A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community

depression--help me

Post 1


give me a reason to continue living...for each post i get another day...smiley - erm

depression--help me

Post 2


forget that....does neone want to talk to a depressed 13 yr old guy... u dont have to pretend to caresmiley - erm

depression--help me

Post 3


You may want to contact the Samaritans - http://www.samaritans.org.uk/

smiley - cheerup

smiley - blacksheep

depression--help me

Post 4

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Hi flynnguy.
Hope you hang in there.
The good samaritans are very good listeners do think about giving them a try.

depression--help me

Post 5


I don't wish to sound condescending, if it comes off that way, please forgive me. When I was your age I too was depressed and suicidal, I am now 32 still depressed but learning to live with it and barely ever suicidal anymore. I am so glad I lived, life can be hard, but its also beautiful. I am agorophobic, if I lived somewhere with no-one nearby I wouldn't be scared to go outdoors, but I don't so everyday is a battle. When I do go out though, I look at the clouds, the trees, the animals and even though I maybe quaking inside, I celebrate all the life around me.

Reward yourself with time at your hobbies, what do like to do, or what are you good at? What plans do you have for your future, think of all the places you could visit later on, all the films you could watch, all the different beers you could drink in somewhere like Belgian (my personal fav!).

You have to make a choice to really live, a decision to do the things you want to. Now is a good time to decide what those things are. Good luck. smiley - ale or smiley - choc or both?! smiley - magic

depression--help me

Post 6


If you’re feeling low, or suffering with depression, you don’t have to deal with it on your own. Take a look at the information we have about depression on the BBC One Life site at:


There’s loads of information on there about the types of help and treatment available.

If you’re male, check out the BBC Men’s Health section at:

You can also speak to someone at The Samaritans if you’re struggling to cope at the moment. The Samaritans is an organisation that was set up to help people through difficult times. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year, there are people there who’ll listen to what you have to say about what you’re going through.
In the UK dial 08457 90 90 90 for the cost of a local call. Website: http://www.samaritans.org Email: [email protected]

depression--help me

Post 7


Nobody gets through life totally on their own and the links and info given here can at least help you choose some form of help that suits you best. And meanwhile, keep on posting stuff here on h2g2. You'll meet all sorts of people and it does help with not feeling so alone.

Hope you stick around. smiley - smiley

smiley - hug


depression--help me

Post 8


i dont want to talk to somone who pretends to care i just want someone to talk to....

depression--help me

Post 9


o and ty kaz urz was semi-helpful

depression--help me

Post 10


Semi-helpful? If you insult the people who try to help you, don't expect to waste their time on you again. I didn't have to spend my time typing that you know, I did it because I do care, well I won't waste my time on you again.

depression--help me

Post 11


kaz i didnt mean that...i was talking about the samaritans....y does everyone hate me what did i do...

depression--help me

Post 12


I'm sure kaz didn't mean to come across that way.

If you want some people to talk to then you've come to the right place. There's THOUSANDS of people here, and a bunch of people on this thread.

If you want to talk then go ahead. smiley - biggrin What do you want to talk about my friend?

Stesmiley - mod

depression--help me

Post 13


i dunno what do i want to talk about

depression--help me

Post 14


i dont even no who i am nemore... i just want to b happy

depression--help me

Post 15


Everyone wants to be happy dude, it's a sad fact that there are a lot of people who aren't. It happens, sometimes for no reason.

What music are you into?

Stesmiley - mod

depression--help me

Post 16


What you ought to do is sign off your computer and aggressively telephone anyone who's ever been nice to you, and become their friend. Computers are fine, but human contact is a necessity. Being recusive when you're depressed is too easy. If you live merely to avoid doing things that are hard, your life rapidly empties of meaning and momentum. So hell, some people'll be dicks, they'll be mean and make you feel bad. When people do that, to me or people I care about, I thrash them, either physically or verbally, though usually physically.
If you're going to resort to childish name-calling, I'll resort to childish violence with my less than childish self.

anyway, I'm off topic. Go do something HARD that you're not sure you can do, and keep trying until you get it. It'll usually come along faster than you think. And forget the baby steps crap people keep telling you. Go as far as you can, and once you're comfortable there, take a bigger jump, and never scale it down. you can't be happy when you're wallowing. You have to want something, and pursue it.

depression--help me

Post 17


hi flynnguy .you have my sympathies.i speak from experience of depression since about the age of nine and now i'm 46 and have had to battle hard to stay sane.if i can do it you can too.every day is a reason to keep living. you want to see how it all pans out don't you?i'm not making light of your feelings .Life does hurt but there are so many wonderful things .this being one of them(the ability for people to respond to another's request is answered by complete strangers all of whom care and offer good advice.You need to develop your self esteem.this is the thing that's knocked out of us by usually unthinking people.and in this meritocracy that we seem to be a part of ,that would seem to be harder.be self confident (which i read on another strand is the bluffable bit)but don't lose your self esteem.To love others you have to love yourself.
So dont think this is corny do it .it does help .look in a mirror and smile at yourself like you'd smile to your best friend
Hang on in there kid
I hope life gets better for you soonsmiley - ok
smiley - magic happens y'know

depression--help me

Post 18


another post smiley - smiley

depression--help me

Post 19


and another
please change your mind over the original posting it's never a good idea as you really freak out people that do care but you may not realise they do 'til well y'know ....seen it happen twice unfortunately

depression--help me

Post 20


hi pedante,

It is very hard - if not impossible - to help people out when they just keep pushing you away.


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