This is the Message Centre for Apatheologian


Post 1

Researcher 220282

Greetings Apatheologian smiley - ok

Welcome to h2g2, my name is Jonathan (in real life too), and I'm one of the h2g2 <./>ACES</.> (Assistant Community Edtior's). We visit new researchers to meet and greet them, as well as offering a helping hand (if needed) and some useful links (I hope smiley - huh), to make using the site easiersmiley - smiley.

You may like to have a look at the <./>Welcome</.> page, or take the <./>DontPanic-Tour</.>, plus I have links page which I hope you find useful @ <./>A1022400</.>.

We are a friendly community from all over the world, thus english is not always some researchers *first* language, and we do ask that you respect thissmiley - ok.

If you have any problems, questions please contact me, by clciking on reply at the bottom of this posting, or leave a posting to any of the <./>ACES</.>, we are here to help smiley - biggrin.

But for now, have a smiley - teasmiley - coffee or smiley - stiffdrink and enjoy h2g2 smiley - cool.

So long and thanks for all the smiley - fish

Jonathan <./>ACE</.>

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