A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community

depression--help me

Post 21


Hah. Azahar, I think it was. So it's hard. Tough. Personally I'm rather revolted at the way Kaz over there decided to throw a petulant, VERY uncalled-for hissy fit. Let's not blame Flynn for, "insulting us" or "pushing us away." hmm? He can't control our actions, and he's asking for help. Actually trying to help people is never easy.
flynn, don't listen to these self-excusing children. Here's a collection of people who "help" people because they want to be thanked.
Certainly no everyone on this thread is behaving thusly. Just Kaz. And Az. they're free to flame me up if they want. It should prove amusing. I wonder what kind of smiley's they'll use.

Apatheologian the pissed off.

depression--help me

Post 22


And, flynn, could you do me a favour? Post something? I don't care if it's one line, or no lines, or just a little design or picture.

Apatheologian, Who Hasn't Showered Yet, And Has To Go Out To Dinner.

depression--help me

Post 23


ty everyone...katz im sry i didnt mean it like that...o well i posted... smiley - wizard

depression--help me

Post 24



I did not say that Flynn was 'insulting us', but yes he does seem to be pushing people away. And I simply pointed out the fact that it *is* hard to help people who push others away.


Now, *that* is an insult as you have no idea who I am or what my motives for doing things might be.


In fact, I never flame anyone. So no, I shan't be amusing you.


depression--help me

Post 25


hi flynn,

Do keep posting! I think you'd be surprised at how many people have an eye on this thread and are hoping you'll speak to them.

smiley - smiley


depression--help me

Post 26


I revolted you did I, oh dear. I'm not a great user of smileys either, sorry to disappoint.

I suffer from depression and agorophobia, I reached out was rebuffed, it hurt.

Flynn has come to my space and apologised, which was very kind. I will continue to talk to him, if he wants to listen, but not here. I do not intend to be judged by someone who knows nothing of me, and judges so profoundly on the basis of one posting.

So myself and Flynn are sorted. Myself and you have nothing to say to each other.

depression--help me

Post 27


Flynn, have you checked this out: A1964450
There are also lots of helpful links on my Personal Space. You are not alone in your misery! Also, have a word with your doctor as you might feel a lot better if you took medication.
All the best

depression--help me

Post 28


Well; indignation, we meet again. Anyway.
Thank you, flynn, for posting. I'm glad to see you're actually still reading this thread. My resources on this depression topic are a little underprepared; I've gone through my bouts of depression, but certainly not to your or to the extent of many others on this thread. So, Kaz seems like a good guy to talk to, probably knows his stuff. On my part, I can really only cheer you on. Try doing something expressive or creative; something that interests you, like drawing, or writing a bit of fiction. Keep a journal, too. That's always helped me out. Record your thoughts, things that happened, whatever.

depression--help me

Post 29

Researcher 556780

Hi Flynn smiley - smiley

My real name is Tracy, pleased to meet you smiley - ok I don't think I have ever talked to a young man such as yourself since I was 13! I do hope that you are not feeling so depressed anymore.

What is it exactly that is bothering you? I am just curious and it might help you to say a lil more of whats going on in your life right now......

I have a 5 year old boy, and I think that I might learn something from you, that might help me help my son if he reaches your age and is feeling down...smiley - hug

smiley - winkeye

depression--help me

Post 30


ahh trace well unfortunatly i dont think u can if he gets to my point...well hmmm errr....dont give him meds...dont let him no that u no and....he probly wont tell u.... as for apathagean...well it seems to feel dry and boring now...ty kaz

ty everyone it helps

depression--help me

Post 31

Researcher 556780

You are probably right, being that you know the best how you feel at your particular point smiley - smiley

I would like to think that I would do my best to be there for him whatever his needs were, depressed or anything else, even if it just means standing quietly by.

Can I ask, do you talk to your parents? I know I never did smiley - winkeye I just wondered...I know from experience that parents are not easy to talk too...smiley - laugh I just hope that I can avoid being such a parent with my wee man.

What advice can you give me about meds? Is there something that you have tried that didn't work out for you?

smiley - magic

depression--help me

Post 32


as for parents...no i dont and probly never will tell them...and meds ive never tryed them but have set my heart against taking something to make me feel happy

depression--help me

Post 33


o and what town do u live in that is 60 miles away from nyc

depression--help me

Post 34

Researcher 556780

I live in Middletown smiley - biggrin the street that I live on is a bit of a ghetto - but well the rent is cheap and the house is clean - it'll do till we have more money or win the lottery and become disgustingly rich.

Speaking of ghettos I have to visit the Bronx this Fri to do immigration stuff - oh joy - that place is such a dive you wouldn't think it of a govt office smiley - laugh

I lurked in some of your older postings, and you seemed quite happy in them if maybe a lil bored.....smiley - laugh

At 13, don't you think that maybe.... errrr...smiley - blush body changes may be making you depressed - please don't be offended - I mean that purely clinically - you know hormones n' all that....teenage years are hard for both sexes...and well...I wondered what you think...

Ok so I'm still fishing...smiley - winkeye I'm just curious, some ppl tell me annoyingly so....smiley - erm

Not wanting to take meds to make you happy is very admirable smiley - brave if you can pull yourself out of depression then you will be all the more emotionally stronger and braver than what you were before and if you slip again you can tell yourself that as a mantra...Some ppl tho need meds to help them and meds are not all bad smiley - smiley

smiley - magic

depression--help me

Post 35


nahh nuthing to do with "changes" idk uhh i wasnt happy then either i guess...well not that i no of..to tell u the truth i cant remember the last time i was truely happy...

depression--help me

Post 36

Researcher 556780

Well ...ok....nevermind....! *chuckles*

Here we go, if you don't want to answer these thats ok.....I'll just bombard you wif other sh.. I mean stuff...heeeee!

Do you have a girlfriend?
Do you have a best mate?
Do you know what you wanna do when you leave school?
Do you do well in school...(ok so that sounds parentish!)
Do you go out much to pubs, clubs or hang out somewhere?
What do enjoy doing the most...apart from playstation and computer stuff smiley - tongueout?
How many valentines are you sending and how many do ya think you'll get?

Grinz smiley - biggrin

depression--help me

Post 37


errr...no...but not that that bad....
uhh i have to wait till spring to start skateboarding w/ my friends again
the most...hmmmm snowboarding/ skateboarding
sending hmmm none the ppl in my grade r very immature tho som.....
planing on reciving...idk

depression--help me

Post 38


o well im pooped goin to bed now bye smiley - wizard

depression--help me

Post 39

Researcher 556780

Skateboarding...wow....I had a go once and sprained my ankle in the first like 5 seconds...smiley - laugh

Do you go to one of those errr....skateboarding parks? There used to be one near me when I lived in the UK, and the G (son) loved to go watch...he even wanted a skateboard so I got him one, and he used to lie on it and go up and down the small U shaped rink, he broke his wrist tho not long after falling down the stairs so .... I banned it, and got him a scooter instead smiley - laugh

Hmmmm.... seeing a trend of accident proneness....oh joy

Do you do many tricks or whatever they are called on your board?

depression--help me

Post 40



I'm shocked, I am much more used to burning bridges then building them! I must be begining to grow up at last. Nice to meet you anyway, btw I'm a girl, can I still be a girl at 32? To say I am a woman, or a female sounds daft!

Hi Flynn, am replying to you on our thread, hope thats okay. If anyone wants to check to make sure I am giving sensible advice, I won't be offended!

smiley - winkeye

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