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What in your music collection do you hide when "cool" people visit?

Post 1

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

I ask because I recently purchased a 4 cd compilation "Best of Jazz". You know the sort of thing - even Hypervalue had it in the bargain bins. Talk about an admission that I know nothing about jazz and I'm too lazy to learn. Very unsmiley - cool. smiley - erm Have I committed social suicide? smiley - biggrin

What in your music collection do you hide when "cool" people visit?

Post 2


I don't know if you have committed social suicide, but I can tell you what I hide when "cool" people come.

Of all the showtunes and old Irving Berlin, Gershwin, and Rodgers & Hart standards in my CD collection, the only thing I hide is some pop or rap CD that someone gave me once, that I only survived through one listen.

What in your music collection do you hide when "cool" people visit?

Post 3

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

smiley - laugh But you actually know something about the old stuff
Mind you if I had any rap I'd hide it smiley - ok

What in your music collection do you hide when "cool" people visit?

Post 4

Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery

I'm way into stuff like earth, wind, and fire and george clinton and the parliament funkadelic, the jackson 5...i claim it's because it's so good to dance with little kids to smiley - whistle

The real embarrassment though is how much Mariah Carey and Celine Dion is in my collection smiley - blush. I claim *that* is because I sing and um..I need to learn technique..

What in your music collection do you hide when "cool" people visit?

Post 5


Wow, you know smiley - cool people smiley - winkeye??

All the cool people I know, are painfully aware of my daginess (aka "extreme uncoolness" smiley - biggrin)...but I don't own a cd I don't like...with the exception of this one of Beatles' songs play on pipes...I don't know why I bought that one...smiley - erm

What in your music collection do you hide when "cool" people visit?

Post 6

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

In my fast approaching old age (seems old to me) I'm actually starting to like things like Earth,Wind and Fire that I despised as pop in my teens. Still can't stand Mariah Carey etc

What in your music collection do you hide when "cool" people visit?

Post 7

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

All smiley - cool people need to associate with at least one seriously unsmiley - cool person so everyone can see how smiley - cool they are

What in your music collection do you hide when "cool" people visit?

Post 8


...and it's also someone that they can be unsmiley - cool around without fear of judgement smiley - ok!

What in your music collection do you hide when "cool" people visit?

Post 9

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

Being smiley - cool is such hard work and they're always insecure, we're better offsmiley - cheers

What in your music collection do you hide when "cool" people visit?

Post 10

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

I hide nothing! Everyone who knows me is aware of my showtunes obsession, and if I hid those CDs, it would look like I hardly had any (plus there'd be a really big bulge under the rug where I'd stowed them). I might possibly hide the Busted CD, though!

What in your music collection do you hide when "cool" people visit?

Post 11


Hi, David!

Yes, my entire collection (except for that one cd) is showtunes, and anyone who doesn't appreciate the glory of showtunes had better not show up at my house! In fact, I make a point of playing the most obscure showtunes I can find whenever my roommate (at college) comes in with her rap-listening-to friends. They're too embarassed to ask what I'm listening to, but I get lots of strange looks. It's fun!

What in your music collection do you hide when "cool" people visit?

Post 12

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I don't hide any, but I might want to stratigically place the George Formby next to the Napalm death, just for effect, and perhaps with a odd Rolf Harris or Wombles, next to that too...

What in your music collection do you hide when "cool" people visit?

Post 13

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

I think I'd have to put the Carpenters' boxed set next to my Levellers' CD's, and the Chieftains, next to the Pogues.
However Clive Dunn's 'Grandad' may have to be hidden. smiley - yikes

smiley - musicalnote

What in your music collection do you hide when "cool" people visit?

Post 14


Mine has to be my collection of computer game soundtracks

I don't know why i'm admiting this but i don't care about being smiley - cool anyway

What in your music collection do you hide when "cool" people visit?

Post 15


I actually had an argument with a smiley - cool friend the other day about the Carpenters...he said they were one of the worst things to happen to music...my conclusion is that the poor boy will continue to live his blinkered life...never knowing the solace that "rainy days and mondays" can have on a dishevelled spirit...smiley - biggrin

The first time the boy I'm seeing saw my cd collection he had no idea what half of them were...now I know he's only a baby, so I'm prepared to let things like the Kinks and The Velvet Underground slide...I gritted my teeth but grudgingly accepted that he didn't know who Roy Orbison was...

...but who doesn't know Bob Dylan smiley - yikes??

See, he's the smiley - coolsmiley - cat who listens to Rap and Hip Hop smiley - musicalnote...while I can appreciate it, it's not something I collect...smiley - erm

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 16

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

ABBA Arrival Album. Only to protect it from any real 'cool' person seeing it and asking to borrow it.

It has been said "true class has no price" - but this cost £3.99 from Woolworths. smiley - brr cool.

smiley - online2long

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 17


Are you serious smiley - yikes!

My little brother inherited his ABBA addiction from his mother (he's only 15 bless him smiley - angel) and it's impossible to get a reasonably priced ABBA cd anywhere I know of...but then, they are still very popular down here...in a way...smiley - erm

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 18

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

*Ignores any/all possibility that ABBA might be uncool in some way...*

Serious, £3.99, back in when music came on vinyl. smiley - whistle

Think somebody did make comment that music once not liked, can come back into fashion. I used to hate Duran Duran, now one or two songs I can *twitch* *twitch* listern too.

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 19


I've more or less assumed that if I bought it, it must be cool smiley - bigeyes.

The one problemito I had was with someone who thought my Bob Dylan albums were 'sad' and 'lame' and 'isn't he that old guy who can't sing' and then the fool couldn't understand why I wouldn't go on a date with him.

Dylan rules. And I have the same birthday as him (and Queen Victoria!).

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 20

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Well, Dylan....
I can take or leave him. More a Van the Man man myself. Astral Weeks, severely smiley - cool.
KC was one of the best drmmers I've seen. Played five full sets of drums at the same time on Blue Peter, about a year before she died.
I would seriously hide my 'Thriller' album if it was Michael smiley - steamsmiley - pony Jackson, but luckily its a really smiley - cool album by Tapper Zukie, Proper Jamaican Reggae.....Seriously smiley - cool...

smiley - musicalnote

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