A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Petty hates

Post 5941

Sho - employed again!

I take care, for that reason, only to camp where dogs are not welcome. smiley - grr

Similarly, I hate the farmers who drive up and down with their trailers full of stinky silage, dropping it all over the road outside my house and not clearing it up afterwards. Similarly the idiot girls who yesterday allowed their horses to poop on my pavement. (mind you, since I'm not embarassed by such things, I called them back and made them clean it away)

Petty hates

Post 5942

You can call me TC

On TV, DVD's and languages - it's SOOOOOOOOOOO disconcerting when an actor is dubbed (for German TV) by two different people. I loved Northern Exposure, where Rob Morrow's German voice was more like his own voice. The voice of the person who dubs him in "Numbers" is so different, I can't watch it, it niggles me. Also Andy Garcia is dubbed by a variety of voices, which makes it hard to concentrate on a film on TV. There are probably lots of other examples, especially of people who have had long film careers.

So if I really want to watch any of these, I have to wait till the DVD comes out and watch it all with the original soundtracks.

Petty hates

Post 5943

The Groob

I don't know the name of it and know there is one, but until recently on the BBC news site you used to be able to hover your cursor over a photo and see the name of the person. They've stopped doing it recently.

Petty hates

Post 5944

Malabarista - now with added pony

Odd - that's in the alt text, which usually shows as a tooltip. Have you changed/updated your browser recently? It doesn't always work in Opera, for example.

Petty hates

Post 5945

Malabarista - now with added pony

(Though of course people using alt text for what the title attribute should show is another petty hate...)

Petty hates

Post 5946

The Groob

I tried a couple Mala, but neither would work.

Petty hates

Post 5947


Petty Hate

Gong to bed Knowing that you must be up in the morning for a safety check.........

With no definite appointment time!!!

smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 5948

Pink Paisley

If I knew what that was, I would hate it too.


Petty hates

Post 5949

Pink Paisley


Round the office, they are either empty or filled with the wrong size staples and jammed up. Why do we have to have awkward sized staples? Lets just have small, medium and large.

I have one at home that doesn't have the size written on it so I don't know what to buy.

And networked printers and the photocopier. Both always empty so I need to put paper in when I want to use them. And the printer always spews out somebody else's print when I put paper in, so they KNEW it was empty.

And packs of paper left round. Just put the whole pack in the machine and throw away the wrapper for Christ's sake!

I'm not having a good morning......


Petty hates

Post 5950

skyline stu01 assassin working for the highest bidder

gerkins on my Big mac smiley - yuk

Petty hates

Post 5951


Network printers -- I wholeheartedly agree smiley - ok All the more when all the blank paper left would barely suffice for my own stuff.

So now I switch off the printer first, and restart it, send my stuff and put the paper afterwards.

Petty hates

Post 5952

Pink Paisley

IT departments (or whatever they are called now) who don't listen and assume that nobody outside their world knows anything.

I asked for a bigger hard disk since a HUGE database that I have was filling up rapidly. At least 160 I said (in order to ensure that the machine was useful until it's replacement date). 120 will do they said. Now it's full and the machine won't run.

I did a simple calculation on a scrap of paper.


Petty hates

Post 5953

Pink Paisley

And here's another thing....

Jeez, I'm going to get a slot on Grumpy Old Men......

I just went to buy strawberries at a local supermarket today, on 23rd June, bang smack in the middle of the English strawberry season and they could only offer strawberries from Holland or the USA (yes, that's the USA 6,000 miles away over the Atlantic ocean).

I told the produce manager what I thought (if I remember rightly, I used the word "outrageous") and he looked at me as though I was stupid and said simply "it's what they send us".

I'm going to have a lay down in a cool dark and quiet room now.


Petty hates

Post 5954

Malabarista - now with added pony

People who use "lay" when they mean "lie" smiley - winkeye

Petty hates

Post 5955

Pink Paisley

Too late. I'm doing it now.


Petty hates

Post 5956

You can call me TC

I'm with you on the people who only load half the packet into the printer. The paper wrappers all end up in my bin because I'm always using up the leftovers.

Similarly, my men (at home) drive me mad because

a) when they do the washing up they only wash up half the stuff.

b) when they empty the bins they only empty half of them (we have 4 compartments in the kitchen bin-container)

If you're going to do something, may as well do it all, I say.

Petty hates

Post 5957

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

"gerkins on my Big mac"

Don't buy big macs then. Problem solved. In fact if everyone followed this advice there would be many many problems solved.smiley - winkeye

Petty hates

Post 5958

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Finding something that makes me think "That's the sort of thing to put in the Petty Hates thread" - then forgetting what it is when I get online.

Oh, Grumpy Old Men - Love it! Geoffrey Palmer is my hero! I want to be on Grumpy Old Men-The Nxxt Generation!! smiley - rofl

Petty hates

Post 5959

Sho - employed again!

I'm beginning to wonder if Mr. Pink-Paisley works in my office since I have the same problem
smiley - grr

Huge petty hate... the idiot who put Kimchi in our work fridge about 2 weeks ago and didn't close the container properly.

Petty hates

Post 5960


When in the RAF, I really hated the engineers who would use the last of a particular type of Thermionic Valve, and not tell anyone, and not order up replacements, so the next time I went to fix a fault, I could not do so, and had to go to the stores myself to get more........smiley - grr

smiley - sadface
smiley - wizard

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