A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community

depression--help me

Post 61

Researcher 556780

smiley - blush thank you, glad you liked it smiley - biggrin I did something stupid because I was depressed and agressively unhappy in school and missed out on an art education would you believe smiley - winkeye

Internet checkers site? Sorry your mom is annoyed at you, there must be a reasonable explantion smiley - winkeye I have to say that, being an experienced unreasonable mom....smiley - laugh..as a parent I have to show some solidarity smiley - coolsmiley - rainbow

Anyway will catch you later...must get some shut eye, been on here for quite some time today! smiley - online2long

smiley - zzz

depression--help me

Post 62


Fine, don't take 'em; you'll never know if they would make a difference. I've run out of sympathy for Flynnguy, I think we shouldn't post as it's rewarding his depression and thus reinforcing it!

depression--help me

Post 63


look im sry and all but im set against them.. i dont want them to change who i am and what i care about or conrtol what type of mood im in... i just want to be my self even if i am depressed id rather want to die than feel happy, even with them i dont think i could be truely happy with my self...

ty and goodnight

depression--help me

Post 64


You have the wrong idea about medication. It doesn't change WHO you are! It gives you a better base-line of mood. You are controlled by your depression, if you think about it.

It's your choice whether you listen to me or not, just keep in mind that being Mentally Ill means that you won't be making the best choices. I've been there, I know.

If you don't at least try medication people might think that you like being ill as it's a good skive.

However, surviving depression without medication means you'll be burdening people with your worries and hurting THEM (bringing them down with you). And that's not much of a life, being seen as an emotional vampire.

If you MUST be stubborn then the best thing you could do is to start on medication NOT because you think it'll work BUT JUST TO PROVE ME WRONG!

You started this thread asking for help. I hope my contribution is helpful as I want you to get your life back; I don't want you to end up dependant on sad web-chat when I know that there is a world out there that will meet you half-way with open arms.

Try watching "As Good as it Gets"; it's a movie that deals with these themes.

depression--help me

Post 65

Researcher 556780

erm.....smiley - biggrin

marvin! *admonishing type of voice, but in a very nice placating sorta way* smiley - smiley

Have more patience dude! I know that a slap around the face sometimes helps people get out of their mood swings - and sometimes it doesn't.

Everyone is an individual - what works for one doesn't work for another.

If he feels that strongly about meds, then ok, respect that, he may be 13 but he has opinions and knows his body better than anyone. At his age now, he can change his mind about lots of things as he grows older, all we can do, is mebbe advise if he wants to hear it, and listen if he wants that too smiley - smiley

If the case should arise that a doctor would prescribe 'happy pills', I would like to hope that flynn would explain fully his fears and doubts to said doctor and review/discuss the reasons why the dr is prescribing them to him and that the benefits would be explained fully.

smiley - smiley

depression--help me

Post 66


well marv u win... i told my mom...today just now...now i get meds...f*****g life...smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

depression--help me

Post 67


I have suffered from depression all my life and yet I have never been on meds other than stuff you can buy in any herbal store such as valerian. You don't have to be on meds, they level out any mood and give you baseline mood. I have mild bipolar, my manic side is great fun, the depressive side is not so fun, but I don't want to be at a baseline emotion, cause then I wouldn't have my manic fun anymore.

There are other ways to learn about this and deal with it other than meds. To be honest, I think you are much too young to be on meds.

If your mother would like to talk to a 32 year old who has coped in other ways, than let me know, I maybe be able to help. Its only my experience and only my opinion but 13 year olds shouldn't be on meds.

Are you UK based? If your mum wants to talk then she can e-mail me and I could even give her my phone number. I was very depressed from age 12, I have been there.

depression--help me

Post 68


no i live in the us...i also have found that i am bipolar by myself... i hate my jackass dont care side...i want it gone i like my depressed side much more...

depression--help me

Post 69


You'll have to accept both sides, they are both useful. I have learnt not to drink coffee when manic, things like that make it bearable. Acceptance also made it a hell of a lot more bearable.

