A Conversation for The Gam Room Storytellers

So is this`?

Post 161


Fine, fine, forget the fire thing. How about you write them saying that if they don't put us in the post you will have to tell the Organized Union of Brick-eaters that CBS in cooperation with H2g2 is sending lasers through tv and computer screens to activate the computer chip placed by motorola in my skull.

So is this`?

Post 162


Is that what they're doing? I always thought the whole plan was instituted by Total Hegemony Enterprises (Yellow division). My sources deep within the organization tell me that T.H.E.(Y) have been working on it for years in secret collaboration with Nokia and the makers of Pez. Shows what I know.

So is this`?

Post 163


You know, speaking of the whole "Who are 'THEY'" thing, I think I've realized something-what was the exact moment when we started loosing authors? The moment we moved from "Ask H2G2" to "The Gam Room Storytellers". What looked like a good, sanity saving idea at the time may be what killed us. No new authors coming in from a curious posting in the forums, and some old authors may have been left behind because they never look at the final post, they just noticed the new chapter before reading the end of the old one, and thus missed the link changings.

So, which first-write the POST, or move the forum?

So is this`?

Post 164


We'll we did lose some traffic but It is annoying to have to wait for all the past ask h2g2 conversations going back to 32 weeks to load if we want to start a new chapter. I think we might want to try some advertisement in ask h2g2, the misc. conversation forum, and contacting the post. I say, contact the post first.

So is this`?

Post 165


I concur.

So is this`?

Post 166


I kinda wish Anonymouse was here, she was very decisive in getting things done. She made the story entry and started a few of the new chapters too. Well one of us has to do something, and I vote for not me.

So is this`?

Post 167


*laughs* There are times when I wish for the entire thread on one page.. However, my browser is much happier this way. smiley - winkeye

Now.. What was it that needed done? smiley - bigeyes


So is this`?

Post 168


I think it was "get people to come here and write the story". Then again, in my last major post I was going on about Pez, so I'm probably not the best source for information.

So is this`?

Post 169


Hi, 'Nonnie. Long time no see.smiley - smiley

Anyway, we could write an article for the Post. Or...

You know, one of the post reporters writes about places on h2g2. MAybe we could get this place mentioned in the next "Quick Pics" thing he does. Or we could just make another "Collaberative Efforts" entry.

So is this`?

Post 170


Surely someone here is a Post reporter?

'Nonniesmiley - rose

So is this`?

Post 171


We should get a story going again.. though..
anyone in for that?

So is this`?

Post 172


There's no point in starting a story if people don't know about it. I think the POST should be able to help out with getting the word out, they did wonders for ICARUS when it was still around.

So is this`?

Post 173


Well.. people didn't know about the first story starting either, until someone just started it one day

So is this`?

Post 174


Right, but people knew about "Ask h2g2". There wasn't any marketing, so to speak, needed to get people to the place it was at. Now that it's on its own page, the word needs to get out that it's here. I mean there's what, several thousand entries in the Guide? The odds of finding a specific page when you're not looking for it are pretty slim all things considered. I'll ask Shazz next time I get a moment.

So is this`?

Post 175


Yes, please.. and thank you..

You're absolutely right, of course, which is one reason I was hoping to find an artist in the crowd willing to do us up a float for the parade last year... I tried, but alas, I'm no artist, and I spent more time working out how to build a yellow brick road than most people probably spent on their whole float.. and alas.. I never finished. smiley - blue

'Nonniesmiley - rose

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