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My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9421

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Why is there no smiley?

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9422

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

hey 2 legs, steady on there smiley - rofl

so what was wrong with the one you did'ent like, ah ha got it ....it spoke to you, thats it............it sung in a high falsetto.... "oh for the wing of a dove" smiley - rofl

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9423

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

In fairness I think I would have been both impressed and somewhat charmed...

Nono, it was very odd. Quite a few different angles, sort of deformed... Quite distinctly different!! I wasnt directly involved so it was ok smiley - smiley

Generally speaking they are all fascinating in different ways, and I find they all have character and characteristics that make them interesting. I tend to have a fondness for them once I get to know them, it's funny, it often weirds out the blokes they are attached to. Why is that? I do make sure I dont ignore them for the sake of their appendages!

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9424

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - smiley coolio smiley - smiley I'm impressed, so then some willies DO have "stealth tecnoloigy" due inpart to the "different angles"

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9425

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Hahahaa! probably yes!

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9426

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - biggrin ps saturday seems to be all good tinker smiley - biggrin

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9427

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Awesome! Well, shall I ring you when I get home from riding? (smiley - pony riding, naughty people!) probably around half twelve smiley - smiley

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9428

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - biggrin ok!
smiley - smiley

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9429

Researcher 815350

>>> I dont find testing how 'chewy' it is tends to make friends or influence people... <<<

What is it about women, why do they feel the need to be gentle?

( I'm not into the pain thing, and being put in the position of saying I don't like it, makes me feel like I've just caused great upset. But usually it's the ones that claim to be good at it, they're the worst at it. But I know it's just going to annoy me. )

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9430

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Well, some guys are INCREDIBLY sensitive, like, too much pressure with the tongue is uncomfortable... So rather than cause upset, I find it best to start off gentle and keep communicating! Some people are shyer than others about sayig what they do or dont like, I like to play explorey games... Keep it quite fun but it means you can try different areas and steps without it being too 'serious' and anyone getting embarrassed for saying no (less chance for people to feel they've done the wrong thing)... And play with different pressures and such. Some guys I've known have liked a little carefully applied tooth action too... But you can never assume!

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9431


I would agree with that, each person is different so best to play around and experiment as to what feels good which lets face it is all good fun anyhowsmiley - winkeye

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9432

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

teeth action... smiley - blushsmiley - whistlesmiley - ermsmiley - tongueincheek

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9433


i assume we are talking nibbling / grazing rather then chewing
smiley - biggrin

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9434

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Pretending it's a pepperami is NOT something I have in my Good Idea book!

Yes, scratching/grazing, sometimes a little squeeze... smiley - winkeye

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9435


Sounds about right really, in my experience just taking a bit of time and taking note of what seems to work generally gets the required result!!
smiley - winkeye

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9436

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - bigeyes yep... soudns about right smiley - ermsmiley - tongueincheek

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9437

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

pepperami sounds good to me! smiley - laugh

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9438

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Morning Rev smiley - winkeye

So, what do men think of penises?

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9439

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - bigeyes They're great smiley - erm but I would say that smiley - runsmiley - tongueincheeksmiley - snorksmiley - footinmouth

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9440

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

err well, as you know i wish mine had his over coat back, but I can't so yeah overall i like mine and it has it's own name toosmiley - smiley

also i'm not telling his name to anyonesmiley - tongueout

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My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

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