A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Petty hates

Post 5881


I hate being up when there is xxxx all left to drink, whilst mrsgandalfstwin is happily snoring away in the bedroom!!!

(shouldn't this be on 'What to blame 2legs for?'

smiley - erm
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 5882


People who cheat. Especially people who aren't even subtle about it.

I've just got back from paintballing where the rule is that if you're hit, you're out. The opposing team had a number of young lads (age 10 or so) who wouldn't leave the game when they were hit. One of them I personally shot three times in one game and he was still playing! I ended up shouting at him that he was out but he didn't hear me. smiley - grr

Petty hates

Post 5883

The Groob

People who screen YouTube comments on their videos.

For example, someone puts up a video of a "ghost". I add a comment saying that it's almost certainly a blob of water on their camera lens, but they don't publish it. However, they do allow comments that say things like, "OMG!!! ITS A GHOST!!! GHOST'S ARE REEL!!!! OMG!!!!"

Petty hates

Post 5884

Malabarista - now with added pony

Going back to the truly petty hates: pill bugs. They make me aggressive for the mere reason that that's the symbol for the ArchiCAD bug reporter, so seeing one usually means that my computer has crashed *again* without saving my work.

Petty hates - Pill Bugs

Post 5885

Pink Paisley

AKA Woodlice. I was prompted to look up Woodlouse in Wikipedia. There are 40 different types here in the UK? They all look the same to me.


Petty hates - Pill Bugs

Post 5886

loonycat - run out of fizz

Woodlice? *shudder*

Petty hate: having a carp song that keeps popping into your head smiley - grr

Petty hates - Pill Bugs

Post 5887


Petty Hate

Arthritis in your right shoulder when you are right handed!

smiley - sadface
smiley - wizard

Petty hates - Pill Bugs

Post 5888

Pink Paisley


it gets worse.

How do you feel about Earworms?



Petty hates - Pill Bugs

Post 5889

loonycat - run out of fizz

smiley - yikes It can be treated like OCD. I haven't reached that stage yet! smiley - erm

Petty hates - Pill Bugs

Post 5890


>having a carp song that keeps popping into your head<

Always prefer the trout versions myself! smiley - run

PS - the "cure" apparently is to sing it all the way through - not sure what to do if you only know a couple of lines, or the chorus!

Petty hates

Post 5891

Bright Blue Shorts

Many will mention the PH of White Vans ... I think the only thing worse is when you're stuck behind the one that does go slowly, when you're in a hurry ...

Petty hates

Post 5892


Grockle sheds as my grandad used to call them. The bizarre sense of entitlement that caravanners seem to have. Ramblers are the same.

Petty hates

Post 5893

Pink Paisley

Radio ident jingles - particularly where the wavelength is sung.......

"Wonderful Radio Stevenage, 99.9 fm"

Oh. Lovely. I'll go and tune to that!........Oh. I already am!"


Petty hates

Post 5894


All radio station are guilty of that, Mr PP!!!

smiley - biggrin
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 5895

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

I kinda' like those.

smiley - pirate

Petty hates

Post 5896

Bright Blue Shorts

Talking of radio stations ... even though I don't often listen to it ... I'm feeling a little annoyed that my local station 2CR ... (2 Counties Radio - Dorset & Hampshire) ... that has been in existence for a good thirty years ... is being renamed to Heart FM ... having been swallowed up by that empire. Homogeneity ... how dull ...

Petty hates

Post 5897

Anna Siren- the heathen of the deep, according to iTunes...

Talking of radio stations? The one I work at could be going under but I don't know. It sucks. And Heart FM sucks too.

Petty hates

Post 5898

Bright Blue Shorts

One of my regular petty hates ... charity collection sacks ... now got 4 of the buggers sat on the front doorstep awaiting collection ... they're happy to drop them off but they don't come back and get them when they're empty ...

Also the fact that their deliverers walk across my garden to get to my door rather than traipsing up and down the driveway ... smiley - erm

Petty hates

Post 5899


I use them to line my kitchen bin!

And my postman walks up my drive and across the unfenced border to get to next door, and back again, causing my dog to bark hysterically, even when he has no mail for me.

Deb smiley - cheerup

Petty hates

Post 5900

Bright Blue Shorts

Yes ... that's another issue with the delivers/collectors ... the dogs at neighbours houses getting all agitated ... (Deb - at least it's your choice to have a dog - no fingerpointing intended) ... probably wouldn't be so bad but for the trend towards hardwood flooring making houses even echoier ...

Anyway encountered the 5th charity sack man today ... he was a nice bloke and recognised I didn't want another ... reckoned that the whole thing could do with being regulated because there are just too many 'charities' vying for the stuff, and some of the dodgier ones just make donations of only £5,000 per month to their chosen causes ...

Also today ... the Betterware people collected their catalogue ... but in replacement I received junk mail for another takeaway restaurant ...

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