A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Petty hates

Post 5821


I think it reduces the amount of stepping on it by mistake, and the shoe damage if it still happens smiley - shrug

Petty hates

Post 5822


The idea, folks, is to pick it up in your little plastic bag and TAKE IT HOME OR PUT IT IN A GARBAGE BIN!!!!

smiley - smiley
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 5823


Take it home? But it's dirty!

smiley - nahnah

Petty hates

Post 5824


Well find a bin on the way home!!

smiley - biggrin
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 5825

Cheerful Dragon

There are a number of problems with the whole 'performance'. I can understand people not wanting to carry a bag of dog poop around, but it's their dog so that's their problem, IMO. Councils don't want the poop in 'ordinary' bins, but don't provide special poop bins. I only know of one in the area where I used to live. That was at the end of a strip of grass where people regularly let their dogs do their business, and it was probably put there by special request from annoyed locals.

Related petty hate: absence of litter bins in public places. I used to live in Redditch and the local shopping centre doesn't have a single litter bin. The places that sell food (McD, a pasty shop) provide bins for customers who eat their food in or near the outlet. But there are shops that sell sandwiches, pizza, etc., for people to take away and eat elsewhere. There is no provision for the customers of these places to dispose of their waste. There are some bins (not enough) in the area outside the centre, but none inside.

Petty hates

Post 5826


Actually I agree aout the dog poop, but smiley - shhh

A few years ago in France, there was this huge fear of bombings so that my municipality closed all bins (screwing a lid on them or something). So, technically, we *did* have bins, but one couldn't use them smiley - groan

Petty hates

Post 5827


Re: dog poo. Can I just add that there are a lot of responsible dog owners out there, and they are just as annoyed by those who don't pick it up, or do then leave the bag. We often get tarred by the same brush. In fact my dog usually does his business at home and saves the walk for running after his ball or sniffing other dogs. But if he does "go" when we're out, I have absolutely no problem in picking it up in a nappy sack, tying a knot in it and carrying it home. It's what you have to do when you have a dog.

Re: litter bins. In the local park where I walk my dog, they put in some lovely bright yellow bins. Within a week they were bright yellow and black pancakes on the floor, melted by whoever it is that hangs around parks at night setting fire to litter bins (probably the same people who smash their bottles on the path so my dog lacerates his foot and has to be knocked out to have it stitched up but that's another petty hate).

Ahem. Rant over. Sorry about that.

Deb smiley - cheerup

Petty hates

Post 5828

Bright Blue Shorts

Hmm ... is there any code of conduct for dog owners, with regards to when it poops in longer grass?

I go running ... there's a stretch where the roadside verge is the only bit of footing ... at this time of year if the council haven't cut it for a couple of weeks it's going to be longer enough to hide poop ... twice in the first year of new carpet I walked poop on to it, and it came from there ...

Petty hates

Post 5829

Yvonne aka india

All round Aberdeen's green spaces there are special bins adjacent to the regular ones, for the disposal of poop. They must be more sturdy than the others and they don't see to get burned.

I vaguely heard of a system in the USA. Dogs are registered and a DNA sample taken, part of the licence thing. Any poop that is found on the street or where it shouldn't be can be traced back to a particular dog and the owner fined.

Petty hates

Post 5830


Get the dog food manufactures to add a dye so it stands out against the grass and illuminates at nightsmiley - footprintssmiley - dogsmiley - discosmiley - footprintssmiley - cheers

Petty hates

Post 5831

Yvonne aka india

The same atuff they're putting in chickens' feet at the moment? Cool.

Petty hates

Post 5832


>>Can I just add that there are a lot of responsible dog owners out there, and they are just as annoyed by those who don't pick it up, or do then leave the bag.<<

Which brings us to: minorities who shed a bad reputation to the others (like dirty dog owners, lazy teachers, corrupt politicians, etc).

Petty hates

Post 5833


Another petty hate:

children-proof stuff which, er, I cannot operate smiley - blush

But really, at my parents', there is one child-proof electric plug, but I never managed to plug in my mobile battery in it! Whereas I had no problem using another (also child-proof) nearby socket smiley - weird And how many times have I seen friends failing to open, say, a bottle of White Spirit because of the safety cap smiley - biggrin

Petty hates

Post 5834


I’m presently on a lost mobile phone hunt, batteries dead so I cannot phone it, bring back those good old hand held bricks , at least my old ones used to hold there chargesmiley - steam

Petty hates

Post 5835


My Nokia is fine. Battery lasts me 3-5 days!

smiley - biggrin
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 5836


I have a few in retirement , the one I use as an alarm clock may have to do another tour of duty
smiley - ermsmiley - smiley

Petty hates

Post 5837


White Spirit bottles are a sod to open, I sympathise totally.

As for lost mobiles, I'm forever phoning it when I can't find mine - one time I traced it to the fridge! That was on a really bad day thoughsmiley - erm

Petty hates

Post 5838


Once when sat at the edge of the pool(in Turkey I think), I happen to spot a glimmering object at the bottom of the pool, so I dived in only to recover my own mobile phonesmiley - doh.
I must not have taken it out of my trunk pockets before I first jumped in earlier on that morning.

I have a collection of various shorts which have had good use recently but I cannot fathom as to why they sow so many pockets on them.(oh and the phone still worked after it dried out)

Petty hates

Post 5839


Lucky you, winternights!

In my experience as a mobile phone repair engineer, water damage destroys mobile phones!!!

smiley - smiley
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 5840


Worst has happened, I seem to remember my wife who has recently left me deliberately dropped self and same mobile into my mug of tea, and then there was an incident were it ended up in my dinner, maybe I’m lucky with phones and not with lovesmiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

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