. Just think of all the bubbles! smiley - ok

Have a lovely Easter weekend everyone! smiley - chicksmiley - bunnysmiley - rainbow We're going down to the lake to visit my aunt & uncle. My daughter is taking a friend with her. I've packed suger cookes in the shape of eggs for them to decorate with colored icing, and an egg coloring kit and a couple of dozen eggs for them to boil and color. (cause it's supposed to rain all weekend - of course!) smiley - erm That should keep them busy for about, umm... 15 minutes... smiley - yikes I'm doomed!

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3278

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

M&M's candies have been advertising
a new form of M&M's that are shaped like
eggs. They're speckled. Trouble is,
they aren't actually for sale anywhere. smiley - erm

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3279

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i had a wonderful position at school once. unfortunately the biology teacher unexpectedly walked into the classroom smiley - whistle

congrats, smiley - batsmiley - ok

smiley - pirate

Lulling about in warm tapioca pudding and with a coke in the holder ....

Post 3280


Thanks everyone! smiley - hug

Wonderful to see you, AR1 (extra smiley - hug )!

I think I actually have a bag of those M&Ms Paulie. All of the employees here got Easter baskets with a stuffed animal and lots of goodies in it and I think those might have been part of it. smiley - erm Not sure though cuz PC nicked 'em... smiley - winkeye

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