A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Interracial Breeding
Loup Dargent Posted Apr 27, 2003
if God had wanted us to talk to ignorants he would have provided us with some racists... oh he did didn't he?!...
Interracial Breeding
Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... Posted Apr 27, 2003
How many Hippies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Interracial Breeding
Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... Posted Apr 27, 2003
Interracial Breeding
Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... Posted Apr 27, 2003
Well, it has been a slice. However, I must rest my Hippie-head. Sweet dreams to all my Hippie pals and may they all be psychedelic.....
Interracial Breeding
Hoovooloo Posted Apr 27, 2003
Ah, PYT, you should have stayed ambiguous. Nice people that we are here, we were mostly prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt. Now you've come back and removed any possibility of defending you.
Better to keep quiet and let people THINK you're an uneducated bigotted fundamentalist religious racist moron, than to start typing here again and remove any doubt. Well, too late for that.
So, onto what you actually said:
"if God made us all different colours with different brain sizes and different physical abilitys then why dont you think he had in mind that we would stay that way?"
Is anyone else now forming a mental picture of PYT as a fat, sweaty Texan sitting in a pair of tatty jeans and a white vest, scratching his knackers as he types on the PC installed in the end of his trailer? Or perhaps a skinny fifteen year old who's watched too much "South Park" and thinks it's a documentary? Or is that just me?
OK, boy, you're bringing God into it.
First, where does it say God made us all different colours? Last I read my Bible, God made Adam, and Eve. He pretty much had to make them ONE colour each. So if you're going to get theological on my ass, I'm gonna point out that God made us ONE colour, and we all just kinda got different coloured from living in different places - you know, suntans for folks where it's sunny, big lungs where the air's thin, different circulatory system where it's cold. But like I say, now we've got fancy toys like sunblock and air conditioning, we don't need all that stuff.
Oh, and you'll remember as well that God got p**sed and killed everyone on the planet except Noah and his family. That's reducing a world population back to FOUR breeding pairs of related humans, less than four thousand years ago.
Sounds to me like God was pretty clear - he created ONE colour of people, and he killed everyone on earth who wasn't related to Noah (an Arab). It's VERY clear he wanted ONE colour of people on this planet, NOT the loads of different ones we've got. Don't you think, as a good religious boy, you should be doing God's will and be out looking for a nice Arab girl to marry?
"if he wanted a mixed up looking brown white yellow black man why didnt he make it that way in the first place?"
Well, like I say, see Genesis. He DID make us that way in the first place. That's where we all came from, right? Adam begat Cain and Abel, and they begat, blah blah blah.
But wait - if God wanted a race of people who all looked alike, why did he create DNA? Why make it possible for people to adapt to their environment, by getting with each generation successively darker skinned, or big lunged, or whatever?
Hmm. Now it looks like God actually wanted people to be all different. Oh, isn't religion confusing?
I suggest you ask your pastor about it, if you're really serious about bringing God into this.
If you're not, you are of course always free to f**k off and die.
Interracial Breeding
Clio, Dentonite, Libtech, Procrastinator and HNM Posted Apr 27, 2003
I just wanted to send out congrats to all the intelligent, level headed people on this thread, I just finished reading it and I just wanted to add that many of the "mixed breeds" I've seen are physically quite good looking and not short in the brains department either. I will cite as my main example Jessica Alba from the show "Dark Angel" The producers chose her for her mixed good looks to represent a mixed future America. As has been posted already, the scientific evidence is definitely not against having children with mixed backgrounds. It is instead for it. People who claim it's part of their religion aren't paying attention and just use any argument to prevent them from having to think for themselves.
and all anound (even PYT if he/she will eat with us "mutts" (if I may borrow warrior ranger's word [i myself am english, irish, scottish, spanish and french])
Interracial Breeding
chaiwallah Posted Apr 27, 2003
Good Morning to all hippies, ex-hippies, ageing hippies and other fortunate survivors of the glorious sixties. Being so new to hootoo, the uncertain charms of PYT came as a bit of a shock. It surprises me that those who monitor our community have not managed to block PYT's offensive stupidity.
In the meantime, good morning Azahar, and my deepest apologies if it seemed I was reproving you for your perfectly reasonable reactions. Actually I see I was probably using your entry as a way of introducing a new element into the thread. Can't somehow see PYT as a Tonglen practitioner.
I too was sexually and physically abused between the ages of 8 and 12. Indeed, as beating children is now rightly considered physical abuse, mine actually started in infancy. And the miracle is that I too have somehow been blessed with the capacity to love and be loved. It appears, from research and reading I did during some years of therapy (NLP) that only a small percentage of the abused become abusers in their turn. The majority become carers, cause-supporters, and hyper-achievers, amongst other "compensatory mechanisms." We need a new thread on the topic, perhaps we could enter the discussion following "The Dichotomous Thought Patterns of Abuse Survivors".
Maybe this is not strictly relevant to the racism thread. Then again , maybe it is. Maybe the likes of PYT are abuse victims.
Anyway, dear Azahar, my own anger was so deeply buried that it was not until my youngest son reached the age of 8, the age at which my own sexual abuse began, that the buried emotions began to surface. I had never forgotten any of it, it was not a "recovered memory", but even so, the effect of the emotional re-connection was cataclysmic. And yet it was only when I thought of my son being subject to similar abuse that I could connect to the anger appropriately targeting my own abuser. ( And I still find it easier to feel anger on behalf of, say, Tibetans, than on my own behalf.) But enough on abuse for now. Let us pick up that thread elsewhere.
