The Averter. Avert [the] end!
Created | Updated Aug 2, 2004
Please note…
This item does not form part of a religion, a philosophy or for that matter a science and is written by an artist whom has made the present continuum the core of their work. There are inspired reasons for this course. Be patient! Remember many human beings and other beings too experience a lifting of the veil that parts the frontier of this and other realities. The surprise of this can leave one noising confusedly or otherwise surprised, as this abridged anecdote taken from a work of Pauwels and Bergier aptly illustrates… the crow becomes disorientated in a thick fog and flies closer to the ground than it normally would, almost flying into the face of a walking man. For the crow a new frontier has opened, a new possibility, the man is flying; where once the crow had watched the earthbound human from a lofty space, he is now confronted with the man walking towards him in the clouds. The crow veers away, squawking, horrified and utterly confused; its perception of reality forever changed… Similarly the author of this work’s perception was changed forever, not horribly but, as you will read, wonderfully. Those of you who seek to make politic of the following think again. Do not waste your time. Life is too short for you to waste it countering truth. There is more to be added to this piece, soon, but in the interim what is here is fulsome and worth your attention. All good true things are worth your attention.Introduction…
“This adds strength to the hypothesis that the world is experiencing its sixth major extinction event. The others appear to have been cosmic events, either from outer space coming in, or some major perturbation – volcanoes, whatever – within the Earth. So they are believed to be physical events. You could say this latest one is an organic event: that one form of life has become so dominant on Earth that through it’s over exploitation and its wastes, it eats and destroys and poisons the others”. [Jeremy Thomas - National Environment Research Council - The Guardian {et al} 19th March 2004].
To fully understand what follows it is essential to comprehend the Universe, in which you are a ‘mucrocosmic entity’, in the following fundamental way. Understand that the expressions used are variables divorced from conventional understanding and require cosmic comprehension of the reader; therefore build in the minds eye a universal picture temporarily divorced from worldly assumptions and assignations; Earth is a made state of being that is but a cosmic particle…
The Universe is aliveness in complete form, super-symmetrical divisions of Creation and Anti Creation. The Anti Creation subdivides as Deadness, Dead, Death and Dying. The Creation subdivides as Liveness, Live, Life and Living. Deadness and Liveness are the most ancient components borne out the origin of all that is the universe. They are primordial existence itself, the elemental states. All dimensions, microcosmic, macrocosmic and mucrocosmic, and the rest, come from out of these original - beginning - states. The Anti Creation and the Creation intertwine in the fabric of everything; they are omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. However their subdivisions are not evenly distributed across this Universe, as they. Rather divisions exist, so that the distribution of their component selves allows for peculiar variations, conglomerations and etc, which prevail across time and space. These divisions of the Anti Creation and the Creation build out the familiar and the un-familiar realities. Nothing exists without the influence of both Creation states; spatial distribution of their interactions requires constant [fluid] separateness. Planet Earth is mostly comprised of the Dead component spectrally attached to a core of Deadness. The surface of the Planet, i.e. the sedimentary layers, even the atmosphere and them fluids chemically altered are mainly composed from the Anti Creation value Death. Within the mucrocosmic forms, all that we might regard as alive, Dying is the Anti Creation force, spectrally existing as Spirit. Of the Creation relatively small quantities of its potent force are active upon planet Earth. Living, borne here as Soul, is the most predominant, being the animating force of mucrocosmic existence. Transmissions of Life come less unto Earth, arriving within particular astral frequencies, making fertile this orb. Lesser are the amounts of the Live state come upon and into the Earth. Liveness, with the exception of a crucial quantity, penetrating to the very core, is virtually unknown. This rock Earth is a haven of Anti Creation divisions. Of them Death and Dying are elemental to the mucrocosmic state; it is they which react with Life and Living in this system of things. The Sun mainly, but other stellar objects too, provide Creation, as Living and as Life, and, to a much lesser extent, Live and Liveness upon this planet, an Anti Creation body constituent of them divisions characteristic of solid Universal bodies.
One feature of the interaction between Anti Creation and Creation states is the universal importance of fluid substances, which serve to ensure the separation of both Creation States in perpetuity. On Earth the oceans are effectively the skin of the planetary body, serving to separate Light and Matter, thus ensuring limited interactions between Spirit and Soul energies. In the mucrocosm, body fluids are similarly functioning.
The Avertors Explained…
Creatures are dying. Some, desperate to be free of [the] terror, relinquish their Living Dying existence by suicide; that information is true. Birds and Aquatic Mammals are showing as most affected by [the] Earth destroying factors, so that they deny their lives more than any other Living Dying creature; but every species suffers, and many are the forms giving up their historic existence on this World completely. They are becoming extinct; no longer regenerating into mucrocosmic existence. Scientists simplistically tell us that pollution and the combined effects of global warming invisibly degenerate the Earth, mercilessly transforming Spirit and extinguishing else vanquishing the Souls of entire species. But the Avertors will explain matters differently; and the Avertors word will be born of the word whole; the fullness of Creation and Anti Creations current advising. The Avertors knowledge is not experimentally derived rather it is divinely gifted.
The Avertors, Souls purposed to prepare Mankind for Christ’s re-being, are tuned to receive (hear) the ‘Sound of the Sun’, transmitted from that Solar body direct to Earth, and upon which is borne communications concerning the 'Christed' Soul. For to facilitate their reason Avertors exist, psychologically and materially, differently to their fellow Human Beings. Having ‘departed’ Living Dying existence, but instantly being regenerated back to the same body, Creation reprogrammed, upgraded for the purpose, they’re 'Soul’ly' able among Humanity to hear the Sound of the Sun; singularly able are they to interpret [the] stellar communications conveyed to Earth from out the body of Life. Yet although Avertors are Solar (astral) ‘listeners’, they’re too made able to comprehend the truth provided out of the mouths of genuine Earth (spectral) ‘listeners’, them known as prophets or witnesses, human beings to whom Creation gives sensorial gifts, that they may alert mankind to the spectral realm. And, even as certain prophets warned, this time is without precedent, for in no past Christ visitation was Earth as spectrally corrupted as at this time, an alteration so extant that the Spirit [energy] of every biological organisation is altered.
