A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Petty hates

Post 5981


Petty hate of the day.....

People who think that the death of a loon is important....

smiley - grr
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 5982


There was someone in our building this morning crying.

Apparently there was a rumour Jeff Goldblum was also dead - that might bring me close to tears...

Petty hates

Post 5983

The Groob

Books with 'cryptic' chapter headings that don't really summarise what the chapter is about (It's useful to have precise chapter headings if you're doing a speed-ready type approach and want to quickly get the gist of what it's about.)

For example, the chapter in, say, a psychology book is about relationships at work, but the chapter's given a silly title such as, "Thank god it's Friday!" which doesn't really tell you very much at all.

Petty hates

Post 5984

You can call me TC

How about this for petty. The radio programme Broadcasting House, which I have listened to via podcast since I discovered it about a year ago, has changed the name of the file to BH 21/06/2009. All the other programmes seem to be keeping the more sensible format of 20090621. Listeners have already pointed this out, so they may change it back.

Petty hates

Post 5985

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

a long series of books tv or radio where they all or some of the characters die at the end, this is just lazy writing

Petty hates

Post 5986

loonycat - run out of fizz

Going onto a website you like and finding an advert for something you really don't smiley - sigh

Petty hates

Post 5987


Time for a rant. I had to go to the smiley - doctor yesteday with my better half. Sensible me signs the scrip waiting room. We get to the pharmacy which is next door to the Health Centre, only to find a queue of loons, waiting in line to sign the scripa at the counter........Wallies all!!

smiley - grr
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 5988

Anna Siren- the heathen of the deep, according to iTunes...

where i work. i wish people would see that it has so much more potential than we give it right now. but dammit i'm new so what the hell can i do? god i dislike my boss.

Petty hates

Post 5989


Sounds like a place I used to work at, AnnaElena.

We were a manufacturing company, and the MD would rather rely on 'word of mouth' to do his selling for him. Too tight to shell out for a salesman.......

Yes, you are right, the company went down the pan..........

smiley - erm
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 5990

Anna Siren- the heathen of the deep, according to iTunes...


We’re trying to raise cash etc for the station (it’s all voluntary, we aren’t paid)... we also need more volunteers... neither seems to be forthcoming right now. There’s no one to have a word if you’re late. Likewise, no one to do the same if you don’t turn up [well, I hope not- I didn’t go in today!].

As far as a source of mine is concerned, the boss seems to not give a damn. Others say he takes it too seriously. Put it this way, we are not a national station- but we still wanna keep things smooth if that makes sense.

Jesus I don't know. I get shot down when I go to the boss with ideas so my mind says WTF is the point?

I want broadcasting to be a career, and the place I’m in suits me a lot but sometimes I feel like there’s no point if presenters and co presenters aren’t communicated with (ie. told of schedule changes etc... all hell broke loose last night when I was coming off shift...)

And if I don't speak up how the hell will I get anywhere? How the hell doesa anyone get ANYTHING done in work circumstances if they don't speak up when they have an idea/need to/whatever?


Petty hates

Post 5991


Drivers who drive too fast in really very extremely heavy rain. I was already pretty wet coming home from walking the dog but 3 cars in a row drove through a HUGE puddle and splashed me - and we're talking RIGHT OVER MY HEAD here. Now the first car, ok, but the second and third cars should have noticed the tidal wave caused by the first car and eased off the accelerator a bit smiley - grr.

When I got home I had to wring out my underwear!

Deb smiley - cheerup

Petty hates

Post 5992


In UK, Deb??

It is called 'Inconsiderate driving' and is a motoring offence. You should have taken their index numbers...

I have lost count of the number of times that that has happened to me, and yes, it is very annoying, especially when you are on the way to an interview, wearing your best sut, which is wool, and 'dry clean only'
smiley - grr
smiley - wah
smiley - wizard

(No, I didn't get the job!)

Petty hates

Post 5993


Those small knobbly paving stones they put in front of pedestrian crossings , what exactly are they for ? and somebody has made a mint out of producing them . They have some outside asda in the car park , pushing your trolley over them is like using a pnumatic drill , da*n near broke a bottle of gordons smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - yikes

Petty hates

Post 5994


They're for blind people to warn them of things like pedestrian crossings and car parks.

Petty hates

Post 5995

Malabarista - now with added pony

As far as I know, their purpose is to alert people with visual impairments to where the crossing is...

Petty hates

Post 5996


And I will third that!!

They are there for the blind/visually impaired. Ask minismiley - mouse

smiley - smiley
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 5997

Bright Blue Shorts

I guess blind people drink bottles of gin too ... so it must be just as much of an inconvenience to them as well ... smiley - winkeye

Petty hates

Post 5998


You drink Gin by the bottle, BBS??

No wonder you trip over the dimples!!!!

smiley - rofl
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 5999


RE post 5993

>>Those small knobbly paving stones they put in front of pedestrian crossings , what exactly are they for ? and somebody has made a mint out of producing them . They have some outside asda in the car park , pushing your trolley over them is like using a pnumatic drill , da*n near broke a bottle of gordons<<

Well seems like blister tiles do actually help the visually impared quite a bit . [ minismiley - mouse told me ] So please ignore post 5993 , packing my gin so it doesn't get jostled is a small price to pay .

However ive got another one smiley - erm Scotts porridge oats boxes . I have not once , succesfully opened the silly little flap you are supposed to poor the oats out of on the side of the box ....ever smiley - smiley

Petty hates

Post 6000


Congratulations on your humility TMBaby
It takes a lot to admit you were wrong......

smiley - cuddle
smiley - wizard

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