A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Petty hates

Post 5841


News items that are manufactured .
This morning the BBC led their news program with a survey that they themselves had commisioned smiley - grr Is this a reasonable way to spend licence payers money ? They should be reporting what has happend not making news themselves .

Petty hates

Post 5842


smiley - oksmiley - cheerswinternights

smiley - biggrin
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 5843


smiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - cheers

Petty hates

Post 5844


Ended up in your dinner? Do tellsmiley - smiley

Petty hates

Post 5845


Yes. Deep fried batter coated mobile!! Sounds tasty to me!!

smiley - laugh
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 5846


Swimming in gravy it was, poor old 3510, still got it, battled scared it maybe but it still works as my alarm clock.
smiley - laugh

Petty hates

Post 5847


smiley - laughYep! Nokia make 'em good and strong!!!

smiley - biggrin
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 5848


Brilliant smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Petty hates

Post 5849



In my experience, Nokia are the best!!

smiley - laugh
smiley - wizard

Petty hates

Post 5850


>>one time I traced it to the fridge!<<

Reminds me of a friend, who also traced something he lost to the fridge.

It was his cat smiley - biggrin

smiley - catsmiley - brr

Petty hates

Post 5851


Just a quick update I found my mobile smiley - doh you guess itsmiley - laugh in one of my short pockets which was in the laundry basket
smiley - ermsmiley - biggrin

Petty hates

Post 5852


Oh, I hate that!!

Here's another one, that little dribble of old beer in the bottom of the can that trickles out when you squish it for recycling.

Petty hates

Post 5853


Or unruly widgets in cans that that have a mind of there ownsmiley - monstersmiley - yikes and spray all in sightsmiley - runsmiley - winkeye

Petty hates

Post 5854


Champagne corks that will not budge! I've got a special tool for removing them and every now and then I still get one that needs the old 'tea towel and sturdy door' trick!

Petty hates

Post 5855

Bright Blue Shorts

"Champagne corks that will not budge!"

Can't you just shake the bottle and let nature do its trick smiley - winkeye

Petty hates

Post 5856


Noooooo! What a waste.
Eddie Irvine used to be my favourite F1 driver, purely because he always made sure he drank as muchsmiley - bubblyas he could if he got on the podium!

Petty hates

Post 5857


When you break your last cork screwsmiley - steam and are posed with eithersmiley - doh pushing the cork insmiley - grr or going to the shop to buy another onesmiley - run (walking of course as you’ve already had some and the cars a definite no ,no)smiley - bluelight

Petty hates

Post 5858

Pink Paisley

"When you break your last cork screw".

You have a collection and keep breaking them? smiley - huh


Petty hates

Post 5859

Malabarista - now with added pony

There's also the option of just, uh, switching to water?

Petty hates

Post 5860

Yvonne aka india

As if child-proof tops weren't bad enough. The new style of "squeeze the sides together and twist" on bleach bottles.

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