A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 1

aliquis mirabilis (keeper of forbidden and forgotten lore)

Where Is the Most Unusual Place You Have Ever Made Love?

(I know this question may not produce anything intellectually enriching, but sex is an irrestable topic. Go figure.)

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 2

Is mise Duncan

I think you'll find most peopeltoo shy to answer this on an open forum.
I think you'll find I am a perfect example of this smiley - blush

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 3

Who's this?

I on the other hand am not. I was recently widowed and to cheer myself up I sent myself island hopping round the Carribean and Bahamas. I even took to wearing a sarong, which is no mean feat when you consider I am retired and spent most of my working life in a 3 piece suit.

Any way to cut a long story short I had a brief dalliance on Grand Cayman. Rocks are uncomfortable, sailing boats at sunset are perfect.

I feel better then I have done in years.

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 4

Mostly Harmless

I not either,

I had a woman give me a B.J. (oral sex) while I was driving on the Interstate/highway. smiley - winkeye


Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 5

aliquis mirabilis (keeper of forbidden and forgotten lore)

Since I asked, I'll answer. I don't think I've done it anywhere I'd consider "unusual," but this is along the lines of Mostly Harmless's previous answer --
Intercourse while driving a car along the Atlantic City Expressway.
(Not just oral, the whole deal.)
Some have implied that that answer would also be the Most Stupid and Dangerous Place. But hey, I was driving casually in the dead of night on an eight-lane highway with no traffic in sight. Made love and made distance at the same time. Pretty efficient use of time I must say.

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 6

Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

Road-Head is how my friends and I refer to it.

I had a buddy that actually took it one step further and screwed his girlfriend while driving.
Being 6'3" I have never tried this because I can barely fit in the drivers seat comfortably alone.

I once had my girlfriend in a movie theater. What? The movie was boaring.

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 7

aliquis mirabilis (keeper of forbidden and forgotten lore)

I believe the full screw is to what I was referring. And I'm tall also, but the car was a big American beast.

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 8

Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

sorry about that, I must have posted just after you.

I think I need a bigger car.

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 9

Rainbow (Slug No Longer!!)

In Zimbabwe they have a version of 'Mr. and Mrs.' where you find out how well spouses know each other by asking one spouse questions about the other and then bring the other one back and seeing if they answer the same. On one programme some years ago, they asked the husband "Where is the most unusual place you have ever made love?" to which he replied "On a tractor". They then brought the wife back and asked the same question, to which she replied "In de bottom!!"

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 10


My wife and I once did the business in some local woods. I ended up with a fragment of leaf/bark/grit in my eye and had to go to casualty!!

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 11

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

.....and don't you just ~know~ that the nurses *knew* what you'd been up to?smiley - biggrin
I've enjoyed this forum & I'm going to pass it round my friends, see who spills...smiley - winkeye

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 12

I'm not really here

Oh dear, and I'm the first person to get it.

I had a quickie standing up in the changing rooms of Colchester swimming pool once when I was married. It was a miracle really, as we had tried standing up before, but had never managed it without falling over.
That's the danger of communal changing rooms at pools.
Other than that, my favourite trick is to give BJs while someone else is driving, but the bloke usually has to pull over to get the full effect!

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 13


My most unusual place was where I work, we locked the room during lunch, or after work, and did it, and yes, sometimes standing too, facing each other. And we did it like that the very first time we made love, and I had never tried out this position before. It is still a miracle to me how good it worked out.

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 14


I'd love to post here, but then I'd have to kill you all, so I'll just lurk, and silently tick off the ones I've done. smiley - winkeye
smiley - fish

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 15


Hey, where's the problem? It was not against the law! Or was it?

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 16

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

~under the stars, on the beach~
~in the snow~

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 17

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Snow *shivers* a little bit of ice didnt hurt anyone smiley - winkeye

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 18

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

It was certainly ~different~

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 19

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Ill keep that in mind for next time there is any sign of snow smiley - winkeye

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 20


In the rear guards-van of the 06.52 to London. The rocky motion of the train were great but it lacked the romance of the Orient Express! smiley - winkeye

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