A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community

depression--help me

Post 41

Researcher 556780

Hey Kaz....to say you are a woman or female sounds daft? *chuckles* nahhh it doesn't...smiley - tongueoutsmiley - nahnah

I'm 33 and of the fairer sex also smiley - diva, to call myself a girl doesn't sound quite right to my ears, maybe because of the experiences of life that I have been thro...anyway....that would be an interesting discussion on the 'British English - The Sequel' thread...don't ya think?

Sorry to hear Kaz, that you have also suffered mental health problems in your past and it sounds like you are coming to terms with how you feel. I do hope that doesn't sound condesending...smiley - erm anyway..pleased to meet you smiley - biggrin

Apatheologian - *phew* thats a name my mind has difficulty in pronouncing in my head even...smiley - laugh nice to see you too, seen you on the god thread smiley - biggrinsmiley - smiley

depression--help me

Post 42


Hi maniacal vixen, by nature and by name?

Emotional/mental problems impact your life tremendously, but they do have their upside. I think you become more compassionate and understanding, and also learn to understand yourself and how and why you work the way you do. I wonder whether people without these problems spend the same amount of time navel gazing? Of course maybe they are out there living, which I am envious of, but I do like to make a silver lining to every cloud!

depression--help me

Post 43

Researcher 556780

errrr...that weird, I coulda sworn that I answered this posting a while ago....was having problems earlier, mebbe it didn't register..

How bizzare!smiley - erm

Yes my name does reflect my nature, also has other meanings too....altho not of the pornographic kind which it tends to get taken for on yahoo....smiley - laugh

Anyways, yes emotional stuff tends to affect everyone around you as well as yourself and as long as you try to remain objective about your emotions - recognise them for what they are, it helps you be more empathic to others responses to your emotions, before they perhaps get out of hand smiley - biggrin

Navel gazing? *chuckles*

depression--help me

Post 44


kaz i agree
i have become more compassionate and understanding...but i still have yet to understand myself...

depression--help me

Post 45


im glad u didnt take the steriotypical view on skateboarders... i bet sumone would have asked if i take drugs had i not posted this...nope im not a pothead (smiley - droollook im high smiley - flyhi)

depression--help me

Post 46

Researcher 556780

*chuckles* of course not...so what tricks can you do on your board? Are you good?

smiley - smiley

depression--help me

Post 47


uhhh idk ive been skateboarding for 2 years and im kinda good ive landed a kickflip a few times 180, half-cab, boardslide an a whole bunch o other stuff... smiley - sporksmiley - towel

depression--help me

Post 48

Researcher 556780

okay I understand what you mean by 180... as fer the rest, its like your talking in swahili...smiley - winkeye Impressive stuff...mebbe you could start a skateboarding thread, and discuss the finer points with more knowledgable peeps smiley - biggrin

depression--help me

Post 49


trying to take my mind off of depression i noticed a while ago....

depression--help me

Post 50

Researcher 556780

did it work?

depression--help me

Post 51


sry but nosmiley - ok

depression--help me

Post 52

Researcher 556780

smiley - doh nevermind, it was a poor attempt, and it was also an effort to get you to talk a lil more about yourself...smiley - smiley

Are you at least feeling a tad bit better now, than what you did at the very first posting of this thread that you started?

Do you still want to live in other words?

smiley - hug

depression--help me

Post 53


Taking medication is never a case of "taking something to make feel happy!" The whole point of medication is that it brings your brain into a normal state where you don't OVER-REACT to things and make yourself unhappy over stuff most people ignore! I'm on meds but that doesn't mean I go around with a fixed grin and glazed expression; it just means if something gets me down it's something that would get most people down, as opposed to something that would only get a depressive down. Don't knock it until you've tried itsmiley - biggrin.

depression--help me

Post 54


when i started the thread i was worse...but im still not taking ne meds

depression--help me

Post 55


i wouldnt say that...tho

depression--help me

Post 56


The worst thing about depression is that your brain doesn't have the chemicals to produce positive thoughts, so it's like you think it's your fault when you just need a chemical tune-up. So give medication a chance and then you will be a new person because your brain will be capable of better thoughts.

depression--help me

Post 57


marvin go away im not taking meds and thats final

depression--help me

Post 58

Researcher 556780

You can get thro it, if you believe that you don't need meds..thats a positive thought and not a negative depressed one, which means that you are fighting against being depressed...ahh think...smiley - ermsmiley - laugh

Whatever......so...errrr.....ok....what next... flynn? smiley - smiley

depression--help me

Post 59


sry for taking so long to get back but my mom got pissed at me for going on an internet checkers site....well i am trying to fight it but i seem to be losing and even tho its not a depressed thought i dont call it happy...idk

depression--help me

Post 60


wow tracy i checked out the art link on your space and it was very very very good, i wish i could draw like that...smiley - ok

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