Who am I?
I am gandalfstwin. many, many years ago, I was Gandalf the White, and am author of Preston, Lancashire,UK, My Hometown. But a cruel twist of fate (a car smashing its way into my lounge) robbed me of my PC. A further blow fell when my wife and I employed a totally unscrupulous gentleman to persue our insurance claim. He robbed us of £24,000.00!!! IT IS TRUE!!!
We engaged solicitors to act for us against this chap. Much of what I could tell you is now 'Sub Judacae', so say no more. I can tell you that Serious Fraud Squad are very interesested in him, and have siezed a considerable amount of cash, hidden in shoe boxes from his home.
On our solicitors advice, we accepted an out-of-court settlement from him: Nowhere near what he owed us, but the best that we could get, considering the forged documents that he threatened to produce if we did not....
The only reason I have now got a PC is because we have sold the house, so now I am rich, and can afford a brand new, sparkling, up-to date monster!!
If you want to know more, just go to Gandalf the White (Still Redundant-Got my own Comp now)!!
Tara for now
Well, I just thought that I will give away a little more info about me!!
Age - 57. Flat shared with my wife of 17 years, Trish. Sadly Heinz 57 variety dog of around 16 years, named Lady, went to sleep by Euthenasia due to acute kidney failure on 09/07/2009
A bit more happy news!!. We have now got another companion. His name is 'Tyson', and he is settling in well with us. He will NEVER replace Lady, who was our companion for soooo long, but he is a good'un so far!!!!
Hobbies - Reading, music, birdwatching, photography and philately.
Favourite reading matter:
Robert Jordan - Wheel of Time (Just waiting now for volume 12!)
Isaac Asimov - Any science fact.
Arthur C. Clarke - Any fact or fiction.
Carl Sagan - Science fact
Steven Hawking - Science fact.
Jacob Bronowski - The Ascent of Man.
J. R. R. Tolkein - Anything!
Birdwatching books - Anything I can get my hands on!
Favourite music:
Tangerine Dream
Pink Floyd
Black Sabbath
Deep Purple
Blue Oyster Cult
Jethro Tull
Uriah Heep
Rick Wakeman
Mike Oldfield
Led Zeppelin
Simon and Garfunkel
My wife and I go birdwatching as often as we can. I of course take as many photos as I can.
My philately - I specialise in English pre-decimal stamps. Currenty I have about 700 stamps, valued at about £1400.00
Favourite 42ism? 6x9=42....(in base 13)!!!
GT E-Mail, for those interesed...... [details removed by the Community Editors]
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