A Conversation for The Last Bus Shelter at the End of Town

Does this one qualify?

Post 1

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman


Does this one qualify?

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho


Have you checked out the link? smiley - bigeyes

Does this one qualify?

Post 3


Possibly. I'd say leave it a little both putting it in thr Bus Shelter, though. See what kind of response comes in the thread.

You know, it fooled me for a little while. At the start I thought it was just a family history. A very badly written family history, obviously, but that was all. But when it began going on about Beckham, I could barely contain myself.

So, yes, it is rubbish, but I still reserve judgement on whether it is completely rabid rubbish.


Does this one qualify?

Post 4


I'm sorry, my ability to spell almost completely deserted my on that first line. It should read:

I'd say leave it a little before putting it in the Bus Shelter, though.

smiley - ok


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