A Conversation for Talking Point: 11 September, 2001

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 341

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

I wouldn't refer to you as ill-tempered - spunky is more the word that comes to mind! As for crusty and old, well, you'll have to let us know on that one.

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 342

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Blush smiley - winkeye

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 343


just a

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 344


smiley - hug
smiley - hug
I'm feeling less depressed today. Music now has the power to improve my mood a bit, which it hasn't since Tuesday.

Unfortunately I now feel bad about feeling better about it smiley - doh

My thoughts are still with the victims and their families though. It's not something you can forget about in a hurry, and it's certainly not something that should be forgotten about.

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 345


I'll try this one time. I'm just going to make a simple request and I hope it is reasonable.

Will those of you who feel that all this coverage of the incidents in New York is complete hogwash or political bushwah

or some other reason for treading on the feelings of people who are trying to cope with the horror of a minimum of 5,000 people dead as the result of someone choosing to treat airplanes loaded with fuel for a trans-continetal flight as weapons of mass destruction

or anyone who wants to laugh outloud about those deaths for whatever reason

or people who feel that now is a good time to make a religious convert or simply argue that religious issues are stupid

or class clowns who are too embarassed by seeing their friends with real emotions and need to break the mood with a good dirty joke

or trolls who just can't resist a chance to go where everyone seems to be right now

or anyone else who wants to have an argument . . .

Would those of you who fit any or all of these descriptions please go and start a thread called "I stomp all over your sense of pain and horror" and let these folk talk about these things without being harassed for a while.

Or if you just want to shout at me for interfering, please feel free to pop over to my space and trash *it* up.



Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 346


Hear hear!

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 347

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Censorship has no place on the Internet. If you don't like the way a thread discussion is being conducted the solution is easy. Click on the unsubscribe button.

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 348


Well said Barton,

Censorship may have no place on the internet, but surely respect for other peoples feelings does.


Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 349

Z Phantom

I agree.
in the mists of this tragity no matter what your views lets try and remain civilized to each other smiley - cuddle.

Z Phantom smiley - ghost
(smiley - sadface)

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 350

Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

Barton, I empathise whole heartedly with your appeal.
I can give nothing but sympathy to all those affected, and some hope for these sad sad times.
Next to that, opinions and analysis count for nothing.

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 351


Barton smiley - rose

I second, er, third, er, fourth.. smiley - erm

Right on, anyway. Thank you smiley - smiley


Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 352


Loonytunes - if you haven't noticed, this board is owned by the BBC, and they can censor whatever they want. If you don't like it, go set your own server and website up. Besides, that wasn't a call for censorship, that was a call for decency.

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 353

a girl called Ben

(I suspect that when Loony's time-zone slips round to daylight again we'll find he's got the message)


Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 354

The H2G2 Editors

Hi everyone,

Just to let you know our rationale behind the moderation in this terrible time - we are respecting the right of people to post their political opinions, however distasteful they may appear to others. We will not, however, play host to personal attacks, or condonation of, or incitement to, racism or terrorism.

h2g2 is a place for debate and compassion, not attack. Just about everyone's being superbly good on this, but we will remove any postings that break any of those points, or which otherwise break the existing House Rules.

As has been said, put decency and sensitivity first, and everything else should follow.

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 355

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I greatly appreciate the Europe-wide
moment of silence in honor of the
more than 5,000 dead in the terrorist acts of
Sept. 11.

I understand that today is a day of mourning
in the United States. I fully expected this,
and will do all I can to participate and help.

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 356

T J: Mr. Shea

Score one for the Editors. smiley - ok I for one have never felt oppressed or censored on h2g2. As they say, if you show a little decency and sensitivity you have nothing to fear from the moderators.

And after seeing all the posts here I can't help but say how wonderful I think most of you are.

I'm still in shock, but being here seems to make it a little bit easier to deal with.

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 357

St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42

TJ, I wont agree on the moderation thing...
I am in a ZAphdista state of mind lately... sorry. smiley - pirate

But it is true, that this is no time for anger and bittering.

NOONE deserved such a fate, and since this fate has been brought on by brainwash and hatred, we should try and learn our lesson from it.

All of us. US and NON-US!

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 358

Pyrex Muse of Unbreakable Space-age Wonder Glass, Student of Life, Keeper of the Seven Keys of Ventuslor

You are allowed your opinion, but please keep it quiet if you must put down mine.

A quote on the stoning of adulterers: "Let him who has not sinned cast the first stone."

smiley - hsifsmiley - smileysmiley - fish

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 359


I think for once, we're all on the side of the moderators, and that doesn't always happen.

Thank you

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 360

Pandora...Born Again Tart

YAY to the BBC/h2g2!!!
And smiley - bleep Everyone who wants to fight among yourselves!
smiley - zen

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