The Averter is a Living mercenary of Life, re-born from the solar cycle, after completing an Earth cycle, and is arrived on the crest of the bi-millennial solar rhythm. Avertors interpret the [macrocosmic] word and use the interpretations to prepare [those who will hear] for the so-called second coming; otherwise described as the return of the Christ. One of many Christ beings visited upon Earth during its historical voyage was Jesus. He was, like the others, perfectly fission'd, in fact the perfect fission man, astral, spectral, created without biological flaw. His perfect radiance affected every human being who met with him and effected the devotion of a great many more from then. This because he was Creations newest man, the ante-man of a bi-millennial age, the current sequence of which began around 22,000 years BC. Mankind now embarks upon the 12th bi-millennial period. There will be a new Christ for this new bi-millennial period to come. The Avertors will prepare the way.
There are seven Avertors on Earth, one to each group. Here is written the account of one Averter, active in the United Kingdom.
My work began early in 1995, one sunny February afternoon, the 17th. At the onset of my mission I was unaware of exactly why enlightenment had come upon me. At the time I was nothing more than ordinary, a typical struggling person. My age then was thirty-five and I was separated, literally days from being officially divorced by my wife and, as is typical in the English system of the day, therefore from my Children. It happened that on that sunny February day I was removed from my physical body and given to look upon what I can best describe as my real self. I knew I’d became as a Soul and was looking upon a Soul, because in the new consciousness I became, the option of lie or inaccuracy was impossible; that state simply did not exist. Instead I was become the substance of the positive Creation; that which Jesus referred to as “the meat you know not of”. In fact I saw seven orbs of pure light, Souls. About each orb the light shew interference patterns, dressed about each like the pattern obvious around the fingers or thumbs of the physical body. Each Soul had for identity a face, caricature like, and the features appeared as though they were set into the brilliant raiment of each object; they looked like openings of divine geometric principle. The middlemost of the seven Souls, which together travelled in V formation, wore my face within its mantle. I was drawn toward it at a fantastic zoom. As I neared it and clearly looked upon it, it communicated – telepathically – “don’t worry; you are on a mission”. At that instant I was returned to my Earth bound self.
From that February day, especially post the first two subsequent years, I have been motivated by a cause and a care which until then was no more important to me than it is for the normal human being. The burden of my assignment has weighed heavily upon me. The impossibility of my task, to explain to my fellow human beings the imminent calamity stirring, to describe the affectations of that Anti-Creation force shaping the unfolding tragedy; that which is Dead to Death, total Lifelessness, wear on me.
Human consciousness is completely incapable in [its] Dead presence. It is a force that is impossible to see or measure or comprehend being one hundred per cent more invisible than gravity or magnetism for example. Mucrocosms do not absorb it; rather they are absorbed of it, every atomic reaction that makes them up. Notwithstanding that un-inviolable force, for it is preferable to consider death even, I carry on with my mission… to bring to the attention of every human being who will listen, because they are awake to hear, the presence amongst us of this absolutist Anti-Creation. I can do this only by recourse to the fundamental language comprehended by the majority. Occasionally I will use a word, for example ‘mucrocosm’, to describe a state or otherwise, that else I could not explain. Please remember I am an ordinary human being like your self. I too, as an eternal entity, am under attack; that is my Soul faces the same jeopardy as your own. I urge you to wake-up; to read what I write you, be awakened and so alert, for in my words is your salvation. Herein is the saving of your Soul and your Spirit, not only of your own energetic existences but those of your family too; work for that. It is best you know. There are seven here on Earth who are orientated as I am… to prepare you for the battle for to save Earth, the world of humankind and beyond that every other lively form, that the eternal Life force, which dynamic force Creation gave over for this forming, does not become permanently extinguished in this system of things… I begin.
Planet Earth is become as dust; Death becomes Dead, wrongly endorsed by ill cultured pollution. Humankind’s governments encourage the mores threatening the Earth, denying Living forms, even human beings. Authorities act contrary to the Creation will because their Creation ordination is too become corrupted. Greed, in the form of notoriety comes central to the political forum [thus World movement] and does so because of the machinations of miscreants, who have sought to achieve physical immortality. Their vile workings have manufactured a false economy in which value is attributed to the worthless and the valuable is despicably acknowledged. Living is regarded vulgarly; Dying is improperly feted. Physical evolution is naturally recondite yet the wrongdoers, who by their alchemy seek to expose Living Dying processes, undermine the Creation will; consequently they destabilize biological systems.
The natural deterioration of worldly systems, undermining of all component parts, is that [inherent] process Death, which is cosmically integral, as much as is Life; for the Death state is [of] the Anti-Creation, one half of the whole super-symmetrical duality, but correct to its phase. Though Death exists separately to Life they are universally united, but so ordered that never the twain will meet. Even when Death is become Dying and Life is become Living such as occurs in mucrocosmic being, these force fields are, fluidly, to the very atom separated. But alchemic experimentations with Earth materials, undertaken by devious self-serving humans, have altered, almost irrevocably, the elemental balance necessary to [the] Earths system, hence many planetary dependents are imperilled and their demise will further expose remaining dependents including the human race. Even Death, the moderator of Spirit, comes functionally changed by the [chthonic] Dead force unscrupulously released into the environment.
Humankind, complacent, distracted by political gambit, powerlessly propagating that which will ultimately consume Living Dying existence, regard the changes affecting their world as evolution at work; they see not the perverse paradigm of such thinking. Apace, without moderation or ration, human insatiability continues. The fault that gave rise to the fall remains the motivating force of human being, The haves disregard the have-nots and despise fellow Earth beings of every species, slaughtering, for food or otherwise many helpless creatures, thus assisting the Dead force their alchemist brethren released into atmospheric and sub atmospheric existence.
Human Beings do not understand the Dead force and do not recognise the immeasurable power loosed about them. Deadening even unto Death is this force, truly Anti-Creation; Death which died it is. Allegorised it is to the serpent what that reptile is to [Eden] man; therefore to Living aliveness it is absolutely terminal, even unto universal Life it is as violent. Creation will not countenance the liberation of this force from off of the Earth into the Universe. Humankind must act to negate the affecting thing made unrestraint. Creation will brook no human apathy. Mankind must act of their accord to stave off the destruction their behaviour nurtured. In this system of things the human race are Creations remote instrument. If the instrument needs discarding that universal harmony be preserved then that much will be done. This is true. Creation populates planet Earth. Creation gives Human Being. But, above all, Creation is Creation. When a factor of Creation becomes Dead then that factor is discarded; by this manner Creation and Anti-Creation coexist.
