The Last Bus Shelter at the End of Town

20 Conversations

Nobody brings anything small into a bar round here

They all start out with bad directions.
Tom Waits, 9th and Hennepin

The Last Bus Shelter.

'Last stop', calls out the conductor on the Route 666 to Bedlam. 'Please don't forget your beer cans and meths bottles.'

A holey-sweatered, bloodshot bunch of would be Edited-Guide entries shambles off the bus to join many more of their like crammed into the broken-windowed bus shelter, just before the bus pulls off to turn into Broken Dream Boulevard. Despite the howling gale whistling through the empty frames, the shelter reeks of cheap cooking sherry, aftershave and Toilet Duck.

This is where the most irremediably insane of entries posted to Peer Review end up, after vain attempts at 'Care in the h2g2 Community' have failed. Even the most Guide-hardened Lurkers avoid this place, like they would a roving band of Moonies: the place has an aura of thwarted aspirations and an ever-weakening grasp on reality. Isolated and shunned by their peers, the Entries guzzle their Diamond White, swat at imaginary demons and berate passers-by for the funny looks they get. Here, however, they are among friends. No rant is too vituperative, no imaginary demon more real.

If you come across a Peer-Reviewed (and probably Peer-Reviled) entry that you think might be better off here, then post a link down below and we will look after them. Remember, no harm can come to them here. They are far from alone: at the very least there are always the demons.

RAnt oF tHe WeEEK

Anyone can nominate a Rant of the Week. To qualify, an entry must:

  • Have been submitted to Peer Review without even remotely fulfilling the criteria for so doing;
  • Apparently be written by someone in a disturbed state of mind;
  • Caused a great deal of irritation among the Volunteers, particularly with regard to the author ignoring well-meant advice;
  • Be proposed by a Volunteer and seconded by anyone else: this is to stop personal grudges from being worked out.

  • The Bus Shelter has a 'caretaker', (i.e. me), and his decision as to whether the new inhabitant is accepted is final.


    Tired of phishing scams? Charity begins at home, we say: there are too many sane and rich Nigerians running around when we can wasted our money on our own home-grown lunatics!

    A New Bus Operator!

    American Greyhounds now ply the 666 Route, it seems. This gentleman should be encouraged to use green writing paper: that way, we might not notice the spidery rantings written in green ink.

    Someone chucks some more petrol on the Moronic Inferno

    As if we weren't conviced of his insanity already, Mr. Gaffney has obliged yet again in giving us another inchoate ramble through the thought processes of a total lunatic. Look upon his works, ye sane, and despair.

    Here we go again

    More from Mr Gaffeny's unique 'thought processes':


    What can I say really? Here, in a few short paragraphs, prime number theory is linked to clairvoyant espionage activities. How stupid of me not to have noticed this beforehand!


    When I read the name of these shadowy beings, I imagined them to be like Harry Potter's 'Dementors': creatures that suck out your soul. I wasn't far from the mark: this author's encounter with them has obviously left him with his soul intact, but nevertheless bereft of his brain.

    GUTH Venus

    Is there intelligent life on Venus? Judging by this contribution, more than there is in some parts of this planet.

    Its Not Too Late

    The Hi-Tech Cyberspace Hillbilly delights us once again with a view into his, for want of a better word, mind.


    Hi-Tech Cyberspace Hillbilly Flounders and Fairs Poorly on Capital Hill

    Quick: cover your windows with tinfoil! They really are out to get you.


    Well, this polemic is an original and 'idiosyncratic' take on a touchy subject . Enjoy, while you can.


    We've a belter for you this week: A976638. Anyone capable of distilling any sense from this word-salad wins our star prize: a fortnight in the company of David Icke.


    How NOT to post a scientific article to PR


    We have two contenders this week:

  • A935822
  • A935831

  • Bookmark on your Personal Space



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