A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Petty hates

Post 6021


Banks constantly phoning you.....if i want to speak to them i will go into my local branch and speak to someone face to face!! smiley - steam

Petty hates

Post 6022


Computer generated Telesales. When you pick up, you either hear nothing, or you hear a prerecorded sales message....smiley - grr

smiley - sadface
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 6023

Bright Blue Shorts

I finally got around to signing up to the TFS a few weeks ago ... your mention reminded me that I haven't been getting any of those calls recently ... hurrah!

Petty hates

Post 6024


Predictive tuxt. I don't know why i use ti

Petty hates

Post 6025

Bright Blue Shorts

Leaflets for businesses which only have mobile phone numbers on them. What sort of legitimacy do they think that gives them in my mind? What makes them think I want to pay 25p per minute to call them?

Petty hates

Post 6026

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

When people say "I want to talk to you reference such-and-such..."

NO!! You can talk to someone regarding such-and-such (which is what they mean because they think they're being clever and de-abbreviating the RE: you get on emails) or with reference to such-and-such. But never just reference such-and-such.

Petty hates

Post 6027

Cheerful Dragon

I agree with you, Mr D. And what's wrong with "I want to talk to you *about* such-and-such". It's what we've said for years. Why do people try to be clever, especially when they just end up sounding stupid?

Petty hates

Post 6028

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

It's like when people say "I'll ping you about it"... it's got so bad that even people who know what a ping actually is say it!

Petty hates

Post 6029

Malabarista - now with added pony

Only one friend of mine could get away with that, and it's because she's *named* Ping smiley - winkeye

Petty hates

Post 6030

Bright Blue Shorts

"NO!! You can talk to someone regarding such-and-such (which is what they mean because they think they're being clever and de-abbreviating the RE: you get on emails) or with reference to such-and-such. But never just reference such-and-such."

Are you sure they're de-abbreviating email RE: ... I seem to recall people saying "I need to talk to you referring to such and such" in pre-email days ... that gives you ref ... which could expand back out to reference ...

Petty hates

Post 6031

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Yes, but that's still grammatically correct and I only hear it from people who try to be clever and use computery terms as buzz words.

Petty hates

Post 6032

Anna Siren- the heathen of the deep, according to iTunes...

What the hell does ping mean?

Petty hates

Post 6033

Bright Blue Shorts

"What the hell does ping mean?"

It's a command used in computer networks to find out whether another computer exists. You type "PING" and it sends a signal to that IP address and hopefully gets an acknowledgement back.

Petty hates

Post 6034

Yvonne aka india

From my limited knowledge (and spending too much time round my other half while he's building networks), a Ping is checking to see whether someone's machine is able to be contacted. Computer A sends a packet of data to computer B, and when B receives the packet, it sends an acknowledgement back to computer A.
A: "Are you in?"
B: "Yes, I am."

Petty hates

Post 6035

Pink Paisley

Also reports on speed / quality of message I believe.


Petty hates

Post 6036

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

The problem is though is that people use it incorrectly... "I'll ping you about that issue later"; "I'll just ping that off to head office" and it bugs me. In a really petty way.

Petty hates

Post 6037


I believe that it is the equivalent of a 'handshake' in fax machine parlance.....

smiley - smiley
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 6038

Yvonne aka india

That's all the noisy gurgling and twanging sounds that my modem makes, isn't it?

Petty hates

Post 6039


Thats right!!!

smiley - biggrin
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 6040

Bright Blue Shorts

Ping are also a maker of golf equipment ... smiley - smiley

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