A Conversation for Silver Sword - Heroville Town Square


Post 21

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Manager] Here you are.

[Gandark] Hey, where's that dude who knocked down the door? Doesn't he wanna buy something?

smiley - towelNerd42


Post 22


I would like to buy a dagger please.

smiley - dragonAargain


Post 23


Me too! Daggers are the bomb! I know Nerd42 and Aargain also. What a small world!


Post 24

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

[Kain] Let's get a map. We'll need to know where all the inns are...


Post 25

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

Hey!, Big guy!(buster) wouldn't you prefer a treetrunk or something?


Post 26

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Gandark] Careful there, he is.... pretty big.

The manager takes coins and hands out daggers all around.

[Gandark] Ready to go?


Post 27

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

[Glon]Ready when you are


Post 28

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[Manager] A map? There ain't nobody has made a map of this dump since....

[Gandark] Where's the nearest larger settlement?

[Manager] It's around here somewhere. There's a castle up north somewheres, they might take in strangers, and then they might not. Then there's a small hut faraway to the east, but that's about all. There's another village to the south that doesn't have a name, and west I have no idea about. It's a desert, there might be gypsies, might be sand hands. Who knows? Who cares? (to himself) what a funny lookin' bunch. hehe.

[Gandark] I guess that about wraps it up for directions.

[DungeonMaster] Ah, the giant has arrived. Hello!

smiley - towelNerd42


Post 29

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

[Glon]I want to go to the castle!


Post 30

Bobo(VIPER) (Secruity Chief for Khar Siid) (Undead!?)

::tosses dagger from hand to hand::
ya, I'm ready.


Post 31

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[DM] Okay, but who's in charge? And if anybody here is a thief, try picking people's pockets in towns. You might be able to get more money to buy more stuff. But be careful! You might also end up in the castle sooner than you thought, as a prisoner!

[Gandark] North. Sounds good to me....

[DM] Suddenly, a huge, extremely rusty and dirty iron hammer is flung randomly into the street. The enraged man who threw it screams to someone in the opposite direction, "I've HAD it with that nasty thing!" He's a runaway blacksmith's apprentice.

The dwarf who was yelling in the Inn about the dragon walks up. Behind him is another dwarf on a very small horse. The first dwarf says, "I've just had some very bad news about my dwarven clan, and so I must go to them, and cannot accompany you. The dragon's cave is far away to the north, beyond the castle where the Princess lived. Go there, perhaps my buisness will be concluded by then and I can join you. Here's a compass."

[DungeonMaster] Recieved "Compass"!

[Second Dwarf] "Yeah yeah, your happy little FF music and all. Oh please." He rolls his eyes.

[DM] Sorry, couldn't resist. Well, what now?

smiley - towelNerd42


Post 32

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

[Glon]Would you prefer a hammer to a knife my larger than life friend?

~Attempts his first pickpocket~


Post 33

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[DM] You manage to steal seven more copper coins. That and the hammer are, I promise you, all the freebies you'll find in this town.

[DM] Would you exchange your dagger for the hammer, Buster? It has twice the attack power, and you'd be likely to drop the dagger instead of wield it because it's so small compared to you.

[Gandark] I'll take your dagger! I don't have one.

[DM] The dwarf looks doubtfully at the party, then climbs onto another dwarf-sized pony, and the two gallop away in a vauge east-northeast direction. (according to your shiny new compass)


Post 34

Bobo(VIPER) (Secruity Chief for Khar Siid) (Undead!?)

*looks around for a horse*


Post 35

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[DM] The stable manager just rented his last one. Sorry, looks like you're on foot today.


Post 36

Bobo(VIPER) (Secruity Chief for Khar Siid) (Undead!?)

*looks around at his enviroment and the people that he can see*


Post 37

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

*Steps up behind Bobo*
[Kain] Having fun yet?


Post 38

Bobo(VIPER) (Secruity Chief for Khar Siid) (Undead!?)

[DeathBlade] yes...you find anything useful yet?


Post 39

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

[Glon]lets go east and raid the small hut!


Post 40

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

[DM] Kain, which way?

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