A Conversation for Ask h2g2
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
AYEBEE PW - RIP TERRI Posted Aug 18, 2008
'I was wondering of those women who think size matters, what do you think is the ideal size for a dick?'
well. speaking from personal experience. i'd say about 6 foot 2, 180 lbs, brown curly hair. but i'm sure they come in all shapes and sizes.
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows Posted Aug 18, 2008
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Aug 18, 2008
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows Posted Aug 18, 2008
'...it's just some women have giant muffs.' Nothing worse that waving one's member around in a damp dustbin!
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Aug 18, 2008
Stop it! stop it!; I only just put clean knickers on and now there wet again
Just remember to wear your protective head gear whilst exploring down there
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows Posted Aug 18, 2008
'I only just put clean knickers on and now there wet again...' P'haps you should make a contribution to this thread, 2legs: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F127730?thread=5787560
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune Posted Aug 18, 2008
Seven and a half inches (measured erect and up the side) and just big enough that I have to squeeze it to get my thumb and middle finger to meet around it at the thinnest point below the head.
But as is oft repeated, that's not what matters *the most*.
What matters the most is who it's attatched to, how much effort they put in and what you give them to work with.
I dont know about other women but I liken myself to a violin. Play me right and I'll sing for you, effortlessly, for hours. But if you dont know how to even get started (or how to take instruction. You do NOT know best!) there'll be horrible noises, lots of frustration and everyone will get bored really quickly...
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Aug 18, 2008
7 and a half inchs plus works well for me too.... But that is coming at it as it were, from a slightly differnt angle.... or at least 'line of approach'
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
AYEBEE PW - RIP TERRI Posted Aug 18, 2008
gosh robyn.. you sound awfully nice.. either that or you have small hands....
*sticks out hand and smiles winsomely*
have we met?
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune Posted Aug 18, 2008
Ooh, no, see, not 'plus'. I like seven and a half inches. It's just the right size for me. not so big it hurts, but just big enough to make things exciting when I'm in that sort of mood
Also, my right hand-span is a reliable and accurate 7.5 inches. It seems like it was designed...
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune Posted Aug 18, 2008
Ooh, sorry! *shakes hands*
I dont have tiny hands, but I dont have the longest fingers, I am awfully nice and no, we haven't met
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
AYEBEE PW - RIP TERRI Posted Aug 18, 2008
did anyone happen to tune into the documentary about vagina improvement ops on (i think) Channel 4 last night?
was most interesting (if a little rediculous)i thought, but seems to be a genuine concern to some people, size;shape etc... i thought it was a well rounded documentary, also giving the men's input (in general seemed to be... ''ehhhh. dunno, never noticed, never looked at it too closely to be honest'') and sparked off a very honest and interesting conversation between meself and me better half as a result.
we really do think too much about it all dont we? personally i dont know what all the fuss is with women's 'marys' ! i've yet to see one i like ha ha.
i know this is the P thread, i just thought i'd throw that in the mix. dont want to go to the trouble of starting a V thread, too lazy.
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune Posted Aug 18, 2008
I have a bi friend who said she does like it when she finds a pretty one, but they are rare, most are indifferent, few are ugly. Mostly they do what they say on the tin!
I've met one or two ugly peni in my time, and two really attractive ones. the rest, again, are indifferent.
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows Posted Aug 18, 2008
'...the rest, again, are indifferent'.
Reminds me of the little boy who, in class one day, asked, 'Please Miss, what does 'indifferent' mean'.
Ooh! That's quite a difficult oine, Johnny. Where've you heard it used?'
Well I couldn't sleep last night and Mummy and Daddy were making a lot of noise. Then I overheard Mummy moan and say,
'Ooh, that feels lovely. I think you must have it in diferent.'
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Aug 18, 2008
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
AYEBEE PW - RIP TERRI Posted Aug 19, 2008
2 legs.. i think you might have problem with yer waterworks. i'd get that checked if i were you. or try applying a jubilee clip when going in to read hootoo entries..
just a thort
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Aug 19, 2008
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows Posted Aug 19, 2008
My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune Posted Aug 19, 2008
dont hide from 2leg's incontinence! If the rest of us have to put up with him and his lax pelvic floor then so do you!
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My penis and I - what do women think of penises?
- 9981: AYEBEE PW - RIP TERRI (Aug 18, 2008)
- 9982: BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows (Aug 18, 2008)
- 9983: Researcher 815350 (Aug 18, 2008)
- 9984: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Aug 18, 2008)
- 9985: BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows (Aug 18, 2008)
- 9986: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Aug 18, 2008)
- 9987: BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows (Aug 18, 2008)
- 9988: Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune (Aug 18, 2008)
- 9989: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Aug 18, 2008)
- 9990: AYEBEE PW - RIP TERRI (Aug 18, 2008)
- 9991: Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune (Aug 18, 2008)
- 9992: Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune (Aug 18, 2008)
- 9993: AYEBEE PW - RIP TERRI (Aug 18, 2008)
- 9994: Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune (Aug 18, 2008)
- 9995: BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows (Aug 18, 2008)
- 9996: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Aug 18, 2008)
- 9997: AYEBEE PW - RIP TERRI (Aug 19, 2008)
- 9998: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Aug 19, 2008)
- 9999: BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows (Aug 19, 2008)
- 10000: Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune (Aug 19, 2008)
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