All world Governments have received "divine" communication regarding the problems facing the Earth. There are no heads of State, no matter their language or creed able to claim ignorance of the situation facing the land or the peoples they care for. In the United Kingdom, the current Prime Minister and those close, with whom he shares responsibility, have been given Creation’s most precious signs, that they might appreciate all the more greatly the importance of preparing a stable environment for future generations. Further wonderful evidences have been made to the United Kingdom office so that the Prime Minister, as a secretary for man’s world, would argue to a halt, globally genetic experimentations, nuclear experimentations, and all the unnecessary pollutions that are borne from out of alchemic workings, doing so by virtue of his powerful position, made all the more commanding by the insights afforded him. Other influential world leaders have also received from Creation divine communications. None could accuse the United Kingdom Prime Minister of forcing upon them lies. Yet Creation is ignored; the divine gifts made over to important men remain unconsidered; the dirge of Earth continues. Despite what could be the leaders of humankind remain intent on following the destructive path; in spite of divine intervention they remain ignorant, and do nothing.
Earth becomes materially malformed, thus spectrally transformed; the listeners advise of this, declaring the spectral adulteration as contaminating the human Spirit and also that of other Earth beings. The contaminating influence was originally atomic and therefore ingested into the mucrocosmic system from non carbon sources; the resultant degradation of the mucrocosm being disease of the flesh and of the blood with spectral change being confined to non conscious biological functions. More recently re-fissions of carbon, modifications of carbon bearing structures, and interference with natural carbon build have provoked serious spectral interference. The carbon-derived Spirit essential to the correct potential difference, necessary for ennoblement of Soul existence within a mucrocosmic form, becomes [symmetrically] dysfunctional. Mucrocosmic forms are thus subject to mind diffraction, that is to say the thinking processes of the greater number of Living Dying Earth bound creatures are being reprogrammed from out of normal and into abnormal modes of condition. The only result such transformations of being will give rise to are the demise, Death, and thus extinguishing of mucrocosms because astral/spectral diffraction, Soul/Spirit corruption, make impossible the viability of the form. All forms undergoing such energy interference will ultimately within a limited number of regenerations become disabled.
As the Dead force evacuates its chthonic tomb, drawn cyclically from out, it is always threatening to the Spectral - Death derived - Spirit which is welled in the structural (carbon) foundations of every mucrocosmic formation. The Dead cycle is the rhythm of the Earth; its pulsation takes several hundred years to effect, but it is none the less rhythmic. It is of longer frequency than the Death resonance, for example, which is the resonance the symbol of the serpent, as used by ancient cultures, alludes to. But, because it is a more powerful Anti Creation energy than Death it, spectrally, affects that states integrity many times more profoundly. A brief study of historical record will affirm that approximately every several hundred years there occurs powerful cultural upheaval in the affairs of mankind, clearly illustrating the Dead force affecting an abhorrent influence on human development; thus undermining mankind’s evolution, as, at regular, predictable intervals, it rises up in our midst The mid points between each trough being oppositely contrived.
What is different as regards this particular Dead peak is the atmospheric environment into which the Dead cycle is arrived. Earths ecology, and that of almost every mucrocosm upon it, is spectrally interfered; Death is alchemically altered, thus diffraction between the spectral and the [solar derived] astral fields is occurred. The abounding Dead force is virtually free to scourge Death, which in natural circumstances it would be unable to intercourse with. There is no better way of explaining this for surely it is so. If all were normal then what would be occurring in this time would be normal; the Earth would resonate with the third pulsation of a bi-millennial pattern coinciding with a solar pulsation radiating towards us from out of the Sun. The peaks of the matter generated Dead cycle would produce a naturally negative effect upon human beings, (which by lore they have attributed as devilish, dark, etc.) rather than the false madness witnessed of this time.
More cycles…
The solar cycle, heralding the new astronomical age, introduces into existence the new mucrocosm type, not just that of human beings but those of every species; an upgrading of consciousness occurring in the mind of all species. By lore these periods are described as “golden ages” the combined sound [resonation] of the Earth, and sound [resonation] of the Sun, alike two drums being struck in time; both contributing to an uplifting of conscious evolvement, and to some much less extent physical development. In these times organic functions are mentally transformed, biological systems tuned more closely. Planet wide intelligence is moved forward. Simply put forms are conscience redefined. Negative conscious developments occur during the Dead only cycle, every several hundred years or so [six hundred and sixty six!]. In them days the gains of the golden age are lost to some extent. For the past three bi-millennial epochs, ancient texts, resultant of conscious improvement acquired at the beginning of the current 25,000, year epoch, long guarded by [Earthly] listeners, by Avatars and by other Heavenly beings, alerted those who would hear to the cycles spoken of; thus the negative Earth cycles have not been allowed to thwart progress. Yet, continuously, human beings have failed to capitalise upon the conscious gains provided from out of the bi-millennial solar transmissions. Each successive transmission being further flouted by peoples ever more materially inclined, else, far removed from their original generation, ignorant of the event they go through. For the current transmission there has never been a more disastrous response from our race. Indeed our reaction, borne out of our tainted world, enables Dead interference with the solar gift.
The American, Churchward, hypothesising as to the cause of continental submergence, as is believed to have befallen Atlantis that mid Atlantic continent mentioned by Plato, suggested that subterranean gases, rising from out of chthonic wells, caused that continent to subside and a subsequent rise in the levels of the Sea; an increase which gave rise to the flood epics recorded in human history [Gilgamesh, Noah’s Arc, etc]. Churchward was thinking along the correct lines. However what he referred to as gases were not gases as we understand them, rather those gases were in reality a force, cyclically occurring, as they do now in this day; peaking near the end of a greater cycle of almost twenty five millennia. That which Earth undergoes presently, the planet has endured many times before; for the 25,000 year period is a culminating peak of the Dead cycle mentioned previously. The finale you might call it; the final beat of the 12 bar rhythm. It is important to comprehend that the wave of the force, which I describe, is a slow as 25,000 years in its fullness of completion, and that we are at the end of one of those 25,000-year periods at this very moment. This end period coincides with a ‘usual’ solar cycle of 2000 years duration. The greater solar cycle… the big one you might term it, occurs around every 144,000 years and is equally though differently destructive.
