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Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 41

cafram - in the states.

Can I just say...MULLET!!

Sorry - I hope no-one else has said it...smiley - winkeye

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 42

Is mise Duncan

Mullets, Rats-tails and tight shorts...all still worn by the German football squad, all no longer cool!

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 43

Sjoerd aka Son of Ren

American Psycho

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 44

Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment

The Great Spacecoaster, E.T., Chuck Taylors, Floresent colors, Atari, Etch-A-Sketch, Hair bands (Motley crue, Slaughter, Poison etc.).

BTW Boston was a band but they were late seventies.

Oh the memories smiley - smiley

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 45

Researcher 147484

...except the 80's never really ended - they just hibernatet during the drab 90's and are coming back with a vengeance in the new millenium, pink lacoste poloshirts and all!

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 46

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Magazines with computer program listings in them, which you bought, took home, and laboriously typed in yourself.
Marvellous. smiley - smiley

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 47

Dinsdale Piranha

And you never knew whether they didn't work because you typed them in wrong, or because the programs were rubbish.

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 48

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

It usually turned out to be a combination of both. smiley - smiley

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 49

Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

Avoid the Noid,
fliped-up collars on your Izod polo shirt,
spiked hair,
don't worry, be happy,
girls wearing leg-warmers,
members only jackets,

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 50


Dr. Martens, Madness and David Bowie in one week in 1983 he had 10 albums in the top 100 a feat only surpassed by Elvis. I can't think of anything else I was only born in 1984 so everything is kinda a blur but I do remember a lot of very scary punks walking round my area.

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 51

just this girl, you know

The Mini-Pops, Cyndi Lauper, Molly Ringwald and the Brat Pack- they made the best movies. If anyone wants to experience a bit of nostalgia- they should try to get their hands on "These are the quotes from my favorite 80s movies" by the Bouncing Souls. sooooooo goooooood. smiley - smiley

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 52


The ubiquitous Dirk Benedict (where he now?); Star Fleet (remember Shiro Hagen, Barry Hercules, Dai-X etc?); the Commodore Amiga as a viable format; The Secret of Monkey Island (Lucasfilm's greatest moment since ESB); Arnie saying 'I'll be back' in every movie he ever made (and the viewing public thinking it was still cool); Rutger Hauer's career; Rutger Hauer's waistline; Judge Dredd (because it was pre-Stallone); Cabbage Patch Kids...no, wait, they were NEVER cool; Liverpool FC; the list goes on and on...

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 53

Afrael (keeper of angelic guidance)

My Vic 20
Kate Bush (Still cool...)
Flecked trousers (I was never allowed them)
Thin red leather ties (my brother had one)
Pixie boots
Ra-ra skirts
Grey wallpaper with red, white and black zig-zags
Solar powered calculators (so high-tech)
One day-glo pink sock, one day-glo green one (inside out)
Grey slip-on shoes with white socks
A wedge (I wandered round with a girl's one for months, apparently...)
Pretty in Pink (Duckie...my hero, and Mollie Ringwald...whatever happened to her...?)
In fact, all John Hughes films pre-Macaulay Culkin


I'm going to go now, and hide under my cabin bed to drool over Morten Harket...

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 54

Is mise Duncan

Cars designed with not a curve on them - TR7, Lambourghini Countach, Fiat X-19 etc.

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 55


leg warmers ... FAME .... need i say more ?

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 56

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Has anyone mentioned SodaStreams yet?

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 57

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Selling American weaponry to countries that hate us.

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 58

Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

I think that's still going on.

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 59

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Yeah. Some fads just won't die.

Things that were cool in the '80ies

Post 60

Afrael (keeper of angelic guidance)

Sodastreams! I was jealous of my _grandmother_ because she had a soda stream! Jealous of your grandmother. There's eighties greed if ever I heard it...

and FAME!

I'm not sure if I wanted to be Bruno or 'ave 'im...

"Here's where you start paying...in sweat.."

*Nerdy air-guitars in a convoluted Performing Arts/Irene Cara's band fantasy...*

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