Bloody Otters

The little furry faced F*****s, swan around our riverbanks doing nothing all
day expecting us to graft our knuckles to the bone just to make the river
banks a 'nicer' place for them. I ask you, who the hell to they think they
are? What are they doing for us? They are the scurge of society, draining
the resources of the National rivers authority with a big smile on there
goofy furry little faces. They are laughing at YOU! STOP this madness and
get out on the river banks and make the powers that be listen to our united
grievance, and start making those otters work for themselves, so they can
support themselves to a level to which they have become accustomed.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want to speak out of turn, if any of them are
injured or are particularly old, I believe they should be kept on light
duties, and with my conviction, I don't think that is a light concession. So
I hope all of you, and I'm sure there will me many out there that share my
views to keep scanning this newsgroup for the next post on 'Why I hate
otters', and please post your own thoughts to this group, so we can finally
get this ball rolling. I say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and lets be united in our

Thanks for taking the time to read,



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