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What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 41


...I used to be a music elitist in my youth...what I listened to was smiley - cool and everything else was smiley - weird....

...these days I tend to embrace the "different strokes for different folks" philosophy...and while I don't own any ABBA music, I wouldn't hold it against anyone who did...I mean, I own the Monkees in concert cd, who am I to judge smiley - laugh??

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 42

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

I had some really awful stuff in my collection in years goneby (anyone remember Crass) but defnitely no Duran Duran and that is something I intend to hold the same. Next you'll be recommending Wham to me RF.
Defnitely different strokes for different folks Tanzen but the Monkees, well really smiley - laugh

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 43


Oh the Monkees rock and you know it smiley - winkeye!

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 44

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

I used to watch them as a kid but I preferred the Bananna Splits
All together now, "One banana, two banana etc"
Now that was rock smiley - biggrin

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 45


That was what school holidays were all about when I was little...The Banana Splits, the Monkees, and HR Puffenstuff (which I think I may have spelt wrong...smiley - erm)

But the Monkees were always my favourites, possibly because of the giant crush I had (have smiley - loveblush) on Mike...smiley - blush

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 46

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

Also White Horses, Flashing Blades
Now thats a compilation album I'd buy

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 47

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

smiley - erm another compilation album I'd buy smiley - winkeye

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 48


*suddenly feeling decidedly smiley - cool*

smiley - biggrin...smiley - erm...

*starts to wonder if smiley - cool people use the word "decidedly"*

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 49


My claim to fame is that I actually met one of the Monkees and got his autograph (and that was two weeks ago). Actually, I'm proud to say that even though I grew up well after the Monkees, I've not only heard of them but like some of their songs.
Actually, I like a number of singers from the sixties and seventies, and almost none from my generation. But it took me a long time before I even gave them a chance, assuming that because they weren't showtunes and because my mother liked them, they must be bad. I've subsequently learned to be more open-minded about music, and about life, the universe, and everything.

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 50

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

I've just done a quick poll on that at work and the unanimous verdict (all 4 of us) is no smiley - tongueout

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 51

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

And what do you mean in your youth you mere slip of a girl Tanzen (continueing with the nostalgia theme) Oh, to be 24 again

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 52


MuseSusan, I'm a lot like that...I am (as Blackberry Cat has mentioned smiley - tongueout) 24, but spend a lot of time listening to the Beatles, the Doors, the Kinks, Bob Dylan, Roy Orbison, and other stuff form the 60s in particular...I knew it wasn't "usual" but I never suspected it wasn't smiley - coolsmiley - yikes!

And Blackberry smiley - biggrin...I know I'm only 24 smiley - erm...but one day I'm gonna grow up and be a crazy old lady on a motorcylce smiley - cheers!

...is that smiley - cool? No smiley - erm? Well good smiley - evilgrin!!

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 53

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

When you start terrorizing the neighbourhood on your Harley I shall be very polite or smiley - run

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 54


I won't be scary...well, not very smiley - evilgrin...

I've been spending the last few years perfecting the crazy part....just started on the hippie bit with a bit more fervour...now I've got to get my motorbike license and figure out how to do all three at the same time smiley - ok!!

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 55


The motorbike and everything is fine; what will scare me is if you're an old lady terrorizing the neighborhood while singing at the top of your aged lungs.

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 56

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

I'm mostly laidback, so laidback I fall over (or is that the smiley - redwine), go with your dream smiley - ok

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 57


Well it's got to be a step up from now...where I tend to be the loony on public transport smiley - weird!

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 58

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

Thats me that is
I refuse to drive or own a car so its public transport or shanks pony for me

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 59


I was on the tram a few months ago with my youngest brother, teaching him how to proposition girls on the streets with the use of clever hand gestures smiley - winkeye...

...and my other brother and I consider a tram ride wasted unless at least one person has broken down laughing in psite of themselves smiley - weirdsmiley - rofl!

What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

Post 60

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

smiley - rofl now I can see where your tag line comes from
Your parents must dread it when your brothers come back from seeing you
What will Tanzen have taught them now?

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What in your music collection do you hide when 'cool' people visit?

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