A Conversation for The Ultimate Martial Art
A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art
Geoff Taylor - Life's Liver Posted Sep 3, 2001
Ah...an appreciative audience. Wait until you hear my full stand-up set,if you're ever in Manchester, England.
Oi, Scouts! This article RULES!
A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art
Hoovooloo Posted Sep 19, 2001
This is one of those blatant attempts by the author of an Entry to push it to the top of the list of conversations. It's pointless, but we keep doing it. Any further comments gratefully mangled and turned into word-shaped head-scoff before being bagpiped into the scrofulous nonsense that is this entry.
A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art
Captain Kebab Posted Sep 20, 2001
Seem clear enough to me - how else is one expected to get word-shaped head-scoff into the scrofulous nonsense?
Captain Kebab, happy to assist in the effort to keep bunging this back to the top of the list.
Calling all scouts....
A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art
Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese Posted Sep 20, 2001
So you're believing us scouts are short-sighted, aren't you? I realise that many researchers don't go further into PR than the first page of the listing, and obviously you're drawing conclusions from that...
Give me some picks and the squeaky wheel will get the oil
A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art
Shorn Canary ~^~^~ sign the petition to save the albatrosses Posted Sep 21, 2001
This is the martial art practised by rabbits and pheasants, isn't it? Very useful. Get it into the guide
A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art
Hoovooloo Posted Sep 21, 2001
Most of the pheasants round our way seem to practice the martial art of "standing in the middle of the road like a prat" and most of the rabbits seem to practice the martial art of lying very, very flat on the road. Those are just the ones I see, of course...
I'm still waiting for a charitable scout.
A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art
Captain Kebab Posted Sep 22, 2001
I think you may find that rabbits practise the ancient martial art of "bonking like the clappers and out-breeding the enemy", sometimes described as "Fehk-lak-bunni". I'm told it can be very effective.
A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art
Azara Posted Oct 5, 2001
It looks as if Hoovooloo wiped this one too, before what seems to be a very final exit from the site. That's such a pity - this was the first entry I thought of when I was considering that there were plenty of good Peer Review entries unpicked.
I'm afraid that some scout will now have the sad job of binning the thread, rather than the pleasure of picking the entry.
A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art
Geoff Taylor - Life's Liver Posted Oct 6, 2001
Damn & Blast. This is acrying shame, on more than one level.
A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art
Ormondroyd Posted Oct 6, 2001
I couldn't agree more.
What a waste. I thought about recommending this very funny Entry even though I suspected it would be rejected.
Anyway, as the Entry no longer exists, I must propose a move to the Sin Bin.
Any (reluctant) seconders?
A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art
GTBacchus Posted Oct 7, 2001
This entry, although wiped, lives on in *my* life anyway. I've recently moved to a rather dangerous city (nickname: "Nairobbery"), and I've been putting The Ultimate Martial Art into play a lot lately. Just last night, I Flew Like the Dragon from a completely unsafe encounter in a park at twilight, after my All-Seeing Eye noticed I was about to be jumped by four guys. Yikes. I was thinking of Hoovooloo the whole time. Thank you, Hoovooloo. I hope you come back.
Whatever you decide, I wish you peace.
P.S. Stay out of Uhuru Park, Nairobi, Kenya after about 5PM.
Thread Moved
h2g2 auto-messages Posted Oct 8, 2001
Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review' to 'Peer Review Sin Bin'.
The author has deleted the original entry to which this thread refers...
Thread Moved
Hoovooloo Posted Oct 20, 2001
The entry's back. Can it go back in Peer Review?
I'm starting a new thread for it there just in case this one has to stay here...
Key: Complain about this post
A600085 - The Ultimate Martial Art
- 81: Geoff Taylor - Life's Liver (Sep 3, 2001)
- 82: LL Waz (Sep 3, 2001)
- 83: Hoovooloo (Sep 7, 2001)
- 84: Hoovooloo (Sep 19, 2001)
- 85: LL Waz (Sep 19, 2001)
- 86: Captain Kebab (Sep 20, 2001)
- 87: Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese (Sep 20, 2001)
- 88: Shorn Canary ~^~^~ sign the petition to save the albatrosses (Sep 21, 2001)
- 89: Hoovooloo (Sep 21, 2001)
- 90: Captain Kebab (Sep 22, 2001)
- 91: Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese (Sep 22, 2001)
- 92: Geoff Taylor - Life's Liver (Oct 5, 2001)
- 93: Azara (Oct 5, 2001)
- 94: Geoff Taylor - Life's Liver (Oct 6, 2001)
- 95: Ormondroyd (Oct 6, 2001)
- 96: Geoff Taylor - Life's Liver (Oct 7, 2001)
- 97: GTBacchus (Oct 7, 2001)
- 98: h2g2 auto-messages (Oct 8, 2001)
- 99: Hoovooloo (Oct 20, 2001)
- 100: LL Waz (Oct 20, 2001)
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