Even if you are in the US, your mum and I can have an e-mail chat if she would find it useful.

depression--help me

Post 70

Moonglum Clampflower (MornC), Muse of Ego, Keeper of the Lamp and Guru, (aka Happinose)

Hi Flynnguy

I'm Kaz's husband and saw your post.

Do you like a challenge? Sometimes I get a duff day at work and like to go shoot stuff. The UK don't allow guns (and I wouldn't use them anyway) so I play turn based strategy games. smiley - cool

The best one I have come across so far is Laser Squad Nemesis http://www.lasersquadnemesis.com where you can battle anyone around the world. You start of with a squad of marines who go up against a robot race called the Machina or you might find yourself facing the Spawn, a nasty alien race with big teeth. You can get people to challenge you to a battle and if you sign up (which costs money, but I think it's worth it), you get to fight using spawn, greys, machina or human on a whole heap of maps.

Check out the website, download the game. All of that bit is free. If you want to sign up, you'll need to get your mum to sort that out with a credit card but it's not absolutely essential to play.

I'll see you in there. smiley - ok

smiley - biggrinsmiley - crescentmoon

PS: I might be starting an LSN alliance soon. A team of players to fight campaign battles. I'll let you know. smiley - winkeye

depression--help me

Post 71


Objectively speaking, the best resource for Bipolar mood disorder info and support is The Manic Depression Fellowship:

depression--help me

Post 72

Researcher 556780

smiley - rainbow

depression--help me

Post 73


Kaz, I'll apologize to you. Maniacal vixen is rather aggressively happy. Which is nice, but, reminiscent of coffee, only with too much sugar, and it reminds me that I have none. Marvin, please, leave. You, I don't know why you'd behave the way you are currently behaving, but it made me angry to such a degree that for an entire DAY I couldn't do anything but dwell on the bully-tactics you pulled out on Flynnguy, missed my publishers deadline and lost 500 dollars. Canadian, though, so... I wrote you a beautiful tirade. I'll give you the gist; I think you are a person who I could hate. Not dislike. Not disdain. Hate. Absolutely.

Flynnguy, take Marvin as a warning.
Now, for what I wanted to say:

Your predisposition against meds I found hugely admirable, and I'll tell you why: Depression is horrible, your depression has this enduring quality; it lasts awhile, and it must be torturous. Instead of running to a quick fix, you accepted suffering because you had an intellectual ideal.

If you can't see why that's great, well, you're apparently Marvin. Steppenwolf does a song about that, called the "Pusher man." You should listen to't.

PS: HUGELY admirable. I was like: Damn!
And I'm never like: Damn! It's too daytime television.

depression--help me

Post 74


I think I failed to highlight how admirable I found your stoic suffering. Damn. You CHOSE to suffer for something you think is RIGHT.
Heh. Damn.

depression--help me

Post 75

Researcher 556780

I'm aggressively happy? *chuckles* smiley - winkeye

smiley - coffee

depression--help me

Post 76


It seems like I'm being mean to a fair percentage of the people around here.

depression--help me

Post 77


Flynnguy hasn't posted for 4 days - I'm worried

depression--help me

Post 78

Researcher 556780

I'm sure he's fine Kaz, probably found other stuff to do, or his mom may have cracked down on his computer time...smiley - winkeye

At 13 there are many things that take your interest and not enough time to do them in...smiley - smiley

He may have got a lil embarressed about this thread cos of the mixed reactions and gone away to think on it....either way, my gut feeling says he's okay smiley - biggrin

depression--help me

Post 79


Meds aren't so bad. Better than getting sectioned and made to live in a Psychiatric Hospital.

depression--help me

Post 80


A 13 year old is full of hormones, meds are not required for dealing with that and will often make it worse. Teenagers often get depressed, their growth can be so fast as to cause fatigue and depression. Its something they need to get through with support. Maybe if in a few years he is still having problems then it may indicate an underlying problem, but to take meds now is overkill.

I was depressed at that age because of incest, most of my friends were depressed at that time because of being a teenager. Its quite obvious after a while, which is permanent depression and which is temporary teenage caused depression.

You need to give Flynn time and the chance to work out which it is, for himself.

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