A Conversation for Talking Point: 11 September, 2001

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 281

Pandora...Born Again Tart

Paul H., as a pilot I can only say that the LAW requires that all planes fly 300' off the ground so they can be seen on radar. I also know that when the military planes went overhead Tuesday they were dangerously low....aprox. 100'. F-16s heading for???
In one plane we actually saw the pilots face!
The plane that turned in Cleveland & crashed in PA came directly over my cabin.
Friends & strangers died. It's 'almost' too much to bare. But we are strong & hopefully this will not become WWIII...the fella's at the local American Legion disagree. When we went to Delta Con One Allert......people had to be told to:"take a breath."
Should there be a need for a middle aged woman with military backround...I'll be there. That's what being an American is about.
smiley - rose

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 282


Actually, Pandora, you're making a great deal of sense. I remember when I was a kid during the Gulf War, I would lie awake at night petrified that it would erupt into World War III. I've had time off school in the past because studying World War II made me physically ill (yeah yeah, call me a sissy, I've heard it all before so it doesn't bother me anymore). The thought of what could happen from Tuesday's attack has given me some extremely unpleasant nightmares.

War is something I do not want to see. When I was younger, I thought that perhaps if Britain went to war on the scale of WW2, I might kill myself. I no longer think that, but the fear that inspired me to think that years ago is still there. I may react to it differently, but deep down I do not want to go to war, and in the unlikely event it does become 'real' war that involves more than a few thousand soldiers in a far-off place, I don't know what I'd do. Everything possible to avoid military service, probably.

I don't think this situation will go that far - well, unless there are any more terrorist attacks. If there are, there's no telling what will happen.

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 283

Pandora...Born Again Tart

MaW, sissy? No, Hon, emotional...yeah. You don't HAVE to do anything.....there are only 5 HAVE TOs: You have to: eat, drink, void, breath & sleep.....everything-EVERYTHING else is a choice.

So, when you say,"I have to take a shower." No you don't. Of course you'll bee stinkn' & I'll bee smeeln' sweet...smiley - biggrin but the choice IS yours. If we can all keep to that we can take alot of stressors out of our lives. You are not responsible for other people's problems. And if you don't want to fight, you don't have to. Please, there's NOTHING EVER worth killing yourself for.

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 284

Pyrex Muse of Unbreakable Space-age Wonder Glass, Student of Life, Keeper of the Seven Keys of Ventuslor

One note on an earlyer post, Someone stated that the towers were built to withstand the impact of a 707 but not a 757 or 767. The 707 and 717 never went into mainstream production as the 727 became the first workhorse of the sky later replaced buy the 737. Another point is that the 747 is the biggest airline, followed in this order from largest to smallest. 777,767,757,737,727,707,717 the 7*7 indicates the model number in the 700 series aircraft by manufacture date.

Also the buildings did take the impact of the airplanes, I am sure most of you have heard this but what happened is that when the airplanes hit with tanks full of JP-5 the fuel ignited and burned hotter than the structure ABOVE the point of impact could stand. The support stucrure of the building above the impact failed and started collapsing. as the floor above landed on the next one down it gained momentum and wheight and soon it was more than the floors could take and they just kept going down and down.

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 285


An open letter to all researchers:

Going over the comments in the forums in this Talking Point has really given me pause. The level of callousness, especially among a group of people who are supposed to be somewhat enlightened and educated, is surprising. In particular, there are some real gems in the "Love Islam, Hate America?" forum. I had to contrast the celebrations and attack justifications of some researchers against the outpouring of love and support from other countries and fellow Americans as shown on the news, in print, and on the web. Do you really imagine for a moment Americans do not know what our country has done in the past? We know about CIA-led coups, about US-funded death squads, about support for oppressive regimes in the name of Anti-Communism. We do not kid ourselves--we know our hands are not clean. However, Americans are on the front lines, everday, protesting and working to rid the world of these evils. We are arrested for protesting on the grounds of the School of the Americas or the policies of the WTO in Seattle or Genoa. We donate millions upon millions to causes around the world from Greenpeace to Save the Children to Amnesty International. We are among the first to respond to disaster in any country, ready with our time and money. Thousands of Americans every year help developing countries under the auspices of the Peace Corps. And the great thing is that, in our country, we have the freedom and the right to protest oppressive and unjust policies. In addition, our Constitution will insure that the perpetrators will enjoy every protection under the law in addition to legal representation. Yet we are being lectured on democracy and peace by those countries that have neither. We do not rejoice or offer half-hearted condolences when your children or loved ones are killed. Think about this: if our country is destroyed or harmed, the rest of the globe suffers as well. Why? Not because we will be indiscriminately bombing countries, but because our country is the bedrock upon which the world's economy and culture lie. You might think, "That's okay, we don't need another Bill Gates, another greedy lawyer, another Wal-Mart, another shoddy Hollywood movie." America means more than those, however. A lot more. Now thousands upon thousands of innocent people have been killed, and not just Americans. All because of past hatreds and justifications. When do we say enough is enough? When do we end the circle of violence? I'm sure some of you will say I'm nothing but a cultural imperialist. So what? I've put my time and money towards good causes. Can you say the same? Or would you rather sit on your backside and whine about American domination? In front of us we have the example of the innocent passengers--heroes--aboard the "fourth plane". If reports are correct, they tried to overpower the hijackers and died trying to save the rest of us and our institutions. If nothing else, they should be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. I'd like to end this rant with a final plug: all American researchers should take the time out of their day over the next mont, or several months, h to donate blood to the Red Cross. It might be all that you can do, but it means a lot to victims and our country.

