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An apology

Post 1

Noggin the Nog

Appy. I'm genuinely sorry if you felt that what I said was in any way derogatory. Even if it was *you* who originally accused *me* of indulging in semantics.

I really *can* understand why you would think about and formulate an opinion on things which you feel are purely theoretical; been there, done that, as they say. You say in your introduction that you are very young; if that's true you should bear in mind that I've probably been doing philosophy longer than you've been alive; doesn't make me right, of course, but when I asked where the argument was leading it was because I've followed it myself and found that it didn't lead anywhere; still, if there's a branch in the path that I've missed, I want to know about it.

smiley - laugh This works on so many levels. Many of which have to do with being middle aged, not being a mathematician, and never having mastered the cut and paste function.


An apology

Post 2


I'm not really sure what he meant. '[A] puerile cut and paste mathematician' - what? I don't remember much maths going on, at least not any that involved him and yourself. Either way, I think he was being rather rude. smiley - sadface

- Jordan

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