A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community

depression--help me

Post 81


sry kaz for makin u worried but i was away for a bit...i think marv works for zoloft....who ever heard of a depressed robot advising antidepression meds...smiley - flustered...away snowboarding....i feel a bitsmiley - injured...thats the price of learing to grind...and take short cuts thro the woodssmiley - winkeye... i was likesmiley - coolthensmiley - yikessmiley - injured... and now im justsmiley - sleepy...

depression--help me

Post 82


Hi Flynn

no worries, glad you enjoyed your snowboarding.

You did sound down when you said you had chatted to your mum and now you were going to have to go on meds. What happened with that? I was a bit worried that your mum had banned you from coming on here, so good to see you back.

depression--help me

Post 83


well...er...umm...she doesnt no......smiley - winkeye

depression--help me

Post 84


So, have you had to go on meds?

depression--help me

Post 85


well not yet...

depression--help me

Post 86



It's good you started a topic for yourself, and that you don't feel ashamed about your feelings.
As you yourself can see, a lot of peoples experienced the same or try to understand you.
I hope you feel a bit at home at h2g2 and that you'll find a place here to feel a bít more comfortable.

As you might know,the only way out is, that you'll become able to help yoursélf in coping with these feelings. And finding ways of support in doing so. (medication/therapy/friends/books/etc).
Getting to know yourself better and what brings up these dark emotions.

It is a good thing that you are listening to yourself and share it (here) with others. So you dó feel care for yourself, otherwise you would not have started this topic.Didn't you!?

No one else , however, can do it fór you. We all háve to go our own way and get through our own shit.
But not alone!

It's a tricky balance, but important to understand.

I really hope you'll find your way in life and in yourself.

Greatings from Amsterdam ,flynnguy

depression--help me

Post 87

Researcher 556780

Well said Alfredo smiley - rainbow

depression--help me

Post 88


well...well, well, well....o well...im probly gonna see a dr.... then meds...well....i wont take them.....i refuse...only if i could get that to come out of my mouth and not my fingers...i dont want to b who i was....

depression--help me

Post 89


Don't say that only to us, but álso to the one who describes the medication.
It is more important that they know, than that we know, although sharing is always O.K.

And móst important; try to understand from yourself why you object that medication. What's the emotion in it.

NB. the choice isn't always yes or no to medication, but finding the good medication for you ánd the good quantity.

It is "shit",yes, but we cannot always do without for a while.

depression--help me

Post 90


hmmmmmmmm ok...smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

depression--help me

Post 91

Researcher 556780

*chuckles* @ smiley - bubblysmiley - laugh

depression--help me

Post 92



depression--help me

Post 93


o and not yet...hopefully never...(meds)....yea...that...

depression--help me

Post 94


Hi flynn, hows it going. I am glad you are not on meds yet. I hope you were not insulted by my comments on your age, but I really do think that being a teenager can be a real strain on the body and mind and taking meds is very extreme unless you are really sure it is depression, and it would have to be really bad depression at that.

depression--help me

Post 95


Hey Flynnguy

Speaking as a depressed teenager, hang on in there. I am told it gets better. I'm gonna take a look at your page in a mo.
Much respect for the stand on meds. The way I see it, they don't help you get undepressed, they'll just suspend the depression till you come off them - at which point it comes back in full force.
Glad to hear you have a hobby, cos that helps, takes your mind off stuff.
What brought the depression on? I mean are you being bullied or family troubles, or other tress, or has it just happened?
BTW, are you into RPG?

Just keep trucking.

depression--help me

Post 96


yea i should get to that page thing...havnt gotten to it yet...mah...depression... i dunno why....just sorta came... all the pressure to do well in life just kept bringing me down...o and kaz...as for the sure about being depressed..yea i am...part of it might be caused by my bitch of a sister who just told on my for browsing the internet...little f**ker....plz excuze the lang...im pissed...better go fastsmiley - run

depression--help me

Post 97


Dear Flynn,
I don't work for Zoloft. Actually I just had my meds changed to Valproate for the easier side-effects and I've never been happier.
Here's another cool website:
I know that life without my drugs would be worse, and not just for me.

depression--help me

Post 98


Dear Flynn,
Found another site you should look at:-
Please note that I CHOOSE to take my medication. No one forces me to or tries to emotionally blackmail me into doing it. I CHOOSE to; I LIKE it.

depression--help me

Post 99


Oops repeated a link, I meant this one:-

depression--help me

Post 100


You're pissed, shocking behaviour!smiley - winkeye

Whats so wrong with browsing on the internet?

Apart from sisters, hope things are going okay for you.

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