An Introduction to Me.

Well, what can I say? What's expected here, of me, in this context, in this place? Do I tell you something about myself? Should I perhaps tell you an interesting occasion or aside?
I am a writer. Not merely here, but, rather, everywhere. In the real world particularly. I am leery of publishing my works on the Internet, and refuse to DO it, though I look forward to creating a guide entry or two. I am very young, and was once even younger than I am now, though to some that may seem an impossibility. I am younger than I ought to be, all things considered, but I feel I am old enough, and should soon surely halt my ageing process.
I am a communist and an atheist both at once. I am gay-positive, Anti-Racist, anti-misogynist, and support and volunteer at several homeless shelters in my area. Others are too far away, for now.
I am an anti-establishmentarian. I dislike hooking myself up to an agenda'd group or society. I can speak for me, on my own. This way I affect no one adversely but myself, and am not bound by other people into things with which I truck not. People who are my friends are different, because they don't generally slap with with their causes and ask me to participate, or request that I work to further their goals. And if they do, what the hell. They're my friends; our goals are normally quite similar.

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An apology Feb 19, 2004
Welcome... Feb 8, 2004


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Researcher U568425


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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