To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

1 Conversation

To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Inbetween and during the conversations of the gods of that forecoming greatergratest production, some of them thought of this schedule to be only the gloriest of black magic initiatives, the highest trully ever to be made possible. Alone though. Gods of tired, with signs of having lost the grace to create too, dead gods that is, had their diabolos in those meetings, and their diabolos went on further earth.

Far after in time, the love they were, personally, martyrs of, ressurected their gods.

And Their Gods, send new delegates, because, anyway, those diabolos, or definitely their majority of them, would, suicide, in front of that love, as not to do harm any more or further on, one day, having badly won in true at least the love belief, in their hands had ressurected their god ones.

Back again then with those new delegates, as said before, sent much and much too much earlier on, to justify what could be allowed to be wished, «Because, The Humankind was worth It» they (their gods) said!!; people of a race too that we have dreamed about them, may be of them, may be for them, may be communicated times in true, times in fantasy, denying really to accept their defects, vice so much of so many of them against so many, but, Here you have their origin, - there - they are, The (your) IndianS.
Those of the American Ones, those that were there before the exploration of america, and so forth.
Those delegates, nontheless, had complete unawareness abou(r) it, about their originss.

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