And hello, Mudhooks. You'll be asleep as I write this, but there are some slightly confused details in entry 180, concerning assorted Tibetan lamas. The young Karmapa who escaped from Tibet in 2000 is the XVIIth, and he is ensconced in Northern India, not far from Dharmsala. I met him in Sarnath in 2001. The Chinese, as far as I know, have not attempted to install a substitute for him in Tibet.( Tibet Support, of which I am the Irish rep would certainly have heard of such a move.) But, despite the fact that he has been officially "recognised" by HH the Dalai Lama, his title is disputed by a rival Karmapa candidate under the auspices of a dissenting Kagyu group.
The Chinese have indeed imposed a substitute for the young 11th Panchen Lama. The original, Gendun Choekyi Nyima having been kidnapped by the Chinese authorities after his recognition by the Dalai Lama in 1996. He is generally recognised as the world's youngest political prisoner. G C Nyima's whereabouts are still unknown. The Chinese puppet is used sporadically to mouth Chinese propaganda concerning "patriotic Buddhism."
China's abusive treatment of Tibet is an ironic link between racism and abuse, on a national scale of institutionalised horror.
Interracial Breeding
Researcher 220282 Posted Apr 27, 2003
well said (except the last sentence I dont think troll baiting has any effect)
my the intermix of gene pools, dna etc.. call it what ever you want can only aid human evolution.
If we subscribe to PYT views what next? everybody stays within their own borders ....I think not ! ..I'm not giving up the wonderful diversity of foods and cultures
your mental picture brings a thought to mind (if texas is right)where would PYT have to go 'back' to? the mind boggles
Interracial Breeding
chaiwallah Posted Apr 27, 2003
PS. For those interested, the young 11th.Panchen Lama, Gendun Choekyi Nyima was 14 yesterday ( if he is still alive ) and has spent the last seven years in captivity.
Interracial Breeding
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Apr 27, 2003
(Barefoot bookmarking - I guess that makes me some kind of hippie too, eh? Not sure about the percentage of mutt though - haven't done any genealocial research)
Interracial Breeding
Noggin the Nog Posted Apr 27, 2003
Nice to see that PYT is in a minority of one here. Maybe he'll just have to try breeding with himself. He already comes across as a complete ******.
Interracial Breeding
chaiwallah Posted Apr 27, 2003
And presumably, if, along with Hoovooloo, we agree to drag God into it, presumably S/He wants complete ******'s like PYT in here too, the minority-of-one grain of sand which inspires the hootoo oyster to produce a pearl of wisdom!!!
Interracial Breeding
azahar Posted Apr 27, 2003
Unfortunately, PYT is only a minority of one on this thread (being one of the rare examples of his/her/its sort that can read and write). It turns out that the PYT's of this world are out there breeding like . . . ick, just got a really nasty image of Hoovooloo's Texan naked! Must go have a
Interracial Breeding
chaiwallah Posted Apr 27, 2003
Dear Azahar,
I suspect that PYT is young, adolescent, male, and thinks crassness is equivalent to maleness in some primeval jungly sort of head-butting, horn-clashing, dick-flashing, macho atavistic way.
Don't you think the mystery of unbounded being is that all diversity is equally supported in its balance of duality/opposites. Like the Zen master and the disciple who tried to shock him out of his blissfullness by showing him the horrors of the world, specifically a dead dog's rotting corpse. ( I'm sure you know this story.) The Zen master saw the corpse and said, "What beautiful teeth." It always seemed to me he should have said, "What perfect decay!"
From the point of view of the unity of unbounded being, one should be able to say of PYT, " what perfect racism/ crassness, macho stupidity etc." Which would not preclude us from thinking, on the level of relative diversity, "What a total ***hole!" and continuing to act to reduce racism.
Interracial Breeding
azahar Posted Apr 27, 2003
hmmmmm . . . crass adolescent flashing dick is only slightly less unattractive then naked Texan . . .
For proper balance of duality I think your last line should have read 'what a PERFECT a**hole!'
Interracial Breeding
chaiwallah Posted Apr 27, 2003
Ah yes, dear Azahar, how right you are. But then, as James Stephens wrote in "The Crock of Gold,":
"Perfection is finality,
Finality is Death,
Nothing is perfect, there are lumps in it," said the Philosopher, considering his porridge.
Hypatia, hello, I am an admirer of your poetry, and in scanning around find you have a sore throat. Have you tried hot lemon, honey, with ginger and rum added? Or you could try, if you're feeling tough, whiskey and garlic!
Key: Complain about this post
Interracial Breeding
- 221: abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein (Apr 27, 2003)
- 222: Loup Dargent (Apr 27, 2003)
- 223: Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... (Apr 27, 2003)
- 224: Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... (Apr 27, 2003)
- 225: Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest... (Apr 27, 2003)
- 226: Hoovooloo (Apr 27, 2003)
- 227: Clio, Dentonite, Libtech, Procrastinator and HNM (Apr 27, 2003)
- 228: Sho - employed again! (Apr 27, 2003)
- 229: chaiwallah (Apr 27, 2003)
- 230: Researcher 220282 (Apr 27, 2003)
- 231: chaiwallah (Apr 27, 2003)
- 232: Titania (gone for lunch) (Apr 27, 2003)
- 233: Noggin the Nog (Apr 27, 2003)
- 234: chaiwallah (Apr 27, 2003)
- 235: azahar (Apr 27, 2003)
- 236: chaiwallah (Apr 27, 2003)
- 237: Hypatia (Apr 27, 2003)
- 238: azahar (Apr 27, 2003)
- 239: chaiwallah (Apr 27, 2003)
- 240: Teasswill (Apr 27, 2003)
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