A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 41

aliquis mirabilis (keeper of forbidden and forgotten lore)

When I posted this question, I wasn't sure how "Unusual" would be interpreted. After seeing what I've read, I believe I will elaborate upon my own previous anwswer with what I can remember:

Most Unusual Places...
1. Car enroute to Atlantic City.
2. Prop room of my former high school's theater.
3. Restroom of a small pub.
4. Backroom of a comic book shop.
5. Walk-in freezer.
6. Against a car in front of a restaurant we just left.
7. The Philadelphia Public Library.
8. Underwater.
9. Nebraska.

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 42


My last girlfriend gave me a BJ in my local in front of my mates (not all male I add and not to completion - too risky) but one did bet us £70 we wouldn't. Luckily it was very busy so noone important was watching - ie. its still my local. We didn't take the money.

Whoever wrote about the Zimbabwean gameshow above by the way. I got that on email about three times, once it was in Australia, once in Denmark and once on the radio. Believable? - hmm.

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 43

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

You didn't take the money? Believable? Hmmm.

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 44


smiley - laugh
I knew someone was going to say that!

I was feeling generous and - don't know why (smiley - winkeye), but in a rather good mood smiley - biggrin.

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 45


My Ex Girlfriend and I, went for a weekend in Paris, and decided to visit the Eifel Tower.
It was absolutley packed on the upper level, and I was squished up behind her. She
revealed that she was wearing no knickers, and one thing led to another... as it does in those
situations. I was amazed no-one noticed, or, if they did, they were too
polite to say anything! :D

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 46

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den



smiley - cool

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 47

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

The List of Aliquis Mirabilis deserves comment and owes us a few answers.
1. What's in Atlantic City?
2. Thesbian?
3. Why not a big pub?
4. Funny.
5. Cool.
6. How was the food?
7. Did that one stack up?
8. Physically impossible don't believe it!
9. If ya ne'br aska it musta cum as
a surprise to her.

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 48

aliquis mirabilis (keeper of forbidden and forgotten lore)

Okay then, here we go:

1. What's in Atlantic City?
Casinos, the mob, the ocean, drunks, prostitutes, lounge acts, and lots of money I'll ever see.

2. Thesbian?
For a very short moment in time.

3. Why not a big pub?
I like contrast. Small pub, big genitalia.

4. Funny.
I worked there as a young lad.

5. Cool.
But when you're done and the heat subsides, you freeze your ass off fast.

6. How was the food?
Only the after-dinner activities seem to stand out in memory.

7. Did that one stack up?
Thought we almost got caught on this one.

8. Physically impossible don't believe it!
Only difficult. Be careful of the scuba gear and you'll be fine. Granted, it's not that satisfying in execution, but it was something spontaneous to try.

9. If ya ne'br aska it musta cum as
a surprise to her.
smiley - smiley

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 49

L'enfant d'afrique

I vividly recall this wonderful moment captured on ZBC. We were watching it in the Common Room at boarding school - needless to say it brought the house down !!!!!!

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 50

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

I thank thee for the clarifications and even the begrudged acknowledgment that water does not compress (as anyone who has ever driven a car into a lake will confirm).
The act of coitus underwater creates a high pressure hyrdaulic action that can be more than unsatisfying, more than painful, to the lady's internal plumbing. I will abide and be at peace now on the issue as soon as I warn you young fellas - If ya see water squirting out of her ears - stop.

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 51


In a friend's shower at 2am. Unfortunately I reached out and dislodged a glass shelfsmiley - erm and we both bear the scars to this day(we didn't dare go to Casualty)smiley - blush

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 52


2. On a train between stations.

3. In a clump of bushes in the middle of Greenwich Park on a Saturday afternoon.

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 53

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

*That's the title of Bill Clinton's upcoming memoir - "Between the Bushes"*

We haven't yet heard from any 'mile-high-club' memebrs...

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 54

Magnolia Thunderpussy, Geisha of the Web

In the water has never been a problem for me, just don't want to go on too long... but it's a great place to give a lingering bubble job. People float sooooo easily on the ocean smiley - winkeye
Other interesting places--in and on cars, on a bridge while fishing (caught a red snapper) on a boat while towing a water skier, golf courses (soft grass), briefly on the balcony at a local pub one Halloween (that was preplanned) the sauna (really nice and slippery) once on the dance floor at a disco (don't ask) in the shower with nice slippery shower gels (kept breaking off the soap dish) and all sorts of places outdoors. I guess I might be termed a bit of an exhibitionist?

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 55

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

~daren't ask who was steering the boat~ and did the water-skier know?
johnwfulton that was very funny! Between the Bushes.smiley - biggrin
I hope you meant between the George Bushes!!!!!smiley - winkeye

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 56

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Yep, George the First and George the Second. Just like the old days before that awful revolution. The more things change the mo..

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 57

aliquis mirabilis (keeper of forbidden and forgotten lore)

Yeah, I know other people who've had sex in pools, lakes, and other bodies of water. Both partners seemed to enjoy it. Never heards any complaints yet.

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 58


Swimming pool's OK too. Only OK mind. About on a par with a tree stump (if you're a very short girl) smiley - biggrin

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 59

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

..the more they stay the same.
Yes, I know.
It's just that here in GB, a "bush" is a slang word for a woman's pubic hair.
So I didn't know if your reference was a double-word-play.
I still think it was very clever.smiley - smiley
~taking notes for the next time I go swimming~
smiley - biggrin
Magnolia! More info required about your post please!smiley - winkeye

Most Unusual Place You've Ever Made Love?

Post 60

Magnolia Thunderpussy, Geisha of the Web

Hi GB smiley - smiley
We were both steering the boat, rather erratically, so I doubt the water skier knew exactly what was going on. I'm sure he was having enough trouble keeping himself erect without worrying about what we were doing (other than cursing us for the wild ride we gave him.)

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