2 Conversations

On Nov. 28th 1995., Ted Koppel, host of ABC's "Nightline" broke the story of a secret group operating within the intelligence agencies, i.e., DoD, DIA, CIA, Army Intelligence Command, etc.

The program was called, "remote viewing" - the training of agents in psi techniques; esp, clairvoyance, etc. Basically an agent is placed in a room, low lighting, a table and chair, and given pads and pencils to draw any impressions he/she gets on a particular case. Other agents, working separately focus on the same case, and later the material is collected and analyzed for similarites, i.e., locations, buildings, streets, unusual characteristics, plus any psychological factors that might indicate stress levels, etc. Over the years a small percentage of cases produced extraordinary results, and exceptional 'hits' were termed - the 7 martini lunch...

By 1993 the unit had passed through the hands of a number of administrators who, either for ego or just sheer ignorance, turned it into a psychic circus. They brought in tarot card readers and channelers to work with only one partially trained remote viewer who was left.

It's estimated that the total cost of this operation was 20 million dollars over a span of nearly 20 years.


Dr. Carl Jung, worked with the physicist, Pauli, a Nobel Laureate, best known for his research in quantum physics, and his discovery of the neutrino particle, (exclusion principle.) The letters between them were recently published, The Book, "atom and archetype", 1932-1958.

They discussed the nature of dreams and their relation to reality, finding surprising common ground between depth psychology and quantum physics. Their collaboration resulted in the combined publication of Jung's treatise on synchronicity and Pauli's essay on archetypal ideas influencing Kepler's writings in The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche. Over time, their correspondence shaped and reshaped their understanding of the principle they called synchronicity, a term Jung had suggested earlier.

What precisely is synchronicity? In a few words, two (or more) seemingly
accidental, but not necessarily simultaneous (Jung 1947) events are called
synchronistic, if the following three conditions are satisfied:

Any presumption of a causal relationship between the events is absurd or
even inconceivable.
* The events correspond with one another by a common meaning, often
expressed symbolically.
* Each pair of synchronistic events contains an internally produced and an
externally perceived component.

Particularly the last one of these criteria makes clear that synchronistic
phenomena are psycho-physical phenomena, and that they are intractable by
any science dealing with psyche or matter alone.


Since the remotest times men have used number to establish
meaningful coincidences, that is, coincidences that can be
There is something peculiar, one might even say mysterious
about numbers. They have never been entirely robbed of their
numinous aura. If, so a textbook of mathematics tell us, a
group of objects is deprived of every single one of its
properties or characteristics, there still remains, at the end,
its number, which seems to indicate that number is something
The sequence of natural numbers turns out to be unexpectedly
more than a mere stringing together of identical units; it
contains the whole of mathematics and everything yet to be
discovered in this field.

Number, therefore, is in one sense an unpredictable entity.

It is generally believed that numbers were invented, or thought
out by man, and are therefore nothing but concepts of quantities
containing nothing that was not previously put into them by the
human intellect. But it is equally possible that numbers were
found or discovered.. In that case they are not only concepts
but something more-autonomous entities which somehow contain
more than just quantities.
Unlike concepts, they are based not on any psychic conditions
but on the quality of being themselves, on a "so-ness" that
cannot be expressed by an intellectual concept.
Under these conditions they might easily be endowed with qualities that have still to be discovered.
. Number thereby throws a bridge across the gap between the physically knowable and the imaginary. In this manner it operates as a still largely unexplored mid-point between myth (the psychic) and reality (the physical), at the same time both quantitative and qualitative, representational and irrepresentational.

Jung, "man has need of the word, but in essence, number is sacred."

Pauli, "our primary mathematical intuitions can be arranged before we become conscious of them."


Synchronicity, An Acausal Connecting Principle, C.G. Jung
Number and Time, M.L.-von Franz
The Mind, Matter Unification project: Brian Josephson, Nobel Laureate, Cambridge University.
F.David Peat, Physics
Vic Mansfield, Physics Dept., Colgate University.

Todd Laurence
New York, Reporters Network
[email protected]
[email protected]

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