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depression--help me

Post 141


5-HTP changed my mood disorder in less than a week, if your not taking MAO inhibitors you should try it. It can be purchased over the counter as an herbal supplement, it helps your body produce seritonin.

depression--help me

Post 142


Could help

depression--help me

Post 143



I hope you're doing well.

Just a brief comment on drugs: I don't like the idea of depending upon a chemical for happiness, peace, or balance. Especially balance. I've come to understand that if I can balance my strengths and weaknesses, the other 'goals' can be approached with ease. I fear the risk of addiction, actually.
On the same token, there are psychopharmaceuticals that work very well if applied judiciously and proactively. Even short-term. (and i had to use the big word, prob'ly spelt it wrong)smiley - silly

I understand that your domestic environment consists of yourself, your mother, and a sister. 'Twould seem that the maternal unit is abusive and arbitrary. Home is not where you prefer to be.

Pointed question: Is there a father or father figure in your life?

Factual anecdote #1:

M. is six years old. His parents divorced, and custody was split between them. So he would shift between two households, two lifestyles, two levels of care and nurturing.
It develops that M. has a curious duality in school regarding deportment. At regular interval, he would be co-operative, sociable, confident...and the rest of the time, a cruel, selfish brat. The counselor asked his parents about this anomaly, and it turns out that M.'s 'brat' episodes coincided with his habitation in his mother's home.
There's obviously more to the story, but the parent/child chemistry is bad here. Happily, M. has an antidote, or more properly perhaps, a balance, over the long term.

Factual anecdote #2:

Three brothers grew up in a family where both parents were beset by emotional and psychological problems. The father exhibited a perennial lack of confidence, motivation and focus. The mother, to make a long story short, was diagnosed a paranoid psychotic. The father was treated for a suicidal episode (providentially, he sought help instead of jumping). The mother reacted negatively to even the notion of therapy.
Three brothers, then, in a conflicted household, growing up with the usual slings and arrows of adolescence. Proudly establishing themselves as delinquents, fulfilling all the Pygmalian pronouncements of the educational Establishment. Treated like pariahs, in fact. The younger two were harassed constantly by the System, because they 'fit the profile' of the Columbine 'trench coat Mafia'. They chose to cut the entire week of the Columbine anniversary. It was that bad.
The mother walked away.
And the weather improved. Two young men transformed themselves, in a remarkably short time, from JDs to honour students. The father? All he did was provide a stable home.

I'm proud of my sons. It's good to have them around.

smiley - jester (northern Californy)

depression--help me

Post 144


Good advice and good examples Stu smiley - cuddle Well put

I also don't agree with relying on drugs, I myself am supposed to take some but I regularly don't because I hate being dependant on them

depression--help me

Post 145


You need life a lot more than life needs you pal! Get a grip!!!

depression--help me

Post 146


Who were you talking to?

depression--help me

Post 147

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

I take great comfort from how many old people in my life are having a ball.My depression is pretty circumstantial raising three kids with little money alone but i sure am going to have a ball when i'm older!!

depression--help me

Post 148


Good for you Lady L

depression--help me

Post 149


Here is what I think and have to say about this situation.

Somewhere along my travels, meaning, somewhere in my life I came to an idea that just for pure fun, in a way, if we take out of consideration that reason of pure fun,for no reason at all or to just see how all this can work, I could, and why not all for that matter, try to blind my self intentionaly and convince that everything is just so freakishly great and wonderfull that it is just purely amazing and non-realistic how it can actually be. To sum up this babling: Be naive and think that everything is according to your needs and so pleasurable as well as like it was made from you.
Nevertheless, do not try to become someone with much pride as a result of the mood described some lines ago. you will see why, if you give it a try.

Or, this is also a good trick I tried a long time ago on me and others that were in the mood for some personal experimenting:
Your current condition my surely be just an opinion of how you see yourself, think about you and so on. Why not give it try and see how other opinions fell like and work on you?
Oh, I got another idea:
This is one that really takes some time and is only for those... Actually it is a good thing for all that don't have nothing better to do but to live: Ask yourslef question about yourself or your surroundings, i. e. Why in the world do I am in such a mood, condition? Is it because I do not get the right message from the world that responds to my every action? Or is it because I have been having problems with my digestion for several months? Or just for no reason and I am to lazy to change? And if that is right then just ask: Why are you lazy', Where does that come from? and so on untill you will be getting on your own nerves and try not to think about that anymore.
And another good thing is to just encounter a posting such as this one and be able to get some things for your mind, because someone is saying to much nonsense even to himself.

depression--help me

Post 150

logicus tracticus philosophicus

smiley - book

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