As explained the Dead force is a subterranean force, cyclically emitted from the chthonic condition it is restricted to, from whence it rises to Earths surface and therefore prevails within the atmosphere which Life, as Living and Death, as Dying depend upon for mucrocosmic existence. Human stupidity in respect of the negligent use of atomically explosive materials, a continuing error, has allowed the Dead and the Death forces a greater intercourse with the material fabric of this Earth than ever before possible during the biological era. The human race is charmed into a contrived exploration of Space, marauding of other planets, even into directing a carbon-carbon tipped rocket towards the Sun. This madness is scheduled for 2006 and heralds total destruction of this solar system. This is true. Those with the authority do nothing to prevent this lunatic science. Nor others like it, which alchemists introduced into the human experience; by deign of misguided regulation, the beguiling influence corrupted their sensibilities too. Indeed the most potent weapons of mass destruction upon Earth at this time are human beings who are out of control and yet occupy positions of Power. Because of their Dead’ enamoured statesmanship they abrasively brush aside their critics; they propagate Dead productions because they are unable to rationally measure the influence these inventions bring about. This situation is applicable to the most seemingly able of statesmen, as much as it is to the obvious dictators or corrupted regimes. Any leader of humankind prepared to unleash devastating weaponry or to sanction unnatural science or to covet unnecessary universal exploration is an enemy unto the survival of the race. The essential condition human beings must adopt, for their very survival, is one of absolute cultivation of non Earth polluting or threatening reason. The only factor able to assure human beings successful Earth co-existence in the future now being mapped is one wherein human beings seek always to nurture the natural Creation made environment and not that which the Anti Creation current insists upon imposing. This human race must accept the role Creation intended for their selves. The alternative, the nightmare produced out of alchemic practices and flouting of [the] natural laws and ways, guarantees only one outcome… destruction of the race, perhaps the Earth and, as is now threatened, the solar system itself.
This Earth will no longer accept contamination without major repercussions; some reactions are already becoming apparent. Other affecting symptoms, presently transparent, are almost ready to manifest; their materialization will tip the balance and the malfunction of the globe will be unstoppable. Believe this for it is so… human beings will not be returned to existence should Earth become corrupted unto destruction. Therefore consider closely the men and women who are authority in these days. If they are not prepared to counter the deadly, negative force arising, by implementing the prevention of those adulterating factors, as proclaimed here-in, then those Men and Women are leading humanity unto physical and extra physical termination. Not a decline but a complete and total extinguishing. This is true.
The Christ, the solar cycle event which develops improved consciousness throughout the mucrocosmic entity, exhibited in man by the realisation that a different kind of being resides within the race, is now, by cycle occurring. The awareness that some extraordinary conscious change is taking place is apparent to a great number, this despite the intrusion of serious negative influences, which prevail due to spectral contaminations and astral deflections. The virulent proponents of alchemy, have, since ancient times, sought to destroy the Christ influence, unbeneficial to their purpose as that influence is; their purpose, to achieve physical immortality, requires a severance of the astral state within the mucrocosmic form they occupy. Alchemic productions have included the Creation of abhorrent forms whose memory persists in our mythologies, for example Vampires and Zombies. These creatures have existed; and may, otherwise formed, still do so. The certain thing is ancient and modern alchemic methods are combined in the vile products wrought out of recent scientific fabrications. It is fact that modern Governments fund experiments that are ancient in conception. They do this despite previous and present Christ warnings, carefully gifted to the human race; they do this regardless of the progressive, measurable, demise of Earth and Earthlings.
Alchemic Mutations…
The Alchemist, that one who is true to his business and committed to "The Great Work", the aggrandised name given their dangerous meddling, has, from the ancient first, sought one objective and one objective only. The aim is not power over matter and energy; that purpose is a secondary reality and is not the goal of the Alchemist proper; for him the transformation of the mental self, the accession to a higher state of consciousness is the prize for which all is risked. By all is meant the very self, since, as was discovered, such meddling, going as it does against Natural order can succeed only in creating the most heinous creature. There have been and possibly there may be, on this Earth, individuals who succeeded in manufacturing themselves into Spirited Beings; creatures which are no longer human beings; they are mutants devoid of a Soul. Every Living Dying creature exists by virtue of Life energy as Soul, and Death energy as Spirit. The Life and the Death energies are transferred from out of their previous cosmic realities; from out the macrocosm is brought a Soul and from out the microcosm is brought the Spirit, produced into mucrocosmic existence, naturally upholding Creation intercourse. Life produces a Living Soul; Death produces Dying Spirit. Everything alive depends upon the fission of Life and Death states into Living Dying states. It was the extreme folly of the Alchemist ambition compounded by a fatal ignorance in the tenets fundamental to Creation, which saw, produced from out their numbers gross experimentations, an absolutely dreadful production.
Throughout known history Mankind’ received entertainment from the notion of hominoid organisms, usually flesh eating or blood drinking, that dwell in darkness else are abroad only in the night. Different cultures have attributed different qualities and even statures to these mythic beasts; up among pantheons of gods, on mountains dwelling, inhabiting caverns: vampires, werewolves, werebears, zombies, ghouls etc, etc. Thus have human luminaries held up the un-dead. Yet among these myths there is truth. This is particularly valid of those accounts, wherein the hominoid is virtually humanoid, that is where the creature is more human than beast. Alchemy proper alters much more the internal dynamics and much less the external appearance of those who improperly practice its defiling mechanics. There are false alchemies, them selves deeply rooted in mans primeval condition; smoking, supplement taking, diet fads and other similar traits are all postnatal attempts to invoke an alteration of the inherited prenatal condition. Human nature is such that every individual strives, however ineptly, to improve its particular body chemistry, invariably getting it wildly wrong. Nor is transformation of the mind solely the goal of the Alchemist; a great number of human beings attempt to raise their conscious awareness, to be born again, by prayer and meditation and other cerebral stimulations. But alchemic experimentations are altogether different, as are the delved for results.
