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Your Funeral Song

Post 141

You can call me TC

A school mate of my kids' who is studying music gave a concert at the weekend and one of his encores (local kid got loads of applause smiley - applause and di 3 encores ) was Chopin's nocturne in A minor. I asked his Dad if I could book him to play it at my funeral. Lovely stuff. (Gorgeous kid, too - Give the ladies at my funeral something to ogle. smiley - drool )

Your Funeral Song

Post 142

Yael Smith

Always the considerate one, eh, TC?smiley - winkeye

Funerals are a waste of time for me. Especially Jewish ones- oh, yeah, she's dead. Where are the sandwiches?

Your Funeral Song

Post 143

Pink Paisley

Funerals a waste of time?

We'd be knee deep in dead bodies..........

(I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post a song for my ex but how about that tune from the Wizard of Oz. Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead.)


Your Funeral Song

Post 144


One of my friends wanted the witch song at her mother's funeral. She was out voted!

Your Funeral Song

Post 145


i would have .1,mood for a day .by yes.
2.my immortal. by evanescence
3.deceiver. by judas priest.
they let you have 3 songs at a funeralsmiley - biggrinsmiley - cool

Your Funeral Song

Post 146

Tom the Pomm

Oi luvs froid Chips en at ! :0)

Your Funeral Song

Post 147


if you said sosmiley - cool

Your Funeral Song

Post 148


I have a strange plan to find a middle of nowhere-ish place, and get a fire going, and have everyone I've ever known help chuck me on it, then they've all got 3 chosen songs that get played, and I do too, because surely that's fair as it's my funeral.
In which case my three would be...
Smells like teen spirit - Nirvana(never particularly liked the song but in an attempt at a band it's the one song we tried and couldn't even manage to get all the way throughsmiley - laugh)
My Immortal - Evenescence(as I've said before, but I'll bang on about it)
Leper Affinity - Opeth(I love the ending too bits, awesome, heavy song)

Your Funeral Song

Post 149

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

this thing wont let me post the thing I want to post
it says theres a bad word
but for the life of me- theres nothing anyone would find offensive in it
but I was gonna suggest:
carry on my wayward son
by kansas smiley - smiley

fordsmiley - cheers

Your Funeral Song

Post 150


Yay for Kansas - a lovely song it is, too.


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