A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 1


. . . What do you guys think? :D

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 2


Chocolate. No contest. smiley - smiley

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 3


Chocolate. No contest. smiley - smiley

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 4

Paladin of the Lost Hour

The love of a good woman.
Beats chocolate any day.....though Norwegian chocolate gives it a run for its money.

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 5


Nah, I still say chocolate.

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 6

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I second this motion, Chocolate rules supreme.

Clive smiley - smiley

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 7


Well, that cleared that up.

BUT... not all chocolate is as nice as it could be. What is, in your opinion, the BEST chocolate?

Anyone who says "Galaxy" will get a virtual slap from me.

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 8


Cadbury's Dairy Milk has to be the best one widely available in the UK. I think Swiss chocolate takes joint first prize. I don't think either are better than the other, just different. One advantage of the Swiss variety is that it seems to have less of whatever ingredient it is that makes you feel sick when you've had too much. You can therefore eat obscene amounts of the stuff before breakfast and still feel a picture of health.

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 9

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

I've read some intriguing things about Belgian chocolate; but I like to think that somewhere in a steamy bit of Mexico there is a tiny Mayan lady with a bent back and an enigmatic smile pounding some sort of incredible chocolate confection for the luckiest grandchildren in the world.smiley - smiley

... maybe Honduras.smiley - winkeye


What's the best thing in the world?

Post 10


i dont like chocolate as much as some people, but the best chocolate is not from the usa. to make chocolate stick together like it does, they put waxish substances in it, such as wax. american choc has way more waxish stuff than just about any other chocolate. and the best chocolate does come from somewhere in south america, and some kids grandma prob does make it....it sounds nice anyway, and hommade choc from so. america is the best choc i have ever had.

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 11

Paladin of the Lost Hour

Norwegian chocolate, hands down, best chocolate. Providing there are no good women around. And you have a Norwegian connection.

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 12

Cheerful Dragon

I don't much care what country it's from as long as it's dark, and maybe slightly bitter. The best one of that type readily available in the UK (at a reasonable price) is Cadbury's Bournville. There are other dark chocolates available over here, but they can be expensive. If we're going to get into the realms of 'filled' chocolates rather than bars, give me Thornton's Continental any day. Especially the Capucchino ones.smiley - tongueout

BTW I understand from a friend that Cadbury's Dairy Milk is available in the States, but it doesn't taste the same as the stuff we have in the UK (her husband used to work for Cadbury). The chocolate they have in the States is made by Hershey, and Cadbury won't give them the proper recipe, for obvious reasons. So, if any Britons are heading for the States, take some Cadbury's Dairy Milk with you and let them know what halfway decent chocolate tastes like!

BTW2 I've just thrown the original subject at my husband. He says the question can't be given a snap answer, 'cos if you do you fail to do the question justice. I have to agree with him there. I can't think of a single thing, concrete or abstract, that can be easily described as the absolute best in the world. Not on the spur of the moment, anyway. Maybe I'll get back to you on that one.

Having thought a bit, Richard and I came up with 'Love' in all its various forms and with all its different meanings, and 'Life' which, for us at least, is pretty good right now. If you're not alive, you can't love or experience love (as far as we know), and life ain't worth living without love (of some kind).

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 13

Paladin of the Lost Hour

...which to a degree supports my argument that the love of a good woman is better than chocolate, and, in my opinion, the best thing in the world. I also agree that it's a bit much to try and give up a snap answer to a question of this sort, but, like conversations with good friends, these forums tend to inspire thinking which leads to thoughtful answers.

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 14


Speaking of intruiging Belgian chocolate I remember an occasion when my parents bought some seemingly innocent mixed Belgian chocolates while on a short holiday there. They gave a packet of these to my grandparents, and when opened they turned out to be in... 'amusing' shapes. which we all thought was quite funny. But I ask you: what would happen if someone innocently bought those chocolates to give to, say, the Queen?

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 15


Dark chocolate is the best. Try eating a small square of it first thing in the morning, mmmm...
And define "Good woman".

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 16

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Mature female Homo sapiens with job in chocolate factory.smiley - winkeye


What's the best thing in the world?

Post 17

Trillian's child

Laying on the settee after a perfect and satisfying Sunday lunch and dozing or watching an old Gene Kelly film, your baby asleep on your tummy.

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 18


i like milk..yeah it has to be the best thing...either that or half frozzen applesause with cinonimon spinkled on the top.

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 19

Fragilis - h2g2 Cured My Tabular Obsession

The best thing in the world is life. Without it, nobody would be appreciating much of anything.

What's the best thing in the world?

Post 20

Mostly Harmless

It wouldn't be much of a life without the love of a good woman.. or two.. smiley - winkeye

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