To begin with Alchemists are working matter metaphysically as well as in physical reality; nuclear resonations, generated by the repetitive chemical reactions imposed, are used for this purpose. Further the materials worked with are materials that closely resemble the organic chemistry of human beings and other Earthling creatures. Moreover experimentations, as they are conducted, are designed to influence atomically these ingredients thus violating the inherent spectral frequencies possessed by each used material. Even before the desired alteration of consciousness is achieved the successful Alchemist will already have produced an irradiated metallic element, usually of copper, silver or gold, having qualities quite different to those of their naturally derived counterpart mined of Earthly ore; so that even spectroscopy is unable to reveal the uniqueness of these substances. Objects on Earth, formed of such metals, do exist. Like other phenomena mentioned these unnatural products have been attributed with possessing dynamic and effecting "powers", from the Wizards wand to the Kings sword and in between many another equally mystical, mythological object. Instruments wrought out of alchemically produced materials that have become central features in the mythologies of diverse human cultures; always though attributed with similar properties, to such degree that geographically separated peoples share noticeably similar objects of myth. Meteoric metals have parallel qualities and do attract mankind’s curiosity, but these metals are, where the Alchemist is concerned, much less useful in metaphysical terms, being spectrally purer and therefore less corruptible [closed spectrum]. It is the integration of high temperature mineral chemistry and atomic praying controlled projection of the “animal magnetism” natural to all mucrocosmic forms, a metaphysical concept fully realised in alchemy, which is essential to alchemic method. Thus spectrally impure elements, them Earthly altered are preferred, not only for their properties when in the furnace but more necessarily for their spectral impurity [open spectrum].
Certain geometrical arrangements of highly purified materials are enough to release atomic forces without recourse to either electricity or vacuum techniques. The atomic pile is such an arrangement. It is such a device that the Alchemist works to construct as manipulating the materials he seeks to transmute. However atomic praying is far and away the most important aspect of the real transformation being sought; it is with their individual “nuclear prayer” that the Alchemist psychically fuses the contents of his hermetically sealed receptacle, the produced electronic gas - known as “ravens wing” and sometimes “the alchemists egg” - with their own Spirit. When the ravens’ wing is finally compiled correctly, that is to say is adjudged by the experimenter as ready, it is exposed to air, whereupon it immediately solidifies into substances unknown in nature and possessing all the qualities of pure chemical elements; they cannot be separated by chemical means. It is true that if assemblage of the atomic pile fails then devastation, explosive and or radiant poisoning result; what then the failure of the nuclear prayer? The answer is transmutation of the Alchemist himself, with equally disturbing consequence. Atomic praying, invoking spiritual fusion to the raven’s wing, will, if merged by disastrous diffraction, tear the very Soul from out the body of the entreating experimenter. But, as found, in particular circumstances, where the atomic pile/prayer configuration enters ‘weird’ territory, death will not come on the practitioner. Instead may on them the most terrifying state… their dying self merely continues on dying, unable to become as death, that facility denied them as consequence of the interactions their experiments brought about. No death but devoid of a living Soul, the, would be seeker of the ultimate transcendental transformation discovers instead the dying nightmare existence no natural creature is designed or naturally destined to endure. The ultimate Anti-Creation act reaps the ultimate penalty and none is or could be grimmer. Worse, the mutant, once created, can never reincorporate with Soul, will never again know Life, Live or Liveness; their forbidding destiny… to be permanently slave to Death and therefore Dead and Deadness controlled.
Terrible by conception is the alchemic course; equally terrifying is the divisive nature of their experiments. The promise of self-transformation hardly warrants the real possibility of eternal damnation; but for some practitioners of the evil procedure that is exactly the design. It is the existence of such dark beings that humanity must be alert to. They will be all but invisible. Their ability to appear reverential and wholesome, kindness personified, the gross transfiguration; for their actual self is evilly composed. Not one objective held by them, no one purpose is for Creations will, neither on Earth nor throughout universal existence. On the contrary their existence is absolutely Anti-Creation. The human Alchemist is no more; what has replaced that mucrocosm is something dreadful, a beast beyond description. Yet so convincing will that transfigured form project itself no ordinary human being will realise the evil realignments presence. To recognise the beast I write of requires a transformation of the self that Creation may not be able to ordain. Some individuals of every generation are appointed to recognise, therefore detect, Anti – Creation aligned members of their race, because the Anti Creation spiritualises creatures in every generation. The Creation and the Anti-Creation do, in perpetuity, maintain a balance of every mucrocosmic type, so is the universal equilibrium maintained. This is true. However the mutant Alchemist is not a product of Anti-Creation, but rather is a procreator of Anti-Creativity; and, by further self transformation may also be further diffracted; an anti-being, absolutely unnatural, but neither Death or Dead or Deadness involved, except by duplicitous enslavement. So perverse is the nature of the unnatural beast, it may be that Creations appointed one, they ordained to detect naturally conceived evil, may be unaware of the abounding falsity claiming planet Earth for destruction. Even Avertors, beings divinely purposed for to confront and challenge the Anti-Creation, may not recognise and therefore identify the self adulterated Alchemists. Only the purpose of the Alchemist gives clues as to their identity.
To identify who the destroying factor assailing this wonderful Earth with its invigorating atmosphere and diverse Living Dying things entitled to be upon it, requires scrupulous self-examination by the whole of Mankind; but not ecclesiastical tribunals or similar inquisitions, nor military inspired inspections or authoritarian led searches of any description. Such courses are not commended. That beast sought shall with ease elude fools scrutiny, which energetic examinations, failing, will result in persecution of the blameless. There are no human organisations capable of uncovering the forces steering Earth et al to destruction. It is in the best interest of human beings to counter the annihilation bearing down on them by closing down [the] sources of harm feeding the existence of the terrestrial destruction; we cannot hunt what the inviolable perversity, but the vehicles with which it contaminates are plainly more visible than that force driving.