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 286

Perium: The Dauntless /**=/

Been there, donated blood.

An American who has been vocal in this and other forums, even before this war I've stood for this county and said some of the very same things that you have. I commend you and appreciate your remarks. I've said them myself...and it is good to hear that I'm not the only one.

Thank you.

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 287

Pandora...Born Again Tart

We shall NEVER be alone!!!!

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 288


Hi Fraulein Grafenberg smiley - rose

I commend you on a very comprehensive, much needed message.

It does seem incredible that people still paint all Americans, indeed, all 'westerners', with the same brush -- firmly believing that all of us support all the policies and practises of our governments -- but they do.

They do because they are ignorant, and have been brainwashed, and, like many humans, choose to believe what is most convenient for them to believe.

I know that some of the messages that have been appearing on this site are very negative. As you say, there is a degree of callousness that is shocking and painful, and there have been far too many postings that were so objectionable they had to be removed. There has been talk of simply shutting down entire threads

Although this is a very emotional time, especially for US citizens, it is also an opportunity to demonstrate how strong you all are, and how your friends throughout the world are ready to stand with you, as human beings fighting a great evil

Think of this site as a battleground, in which we have an opportunity to combat the kind of ignorance, hate and intolerance that lead to such horrific acts of terror. Conquer the heart and soul of the enemy, and the enemy is no more

I know it is very difficult, and many of us are being sorely tried right now, but please stand firm, knowing that your friends and supporters here on h2g2, and around the world, are standing right beside you, Americans and friends of Americans


Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 289

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Well said, FG, well said.

smiley - rose


Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 290

a girl called Ben

smiley - applause for the Fraulein.

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a human called Ben

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 291

Pyrex Muse of Unbreakable Space-age Wonder Glass, Student of Life, Keeper of the Seven Keys of Ventuslor

Some believe that the end times are near, the attack was meant to happen. Thousands have died and they are just a sign to many christians that soon they will be with the Lord in heaven. Others believe that this was just a random population control instance. Some belive that the Government let this happen so they could go and take out other countries. Sill others think that everyone is in on somthing against them...

Just a little insight... I wish that the world could go on but I also see this as a sign of the second coming.

smiley - hsifsmiley - smileysmiley - fish

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 292

ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

smiley - hsifan anusal lookout on lifesmiley - fish
smiley - smiley

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 293

a girl called Ben

I am sorry, but I find it hard to believe in a Prince of Peace who announces his coming by killing tens of thousands of people.

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a human called Ben
Praying for Peace

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 294

il viaggiatore

I hope you don't mean me, Freulein?

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 295

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The so called Prince of Peace started all this religion-based mayhem with his rabble-rousing in AD33

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 296


I think the roots of hatred and war go back much further than Cristianity.

Religion has always been a convenient excuse for violence perpetrated upon the 'ungodly'


Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 297

Pyrex Muse of Unbreakable Space-age Wonder Glass, Student of Life, Keeper of the Seven Keys of Ventuslor

The thing that it pushes is that The Lord is the Prince Of Peace, Men are not capable of peace, weather it is a pair of clothing that ticks you off or skin color there will never be peace until he comes. The world was said, in the Bible, to get worse and worse and when it seems that the only place the human race can go(in morals, ideals, etc.) is up than the Lord Jesus Christ will make his second coming.

smiley - hsifsmiley - smileysmiley - fish

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 298

ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

I have been heare and bak#ck so dicided to post. I was told not to talk about this at school becase all I could see doom and gloom but this could or could not bring hope becase I fear things will get a lot worse before thing will look at there worst. So seaing this I have Dicided to live life to the full becase this proves that you dont know when the end will come.

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Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 299

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The bible is a poorly-translated work of fiction written by men who often described the allegegedy real events differently - Mathew, Mark, Luke John.

In a library the bible should be placed in the Fantasy section alongside Lord Of The Rings.

Twin Towers Plane Crash

Post 300


I haven't lost hope.

People are people - human, fallible, weak. Currently lots of us are confused and scared too. But I hope that collectivley our species is capable of getting through this, that we *can* somehow share our planet.

I don't think that the end is nigh. I have faith in humanity - despite such evil there is also so much good in this world


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