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What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3301

Mol - on the new tablet

DH has taken the girls to see it tonight smiley - envy. The lad at Waterstones this afternoon said he thought it was the best HP film.


What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3302

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Saw HP5 today.

Disappointed it was so condensed, but it had to be - no other way around that conundrum - even so, I left feeling that some of the subtleties of the plot and overarching narrative were so lightly touched upon as to be 'blink and you'll miss them' (the le strange - Black familial relation, The D.A etc., Kreacher's treachery being absent all together) to name but a few. I also really missed Voldemort's chilling: "If death is nothing Dumbledore, then kill the boy" I was looking forward to seeing that on screen. smiley - blue

Without it, I felt Voldemort's motivation wasn't really evident, given this business with the prophecy and all. (Oh which reminds me does Sybill Trelawny making the prophecy regarding Harry/Neville and Voldemort appear in book 5 or 6?) I felt myself wondering why they lost of all of those bits but kept Grawp and Hagrid - surely the most superfluous part in both the book and the film?

Despite all these things I really enjoyed it. smiley - popcorn

Think I'll stick to re-reading the book however. smiley - book

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3303

Sho - employed again!

I was also disappointed they didn't reveal the prophecy and the connection (because of it) between Harry and Neville. (loved Neville in this one though - although again, it would have pleased me more if they had reinforced the message of what actually happened to his parents - especially given the relish with which Snape told Harry how Voldemort liked to torture people)

but still smiley - ok I loved it
and I am still in lurve smiley - loveblush with Sirius Black.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3304

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

>>it would have pleased me more if they had reinforced the message of what actually happened to his parents - especially given the relish with which Snape told Harry how Voldemort liked to torture people<<

I agree absolutely: all the points like that, which you feel they ought to reinforce were sort of name-checked and then gone. I guess what I'm saying is the film felt sort of unequal because of that and moving at such a rapid pace. It ends up undermining the point of the story in a strange way, because it isn't setting out clearly in advance of the next two what is supposedly so blessedly important. And not that any of this makes it a bad movie just oddly unbalanced. smiley - erm

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3305

Sho - employed again!

probably it would help if we hadn't read the books?

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3306

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I suspect that is the root cause of my disappointment; as a film it works perfectly satisfactorily, indeed I may have bee a bit harsh before since on reflection Lucius Malfoy does mention 'the prophecy' but doesn't elaborate what it means, so really the only source of my feeling must be the disconnect however mild between the novel and the film.

I wonder if the next two films will, necessarily, follow a similar pattern of diminishing returns?

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3307

Sho - employed again!

given the size of book 6 (and probably book 7) it is inevitable I suppose
I want to see the film again now, in a more relaxed frame of mind

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3308

Steve K.

My wife got a kick out of a recent "Dr. Who" episode. The topic of witches comes up, "like in Harry Potter?" The Dr. says, "Oh, Harry Potter, I loved the seventh book. I cried ..."
smiley - tardis

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3309

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

To all those mentioning the Harry Potter film: it's based on a childrens' book so I would imagine it's a childrens' film. Adults shouldn't be judging it except by the look on their kids' faces.

I watched 'Zodiac' tonight: a tad self consciously dark but ultimately gripping. Recommended.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3310


Well I saw the ultimate in highbrow entertainment at the weekend.


Never had the things as a child (too old) but I like to be entertained by such silliness so there we go.

It was a result. Eyepopping special effects - the best I've ever seen in fact (until the next time obviously) - and great action sequences. It was a little Scooby-doo-ish at times but on the whole it has a great sense of humour and never takes itself too seriously.
Great fun - really a kids film but - so whut?!

All hail the Megatron! smiley - monster

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3311


Watched "The Island" at the weekend. Good film with interesting ideas on organ donation (touching on some current threads in Ask at the moment). Excellent special effects.

I loved the scene where Ewan Macgregor meets Ewan Macgregor smiley - laugh

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3312


Yes, the Island is good, that's about the only Michael Bay film (other than possibly The Rock) that I've got any time for - until Transformers anyway.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3313


Found HP5 very dis-satisfying.

The different director's influence is very noticable, and it jars - it doesn't seem like the next in a series. I miss the Williams music.

When did Petunia Dursley start dressing like a tart?

Would have to think twice about buying it on DVD.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3314


Just got back from Hairspray.

It was probably the most fun film I've ever seen, incredibly enjoyable, with some great songs and dance routines.

For a lightweight bit of fluff it had some very powerful moments, and the disturbing sight of John Travolta slow dancing with Christoper Walken.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3315

A Super Furry Animal

I watched The Machinist the other night on DVD. Quite an odd film...it only really coalesces in the last 10 minutes, and its sense of disconnectedness, whilst purposeful, leaves you...disconnected.

Somewhat interesting, but not a film I'd really recommend to anyone.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3316

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

The Simpsons.

Took the teenager, and if Transformers had been the same length, would have snook in to see that, but as there was 57 min time difference I couldn't get away with it. smiley - sadface

That said, Simpsons wasn't bad. Loved the (adult joke) moment when Homer & the pig are on the couch watching the TV, Homer says "Shall we kiss to relieve the tension?" and Marge walks in and demands "What's going on here"?

smiley - rofl

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3317


Yup I really enjoyed The Simpsons too!

I think everyone's singing Spiderpig now, maybe they should release it as a single smiley - smiley

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3318

Researcher 188007

Saw HP5 on Saturday, at the late showing. Kids were conspicuously absent. HP books and films are meant for all the family, I reckon. Anyway, there were good things, such as Umbridge, Luna and Tonks (because she was cute). There were bad things, such as size mismatches due to increased age (e.g. Neville being huge), fumbled handling of the prophecy and Bellatrix Lestrange (because she was cute). To sum up, it caught the essence of the book and was worth watching, maybe twice.

A film that really informs the book is Perfume, about an amoral, scentless man born with a superhuman sense of smell. The two compliment each other really well. The atmosphere while I was reading the book (candles and incense, listening to In Utero track 2 a lotsmiley - winkeye) was augmented by the film's atmosphere, mainly conveyed using music. Ben Whishaw as the lead character was excellent, though a little too handsome for the part, not that I objected too much.

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3319

Thatprat - With a new head/wall interface mechanism

The Simpsons.

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Bit that made me laugh :

Homer "I'll let you hold the Bomb"

Bart "The man knows me too well"

What Films have you seen recently?

Post 3320


The Da Vinci Code

After all the slatings, I was pleasantly surprised by this. Abysmal dialogue, frequent unnecessary explanation of the blatantly obvious, lots of unbelievable situations, but a good yarn nonetheless. Or perhaps I just enjoyed 2.5 hours of Audrey Tautou.

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