There are obvious transports of our demise, like nuclear research and hydrocarbon usage. These and others like them must immediately be re-regulated; every nation in the World will rejoice to halt the abuse these sources of illness and false power bring upon them. Space exploration, in which cause Mankind is ruined, and unnecessary manufacturing should be halted immediately, it is completely unwarranted; paradoxically such effort hastens Mans enforced extinction, doing so with vague promises of an impossible exodus; Human Beings will never by their own workings exist elsewhere in this universe. Genetic science, the most brazen assault upon the natural Creation and Anti-Creation must be halted. Why are the greater number of Human Beings required to accept the words of a very few “experts”… that Genetic and similarly manically contrived studies are harmless. The evidence clearly indicates otherwise! Weapons manufacture must be halted. The idea of resolving national, political or religious differences by resort to weapons of any destructive nature is, in this time absurd; what human being needs a Gun or a tank or a fighter aircraft or a nuclear submarine or a tomahawk missile? Those who are misguided and likewise misgoverned that’s who; surely a world where warfare and its tools do not exist, where law is preferable to war, is a world we have the intelligence to bring about. Men fighting men with earth shattering weapons, for a future they, anyway destroy, cannot be justified, and this Averter warns, will bring Mankind to the brink of oblivion; all the weapons in the world cannot destroy what will destroy all the weapons, their wielders and their causes. Therefore weapons are obviously inspired of our destructor; let human beings stop that being so.
The pollutions that deprive Earth of convivial conditions and poison everything natural are plainly evident, yet although the actions required for to halt the spoiling are obvious, implementation of such counter measures are palpably less so. Governments across the Earth fail to involve their electorates in the essential process, principally because they lack either the imagination and/or the resolve to act. Those whom administrate nations that trade in so called micro technologies, including the atomic and genetic fields, being constantly alert to inter nation or company or technical rivalry and ever aware of educational developments occurring within the generations, consistently do not appropriately respond to the disaster befalling Earth. Because incumbent political Leaders desire votes they allow abuses of rules, regulations, and other essential practises; because they hanker after adulation they allow the populations they administrate to live in self-indulgent denial. Each rapacious individual in their small unwitting way, being, by provision so allowed, trashes the Earth about them. All men are in their nature rapacious; therefore the violation of Earth is extensive. Even nations who employ systems of rule differing in style and substance to the democratic model contribute to the ruin that comes to be our downfall. It seems that no leader any where, no matter what their politic or philosophy or substance, is big enough in themselves to understand and confront the greatest issue Mankind contribute to, and spite in permanency.
As matter is revealed by light and light is made visible by matter, so to are Dying and Living interdependent; human beings must be respecting of both conditions for it is to the source of both conditions, Life, Death, that their eternal, extra physical selves, Soul and Spirit, belong. To misunderstand the association which exists between all that is Living on Earth with universal Life, or all that is dying on Earth with universal Death, is that same failing which brought upon ancient Man the fall, and continues to dominate the human psyche via misrepresented theologies, the spawning of deceptive philosophies, aggressive political ideologies, harmful doctrines and their like, all abusing of either Life or Death or both. Consider war, an affront to the Living and Dying states. Mankind’s perverse obsession to murder one another ultimately placed in their midst weapons of mass destruction, completely removing from the Earth the dignity of aliveness. Such devastating armaments are not the brainchild of ordinary men, rather they are abominations, inventions wrought from out of false sciences obsessed with magic and transmutation; the dalliances of maligned heads altered from Universal purpose. Likewise not one Earth despoiling practice designed from out of the maladjusted Human brain truly contributes to universal purpose, as abominable manipulations, mucrocosmic designs, disregard the universal purpose.
But to view the man made world is to realise the essentiality to Human Beings of every factor of their existence, as their wanting has contrived. Thus are Kings and Premiers the same made hostage to the misfortunate cultivations of their subjects as much as they are to their own idiosyncrasies! Therefore depriving the human race of petroleum, as suddenly as that act needs doing, is an option no current National leader would sanction. This one denial alone serves to illustrate perfectly the actual cowardice of those who Govern Mankind in this age. Thus it is that the world of Man cannot change but by enforced change. It is disaster, which, apparently, dictates Mankind’s future, and not true appreciation of the present. It is for destruction rather than cultivation that the world as led prepares.
Assume that throughout the ages the most Powerful men on Earth, them influential enough to bring down and build Nations, by virtue of their might came to be privy to information affording them great comprehension of timely action and consequence. Then consider the numerous diverse warnings, scientifically explained and otherwise, that in this very hour mankind the Earth over are one way or another given. Global warming, melting ice caps, possible asteroid collisions, reversal of the Gulf stream, geological movements, plagues and disease, and nuclear disaster, to name but a few. Common knowledge is that of any of these possible catastrophes it is only those originating of mankind’s hand may humanity realistically prevent, and it so happens that it is those same exacting factors which most threaten Earthly well being. The forewarnings are both terrible and severe. Surely the most powerful men on Earth, being more informed than humanity at large, are vigorously influencing events so as to at least guarantee the survival of their own bloodline. But the evidence, excepting “space programmes”, indicates this is not so. Unless the destruction of this system of things is considered a necessary step for to achieve salvation, a very alchemic transformation, the power rangers of this day seem resigned to the demise that becomes all mankind. Indeed day on day the influential World powers execute and enact policies that further defunct existence.
Mankind need to revise their attitude toward Earth, ought to realise they journey through time and space on a vessel that respected is perfectly tempered to the natural needs of every Earthling visited upon it. In this time, when disaster is pressing, mankind must build on the hope afforded them by Global network possibilities and appoint from out their number a World figurehead, a virtual commander of Earth. The position must be symbolic and being so must be motivated for the common good and must not be inspired from out of worldly understanding but essentially from Earthly commitment. Forsooth the commander of Earth must be an ordinary human being, as human beings are ordinary. Ordinary men prove most the cause of Earth, namely to shelter and sustain Living Dying forms of existence, from cradle to grave. Humanity needs a figurehead who truly symbolises the common human cause, brings attention to the actual human state. It is not enough for mankind to rely on religiously emphasised deities; such worshipful attitude is principally concerned with the extra physical and confuses third dimensional reality as is borne out by the turmoil religion has brought to bear on Mankind. “God” seeks our extra dimensional spirit and soul commitment, albeit in real time. Nor must mankind hope that political diktat or sovereign command, any persuasion of these, could offer up a commander of Earth, they can’t as being weighed down by worldly falsehoods they are unworthy ships for navigating Earths reality sea.
