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Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 101


'Tales of the Gold Monkey' was actually more of a rip-off of the 1939 Cary Grant film 'Only Angels Have Wings'. I thought it was fantastic. You don't get televisual heroes like that any more.

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 102


RE: Paladin of the Lost Hou.

Cool music selection, you know there are still clubs that play this kind of stuff. smiley - tongueout

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 103


I'm just watching 'The Fall Guy' on TV, was that ever cool?

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 104


No. 'Fraid not.

Greatest American Hero?

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 105


HA you watch too!

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 106

Paladin of the Lost Hour

Happy Dude, is it true?

I couldn't find clubs that played it when it WAS popular! Do I have to move out of America to find one? (I was considering this anyway, so I'd just have one more reason)

RE: The Greatest American Hero: Starred William Katt, Robert Culp, Connie Selleca. Basic story: Regular guy/school teacher is stopped on a deserted road by alien spacecraft, imparted with a strange red/black (slightly goofy-looking) suit which bestows its wearer with superheroic powers. Funny show. Was on Wednesday nights in the States.

Possibly William Katt's career high...

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 107


I liked the trigger-happy CIA dude! One of those super-suits has been on my Christmas list for years....

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 108


We got a couple of small clubs that refuse to admit there age here in London town, check timeout if your ever over here or gis us email (link my page) but in short term try

[Broken link removed by Moderator]

Note: Other Rockclubs are available

smiley - tongueout

Q: Why did blokes wear makeup in the 80's

smiley - tongueout

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 109


that is a very good question...why do us chicks wear it now...dunno...i never felt the need to...

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 110


ladies no probs, but blokes always take soooooooo loooooooooong doing there make up!

smiley - tongueout

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 111


Yeah, but it only takes a few moments to roll up the sleeves of your jacket (he said blushing- Miami Vice *shiver*)!!!

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 112


HEY I still got the jacket with permantly rolled up sleaves !

smiley - tongueout

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 113

Paladin of the Lost Hour

Happy Dude, perhaps it took so long for the men to get the makeup on because it took so long for them to get their shave close enough to apply it!

Personal opinion (is there another kind?): Miami Vice pilot, that first two hours of glorious, psuedo-hedonistic television, was the best. Especially the climax (well, the climax is always the best, isn't it? Ask the hair bands...). It introduced me to Phil Collins, who had an especially good decade in the '80s.

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 114

I'm not really here

ra ra skirts.

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 115


Acid!! I think there was something else, but I can't for the life of me remember!

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 116


hey did nyone check out the best thing page....it looks really nice...we have enough ideas here...maybe we should make a page like that....i would do it...but i dont know guide ML or html.....

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 117


I'm ok with GuideML what do you want to do ?

RA RA Skirts, now that brings back memoies, (Big smile on face & glazed over eyes).

Miami Vice, I cried when I watched the last episode, still one of the top 3 TV series of all time (exculding non-fiction stuff, before any one jumps down my throat)

Blokes & Makeup: I've shared flats & houses whith several make up wearing blokes and to a man they always take at least twice as long as the ladies!

True Story Time: I was there, this realy happened!
Friday night a couple of years back 4 blokes in London decide to go to Rockcity in Nottingham, so off they went.
Bloke one,two & three alll got long hair & goatee beards, bloke 4 long blond hair and is wearing full makeup and an off the shoulder rubber outfit. We are heading up the M1 (thats a Freeway) and we get to the junction whith the M25 (another Freeway) traffic slows, were doing about 30MPH in solid traffic.
Bloke 1 "The guy over in the BMW keeps looking at us" indicates a BMW in a lane to the right of us and slightly behind us.
Blokes 1,2,3,4 all turn around
BMW driver so shocked by what he see's that he drives straight into the back of the Merc in front of him.
To this day bloke 4 maintains that he is so Gorgous that he causes traffic to crash and uses blokes 1 - 3 to act as wittnesses to this.

Don't why I told you that but I've typed it so you better read it.

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueout

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 118

Underground Caroline

Headbands with glitterey stars and balls on springs. Boing Boing. I think they were called Dilli Boppers - probably wrong about that. Seem to be making a comeback aaaaargh! See-through umbrellas, legwarmers, puff-ball skirts, gloves with pompoms (not very practical), fuzzy earmuffs. Jumpsuits. Pixie boots. Chewing gum that fizzed in your mouth. Wham bars. Big shirts and jumpers with bat-wing sleaves - tied at the waist with belts. Uuuurgh. i could go on all day here. smiley - smiley

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 119

I'm not really here

Deary me, I am an 80's child.
Deely Boppers was their name, I had windmills. I keep seeing the sparkly tassle ones on little kids and drunk people lately. I also had a see-through umberella, although I think I had that in the late 70's.
Legwarmers, yes, (well, we all liked Fame!) Pixie boots. Nearly all that stuff you mention I had. I particulary liked the flicked fringe hairstyle, covered in hairspray so it wouldn't move, much seen on Grange Hill.

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 120


Perhaps Grange Hill itself in its eighties heyday deserves an honourable mention...

How about Saturday morning kids' telly that was actually watchable? Or was that because I *was* a kid? smiley - winkeye Still, I remember the delights of No 73, Star Fleet, the wondrous absence of Power Rangers, The ITV Chart Show (a deeply underrated and now much-missed programme smiley - sadface ) and so forth...

Oh, and England being okay at football and crap at cricket, instead of the other way round as it is at present... smiley - winkeye

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