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How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 1


I'm terrible at spelling, and often use a spellchecker. So I deliberately spelt spellchecker wrong for mine.
smiley - biggrin

smiley - tit

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 2


I am often told that i look like Egon from ghostbusters

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 3


I just thought it sounded cool.

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 4

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

It's the name of our oldest moggy, now 15 and a half. She is grey though but there is no smiley.

turvysmiley - blackcat

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 5


It's my first initial, the first three letters of my surname, and an s for no good reason.

Yes, I am that dull.


How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 6


Um...it's inappropriate to ask what you surname...but I can't fpr the life of me think what it might be...smiley - bigeyes


How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 7


Am I drunk?

"...to ask what your surname IS.."

smiley - yikes

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 8


Egg is the start of my surname, yes.

If you want to know the whole of it (8 letters altogether) go looking for villages in Derbyshire.

Just off the A38.


How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 9

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Mine is from "Young Frankenstein" the movie. It fits me ~~~ so many reasons! smiley - smiley I am slowing out-growing my quietsurfer identity.

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 10

Chan-Mick le Frog

Mick is for Mickey, the name I use in daily life (even though it's not my passport one).

Chan does not indicate oriental origins but is short for changeling because I am one and look it.

le Frog is, bien sûr, because I'm Français.

smiley - elf (Mickey le changeling gaulois)

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 11

Seamus...the forbidden

Am I drunk?

SaturEIGHTed I should think.

What do you mean nickname? Has someone blown my cover?smiley - winkeye


How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 12


Hey...I like that..


smiley - biggrin

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 13

Gnomon - time to move on

Gnomon is a Greek word which means "the interpreter, the one that knows, the one that shows the way", which I hope describes my internet presence. Coincidentally, it is pronounced "know-mon" which is almost "know-man". The Gnomon is the part of the sundial which casts the shadow. In the most commmon type of sundial, the gnomon points directly at the North Celestial Pole, so I always point the same way as the world revolves around me! smiley - biggrin

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 14

Demon Drawer

Mine comes from bowls it's a play on the fact that as well as being a great drawer of the bowl gently up beside the jack I also have a accurate, powerful and deadly drive (or Demon Draw as my teammates called it) which saved many a lost situation.

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 15

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

WOW smiley - erm what does that mean?

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 16


Mine is because umm...smiley - winkeye

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 17

Demon Drawer

Quiet surfer this may help A462269 Lawn Bowls smiley - winkeye

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 18

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

Mine, as noted in my space, is as follows:

Ændr is one of my real life nicknames, the one I like most and the one I use most. It is the one my friends and some of my relatives know. Ændr comes from "And", one of the most commonly used words in English and also is a combination of various letters gleaned from my first and surnames. I'm left handed and if you consider a left handed android, it wouldn't have painful diodes so take them out. Contemplate the meaning of the ancient celtic word Ændr as a description of me. I also perversely like words that are hard for native English speakers to pronounce. I was actually given the nickname by a Gaelic speaking relative. Thus, a number of reasons for my nickname. To pronounce it, say "And" using a longish "a" sound such as in "car" mixed slightly with the "e" sound in "hen" and then add a slightly rolled "rrrrr" at the end, but no ending "uh" if you don't mind!

The Mad Hatter comes about because I love hats. I had uniform hats at school and at Guides, but the first hat I bought just to wear (which I lost last year sadface ) was a Lindsay Tartan Hat made by "Mad Hatters Co." I also really like the character of the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland. However, I did not give myself this nickname - it was given to me by the Guides on Guide camp one year, I like the nickname, which is lucky as it stuck.

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 19


It's my researcher number smiley - silly

Been my favourite nickname for a while...

Imagination, who needs it?

How/Why did you choose your nickname?

Post 20

Zak T Duck

Mine is a name I got given at Primary School as there were too many Marks, and calling me by my surname would've been to formal. It sorta stuck with me ever since as my preferred name of choice.

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