Whom may command Earth, male or female, young or old, black, brown, yellow, red, white, olive or mixed, casual or smart? Which ordinary human being could the race hold to be that extraordinary as to prove the inspiration of all; could elicit the empathy of the entire human race? Man must, through this one individual, hold up his entire self; see every human being is an Earth commander. Only by asserting love and care upon every single Living Dying human being, can every single Living Dying human being love and care for Earth and thus essentially command it. The time is come for the human race to put this dark age of violence and malevolence behind them, to embrace a rugged non-violent survival of the Earthly trial. Globally “authority” must halt the polluting of young minds with vile educations, for the produce of the same minds is pollution. This measure being the beginning transformation of the numerous behavioural alterations human kind require of their racial collectives. It will be argued that the evil amongst the human race will not permit the cleaning of the species; will not participate in the essential cooperative cleansing of humanity. On an Earth where wrong doing and ill behaviour are pandemic, where in fact the definitions of these aberrational attitudes are wide open to false interpretation, what power can spur the whole human race, en masse to stop their current course and, en masse, take up an attitude promoting of actions which will come to be their and their children’s salvation, properly aligning the relationship between the world of man and the natural Earth.
Only the Christ mission can so fully captivate Mankind. That was true and is true and, as foretold by prophets, will be true again. The transition, from this present corrupt humanity to a populace at one with Earth and all upon it, is the objective most central to the Christ mission and satisfies perforce Creation and Anti-Creation will. Upon the appointed time shall begin the soul and spirit transmission; every human being will feel the sundering of the forces within. But the partition of them will not defile the living or the dying condition, but will allow adjunction of the divine spark given of the Christ. The human race must prepare to seize their opportunity, to accept the saving grace offered up of aliveness and thus avoid the perverse demise besetting them. This Averter may tell you that that Christ will rejuvenate Earth through the human race. Every willing human being shall be as the Christ; that is every man, woman, and child, will know in their hearts and in their minds the divine will, of the Creation and the Anti Creation and in that time shall enact their individual commitment to Earths survival and therefore to their own.
A jelly fish without a mind would be nought but a pile of molecules arranged as a jelly like substance. Likewise, a human being, devoid of mind, is nothing but a pile of jelly, elementally different perhaps but jelly all the same. The mind of a jelly fish and the mind of a human being are different only in respect of the vehicles their force occupies and the limitations and therefore expectations imposed upon them by those vehicles. Every creature on Earth is dependent upon its environmental specification and [the] mind enables ability to develop within [that] particular physical constraint. Mankind enacts a tragic error styling himself “evolutionary” higher than other Earth beings. All Living Dying forms are come from harmonious adjoining of the one true Creation and the only true Anti Creation. All Living Dying forms are graced with the founding divine forces. It is only the physical constraints of individual mucrocosmic existence that sees fastidious attributes placed on particular ways of being. Thus the behaviours of jellyfish occur according to environmental disposition; the behaviours of every living dying being are performed according to the environmental freedom inherent to each beings form. The Living Dying association, whatever form is taken, principally cultivates and nurtures the entire existence. Surely within each and every form is the possibility for quiet or tumultuous existence, for pacified or violent habitation of Earth. These factors are environmentally imposed and not by evolution occurring. Consider for example Lions; reluctant hunters becoming lazy creatures. Eating other animals does not befit them. But at some point in time a natural link between them and a providing hand was broken; upon a time they were left to fend for themselves and so left chose the lazy option, to kill and eat their prey. Lions live as they do because they were abandoned, millennia ago, by their human carer. It is true human beings are the husbandmen of all Earth beings; human beings live and die to nurture: all animals in their way live and die to nurture. The Earth is brimful of neglect; its beings so spoiled that within their cosmic existence despising and cruelty rampage. Many species now are turned to violent and turbulent ways such is the extent of the collapse of the Creation and Anti Creation organization on Earth; a fall down which humans ignorantly nurture and yet in exponential manner encourage to an ever more destructive end. Human style is born from the environment humans pollute; which further pollutes humanity and corrupts all else about them, even to every being. The Commander of Earth, each Christened human being no less, always representative of every man, woman, and child of Earthly organisation; first and foremost, cultivating worldliness in natural form, is the embodiment of universal virtue as seeded in mind. The positive psyche of every physical being adores and cares for the natural order of things and consciously strives to enable biological existence as ordained by Creation and Anti Creation. The Commander of Earth, who is every human being, indeed, is the race, inner wise comprehends outlandish acts or obscene researching for what those things invent. No thing Living and Dying is without conscious knowledge of [its] deceitful activities. To advance being negative behaviour must be overcome; to survive negative behaviour must cease.
Evidence proves Mankind’s pollutants destroy Earth and the Earth Life formed as Living existence in fission with Death. Human proof that contamination leaks into the Universe remains unfound because there has been no investigation. This Averter may tell you that the Universe is become polluted by emissions leaked from Earth, discharges which cause extra terrestrial consternation; as much consternation should be shown by human beings because the source of the giving off allows deadly cosmic radiations entry into Earths atmosphere. The birthday suit covering most creatures, their natural born skin, is not designed to tolerate Earths rapidly changing atmosphere, which by increasing percentage becomes tainted by deadly cosmic emanations mixing into its vast but pressurised state. As Earths atmosphere is further diluted with cosmic space many species will become prone to the externally borne poisons which will lodge in their breaths and on their tongues. Thus it is essential that ozone depletion, the primary source of cosmic infiltration, is brought to a halt; this act is overdue and that failure already brings misery to Earth and Earthlings. For as individuals then species, species by species are destroyed in this unnatural way there is total annihilation occurring. The affected creature not only physically dies but is too extra-physically obliterated; the soul existence is permanently destroyed. Cosmic radiations, when plentiful enough, envelop forms in a manner which, when tested by death, prevent release of the soul from the physical body and back into Universal existence. The soul is metaphorically speaking suffocated so that not only physical death occurs but also the Life force is extinguished. The terminated Soul will never again return to a living dying state. Thus the individual first, and in greater contaminations entire species, are permanently eradicated from the Universal system. As has been previously noted the factors which exist as the Creation and the Anti-Creation are harmoniously balanced. So it is that the termination of the Soul also mirrors termination of the Spirit. Earth will be made barren of Life assisting components. As entire species are destroyed others will come to an Earth made sterile, unproductive and non life forming. In the course of time no mind will find Earth inviolable to being.
