A Conversation for Silver Sword - Heroville Town Square


Post 41

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Gandark] Hey, wait a minute, the dragon's cave is to the North, don't we wanna go up there? Another halfling wizard told me he bought the "Comet" spell at the castle.

[DM] Kain did say he was going north earlier. The party follows him to a new location:

In a Forest
The party steps out the north gate of the town, into a forest. You can hear the sound of running water, like a river, to the northwest. An owl hoots.

[Gandark] Wait a minute, that doesn't sound like an owl....

[DM] Party leader Kain, continue or go back?
smiley - towelNerd42


Post 42

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Kain stands, spear ready.*
[Kain] We'll proceed slowly. Keep your eyes open...


Post 43

Bobo(VIPER) (Secruity Chief for Khar Siid) (Undead!?)

*heads east*


Post 44

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

~mutters something about the undemocratic nature of this mission and follows Kain~


Post 45

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[DM] You could vote to replace Kain as party leader. East? OK, but I thought you were going after the dragon to the north like the dwarf wanted you to. Oh well, east then.


[Gandark] That really really doesn't sound like an owl!

[unknown deep voice] It isn't.

[DM] You are attacked! Suddenly, out of the sky falls about a hundred skeletons of undead owls, with giant spiders in their talons. In the air, the owls carry the spiders, and on the ground, the spiders carry the owls. Webs are spraying out to capture the party!

[Gandark] smiley - yikes


Post 46

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

[Glon]Bloody wierd attacker!

~Stets to work killing one of the owls~


Post 47

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Gandark casts "Fire"!

[DM] "Fire" succeeds in lighting several owls, which drop their spiders, which only makes them really really angry. They rush at Gandark, who jumps back....

[DM] Glon slays more owls, who drop spiders. It seems that the fire is spreading amongst the owls, releasing some extremely angry spiders bent in using their venom on the first hero they see. The spiders don't seem very flamable and are much more dangerous than the owls


Post 48

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Kain smacks an Owl out of the air, and barely gets out of the way of a sticky web fired at him. He sweeps the ground, splattering three Spiders and staggering back to his feet.*
[Kain] Well this is weird...


Post 49

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[DM] Kain succeeds in turning many piles of spiders into many piles of dead spiders.

Gandark jumps on the Giant's soldiers and casts "Fire" on the ground in order to get at the spiders, but not burn himself.

[DM] Not very effective, but full marks for trying.


Post 50

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

smiley - sorry not soldiers, shoulders


Post 51


Giant takes hammer and knocks and squashes every spider with 1 feet


Post 52

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[DM] Giant succeeds in killing ten-twenty spiders. About fourty left. The forest is catching on fire from Gandark's spells....


Post 53

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

...creating lots of yelling from a southern direction. Several townspeople begin running back and forth from the river to the forest with buckets to fight the flames.

[Gandark] Sorry!

[DM] Gandark gets a bit burnt.

[Gandark] Ouch!


Post 54


Giant is on fire he needs help in order to survive!

Giant yells, help...... help....... I AM ON FIRRRRRRRRRRRRREE
I do not want to committ sucide anymore, but I jumped to much fire twice!

I hate the pain, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

Giant kills himself with his hammer, he is dead!


Post 55


Giant jumped in about 2 trees that were on fire, and he could not handle the pain and agony, so he took his hammer and hit his eyes once and his head 5 times in order to kill himself! Giant is now dead and is no longer alive!!!!!!!


Post 56

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Well, I thought giants were stupid, but not THAT stupid.


Post 57

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me



Post 58

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Kain leaps upwards, swinging out and taking out four Owls. He lands on a burning tree, but leaps off again before he can be harmed. He lands on a spider, crushing it.*
[Kain] Oh great! What have I stepped in!?


Post 59

Bobo(VIPER) (Secruity Chief for Khar Siid) (Undead!?)

::swings his dagger towards the back of one of the owls' head, then dodges some venom spray from a close spider::


Post 60

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

~concentrated his attack on the spiders~

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