A Conversation for Ask h2g2

**Would You Like Your Personal Space Linked To From The Front Page?**

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

Dear all,

As part of our humble efforts to get folk to use the front page more - oldies and newbies - and to drive more traffic through it, you may have noticed that we've got a higher turnover of stuff appearing on it each day. We're trying to feature more entries, more clubs and projects and we thought me might also occasionally feature people's Personal Spaces as well.

What do you think about that? We'd call it *Spotlight On You* or something like that. We could feature all sorts of people and for different reasons: great contributors, those whose pages make imaginative use of GuideML, 'dead spaces' we hope to kick-start again. What do you think? It's just an idea.

If your Personal Space was suddenly featured in a wee link from the front page how would you feel?

All those in favour say 'aye' and skip to here:

Over and out smiley - cheers

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

I don't really know. I guess I love the idea as long as it's not my PS that is featured. smiley - biggrin

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

As my <./>ACE</.> greeting encourages newbies to view my Personal Space, I can't see any difference in others having a gander in there too smiley - biggrin

lil xx
smiley - magic

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 4

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

I wouldn't mind, but I'd need to add some more bits to it first smiley - winkeye

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 5


I often feel like no one looks at my PS. I went through 2006 without anyone leaving a message on my PS...

So, it seems a good idea to me. Someone might notice my for a change.


**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

>>As my ACE greeting encourages newbies to view my Personal Space, I can't see any difference in others having a gander in there too<<

That's exactly what I was thinking of, lil. I'm drowning in messages I can't get rid of already, I don't think I could take any more.

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 7

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I don't think 'Everyone' will be writing to us.. I think they will just read and think... "smiley - bleepin' nutters!" ... Oh! They do that already, I forgot! smiley - doh

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 8

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Hmmm... I would be flattered of course... but this thread made me think also of less nice things being written. Can you send only the nice people over? smiley - smiley

smiley - towel

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 9

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes, maybe you're right, don't know. It's just that so many people never grasp what exactly they're doing, so the leave me a new mwssage for every new question they have. it's nearly impossible to find an older message if I search for something specific. If we could remove superfluous messages, that would be different.

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 10

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*waves to Geggs* I noticed you sweetheart smiley - hug

Did you have a nice Buffday? smiley - biggrin

B'Elana, if you are talking about the usual suspects, I'm sure the nice people in the Tower will watch out for that sort of behaviour smiley - hug

lil xx
smiley - magic

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 11

Deep Doo Doo


Visitors? smiley - yikes Please don't pick me:

1) I'm not very interesting.

2) The thought of visitors arriving would have me running around my PS tidying up the GuideML - a bit like you do with the house before the cleaner arrives.

3) The Jaffa cakes are mine, all mine, and I'm not sharing them.

4) I'd have to get fully dressed. Most days I like to sit here in my pants. smiley - blush

5) I don't like people and I certainly don't want any double glazing.

So, bad idea as far as I'm concerned. A link to anyone elses personal space would be just fine though - I love a good nosey! smiley - tongueout

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 12

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Can I then suggest to the Editors that a hide functionality for the messages, in style of the journals be implemented? smiley - smiley

smiley - towel

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 13


Ok I'll come out with my hands-up. I'll be the first to admit that in my oooh nearly 8 years of being on this site I have rarely viewed the Front Page. I mainly stick to my own space and the conversations of people I am subscribed to. When I log on to H2G2 I log straight into my own personal space.

In more recent times I have broken out into the world of blogs and when you guys announced an RSS feed for new entries I subscribed to them and now I am looking at these entries quite regularly. Other than that I wouldn't have a clue about what is going on on the Front Page.

What I have also noticed in the world of blogging is that many companies and webmasters have set up a blog to discuss what is happening on their site. It's a nice, friendly way of communicating to the community, telling people what's going on, and getting a communication going with users and subscribers.

Why not set up something similar here on H2G2? Why not set up a H2G2 blog? A forum where you talk to us on a daily / weekly / regular basis about what's happening on the Front Page along with anything else you would like to call our attention to? People can subscribe to it and discuss it just like they would any normal conversation. Even better, you could attach an RSS feed to it so that external bloggers can see what you are writing about too. I think that would be kind-of cool. I'm suggesting doing this all within H2G2 by the way - not using an external blogging system. H2G2 already has everything you need, I think.

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 14

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Could be good.

I am a shameless attention seeker so put me on the list! smiley - biggrin.

I have noticed the front page has seemed better recently. Keep up the good work!

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 15


I hardly ever go to the front page. in fact the only times i do are when i log on on someone elses computer.

i quite like the idea of people visiting my space!

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 16

aka Bel - A87832164

You know, it only just occurred rto me: we had something similar, when we still had the list with the five busiest conversations on the FP. And we had a list of the 20 people who posted most on the info page. These features have gone.

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 17

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Yes, I'd only just found them.. and they were taken away! smiley - erm

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 18

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

I think its afantastic idea.Letting people gander at the madness and insaneness and fabulous guide entrys.

Note:I may soon be deleting everything on my PS so i cant be featured.

**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 19

Mu Beta

My gut instinct is that it's not a great idea. There are lots of fascinating people on this site with really dull PSs. And vice versa.


**FRONT PAGE: Your opinion please!**

Post 20

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes, and there are dull people with dull PSs smiley - tongueout

smiley - run

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