You of the Sun and Earth, stellar Life and terra Death, your Soul and Spirit as vastly separated as them; may you see reality, wake up to your whole potential in space and in time, for both are infinite to you. Such is the natural order you will never be non existent, in your decision you may be positive or negative aligned; thus your memory may find comfort in light or solace in darkness; your Soul or your Spirit equitable to fate, replenished from out of the mucrocosmic experience, the mind homed. But in aberrant circumstance, if biological existence is interfered with and true organisms are speciously defaced, then the recall is hindered and thus prevented: the natural chain being broken. Fractured one from the other, the broken Soul Spirit continuum leaks mind, loses memory, uncouples entirely permanently. The defaced Soul, extinguished, never returns to the Star from which it is born. The defaced Spirit, not spark able, assumes the state that is Dead ground. Thus have Alchemic explorations conducted by misanthropic mortals brought upon Earth a globally active destroying force, desecrating of divine conditions; the immortal soul and Spirit, universal aliveness as Creation and Anti Creation, is threatened with the finite mortality of the mucrocosmic experience.
The dust from which mucrocosmic entities are produced is Star made; at source found to be a wave but on Earth come to be a particle. Wave existence is ordered, is supra aware and is Soul existing. Wave forms decipher but divert memory. Particle existence chaotic compared with the wave state, is insensible and energetically becomes manifest as spirit. Soul forms abide in the stars where they are born of fission. Spirit, with which Soul’ is periodically destined, to reunite, is the particle identity of the original Soul making fusion and is the extra Solar emission of Soul Creation made Anti Creation sympathetic. Wave formed Soul and particle formed Spirit exist eternally connected, frequently to conjoin in the super-symmetrical physicality of a mucrocosmic formation, where-in each is able to experience degrees of the others universal condition. The Creation – Anti Creation super-symmetry, which aligns Soul and Spirit, and ensures that in their active formation, they exhibit oppositely to their true disposition; thus A Soul, which is wave formed, embraces a particle structure whereas Spirit, particle existing, adopts a wave form. These things are true.
Thus, essentially, every mucrocosmic entity, including human beings are constructions elaborated from the re-fission of symmetrically realigned light; total light re-fusions of universally separate conditions aptly termed darkness and lightness. The Soul, which may appear Light, because it is dressed with Light, is actually dark, truly light dark. The Spirit may appear dark (as [a] colour!) yet is in fact light, dark light exactly. The Soul Spirit relationship is analogous to the sport of Bowls, which is played upon a lawn of very short cut grass, the “green”. The green may be held up to represent the being. At the start of each “end”, the term given each round of the game, a smallish - 6 cm - diameter hardwood “Jack” is played down the green, where it remains; giving the length of the bowl. Then, with the idea being to come as close to the target as possible, one player after another bowls three or so times larger wooden bowling balls, up or down the green, towards the Jack. These bowling balls are not perfect spheres but are, like the Earth, flatter at the poles, or ends as these points termed. Generally no more than four bowls are assigned to each player per game, and each bowl, being weighted heavier on one “end”, requires a prejudged aim and bowl so as to compensate for the arcing course the bowling ball, will, by virtue of its unbalanced centre of gravity, travel down the green toward the Jack. In this analogy the lawn may represent the human being or if you like the mucrocosmic existence. The white ball usefully epitomizes the Soul while the larger wooden bowling balls may be held to symbolise [the] Spirit component[s]. For as the Jack in the game of bowls is the focus of the game of life, as represented by the green, so in the mucrocosm is the Soul the focal point of the energetic reaction which enables mucrocosmic function. As the white Jacks played and then the bowling balls are played to converge upon it, so too the Soul is physically enabled and then for the sake of mucrocosmic unification [organic fission] Spirit is conformed to the Soul position. As there are a number of Bowling balls in each bowls game so too there are various spirit components ‘touching’ the soul.
Central to almost every religious and cultural tradition is water and light; Life will not become Living and Death will not come to be Dying without these enablers. Light is the solvent that enables the release of Life from a wave to a living particle state. Water is the solvent that enables the release of Death from a particle to a Dying wave state. This is the fundamental tenet of nuclear technology, the modern name for Alchemic practice. In nuclear research knowledge of the exact speed of light (as it travels through an arc) in combination with the use of heavy water, enabled experiments that Creation and Anti-Creation working as one upon Earth, had ceased to allow - made impossible the destructive event; except as to realise biological formulations, that is to say evolvement of mucrocosmic forms, which themselves are precisely controlled fusions of astral and spectral energies: nature. For in the universal balance of Creation and Anti-Creation this Earth was conceived and made free of negatively reactive factors: only wicked or stupid men unwisely sought and continue to seek to widen the narrow status quo.
Water allows the photon wave to become the photon particle; water admits light into physical form. Water alters to in states and in concentration. One drop can be dispersed throughout any given space or be as concentrate as stone. For ancient peoples water symbolized truth; in a particular parable Jesus Christ walked upon the substance by virtue of his knowing faith, Simon Peter, the disciple of Jesus sank in it, his indecision as to what was and was not the truth costing him his buoyancy in the facilitator of Living and Dying. This parable only hints at the importance of H2O. As with all parables the intention is to raise the psychological function that awakens the higher being. By a simple given instance, which even a child may comprehend, the faith Jesus possessed preserved him whereas the wavering commitment shown by Simon Peter would plainly see the floundering disciple drown. That is the meaning of this parable in its simplest sense; that interpretation comprehensible even unto children. But there are other far more subtle insights afforded them who would seek more in the allegory presented us. Remember that walking on water as much symbolizes a mode of communicating as it does a mode of walking. This parable, like every true scripture inspired of aliveness, regardless of source, as much refers to extra-physical being as to physical being; in that sense water assists mind function, as much as it fluidly enables particular material interaction.
Soul 'swim', revel in an existence which is forever more real than this we abide in. In clusters of Life Soul gather, in the ‘Heavenly medium’ they are unified. Spirit too is clustered, but in the dust medium; the material particle locking Spirit into a deadness only enlivenment by Soul may force aside. The heavenly medium is the true universal condition. What men imagine is true, i.e. that which they measure with their senses and the sensory devices devised by those senses is, in reality, false. It is the negative material of universal existence, which Man, as like every other creature, is designed to live within and measure. In other words, Man is an instrument, of [the] Creation; Man exists by design and is designed to sample through inhibitive existence a facet of creation, which is universally negative and the lesser part of this universe.