A Conversation for To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Peer Review: A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 1

Researcher 215761

Entry: To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM - A935831
Author: Researcher 215761 - U215761

To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 2


Can I just ask; what *are* you on about?? smiley - huh

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 3


and in what language, smiley - biggrin?

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 4


And what's it got to do with Satanism?

smiley - huh

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 5


Whoever they are, I don't think they're english. I suspect this is a Babelfish type translation of something or other.

The other clue of course is the « Quotation » marks in the text... Try doing that on an standard QWERTY keyboard...

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 6

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Um, welcome to h2g2 nameless researcher. I'm afriad tho', Peer Review isn't really the place for these sort of musings- you could try posting it as a journal entry perhaps. Meanwhile, could I suggest you click the 'remove', or the X if you're in Brunel skin- you'll find it next to 'researcher ID' on the peer review page.

smiley - ale

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 7


Its definately a translation from something. The word diabolos is a clue. Diablo is a word of Latin origin and is used in Spannish for the Devil. Looks like the babel fish couldn't handle that word and kept the original.


A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 8


Venus Diablo.

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 9


I notice that this person has not been ACEd yet eithersmiley - erm

And I agree, this is not an Entry for Peer Reviewsmiley - smiley

Caper Plipsmiley - artist

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 10



But I'd still like to know what it is about.

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 11


Who is Venus Diablo? I have a vauge idea I have heard that phrase before but the old grey cells are getting a bit idle.


A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 12


Looks like we've got another onesmiley - erm

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 13


Venus Diablo means *Devil Love* I believe. It's a Tura Satana song...

smiley - tongueout

PQ - I know. smiley - groan

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 14


Er ........... ?

smiley - monster

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 15

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

I admire articles like this. I couldn't write like this if I had a gun to my head.

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 16


*sprays coffee all over his monitor on reading the last post* smiley - winkeye

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 17


It looks like a ransom note cut out of a newspaper with all the capitals in the wrong place like that. Maybe Mr/Mrs X cut and pasted from an online newspaper to ensure anonymity? smiley - erm

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 18

Smij - Formerly Jimster

'Venus Diablo'

Wasn't that that Greek bird with no arms?

smiley - erm

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 19


smiley - blush Actually spent time thinking about the possibility of a feathered bird _having_ arms smiley - online2long before realising what Jimster was on about

smiley - doh Need more coffee!

A935831 - To The JustificatioN Of SatanisM

Post 20

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Can I suggest as well as having Speaker's Corner, we create another virtual place called Furious Nutter's Corner, with virtual bus shelters to keep them all warm and huge supplies of virtual cooking sherry to fuel the 'creative' impulses?

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