Tony Blair Should Be Nominated for Man of the Century Award

3 Conversations


A freelance feature op-ed piece expressing support of Prime Minister Tony Blair is currently available from the Bluegrass state, the heart of the United States of America. The freelance feature entitled, Prime Minister Tony Blair Should Be Nominated for Man of the Century Award, can be found on the writer – publisher freelance exchange service, at the following URL address:

The unabridged freelance feature is pasted below for publication by the BBC.


I am currently engaged in the laborious process of writing my memoir entitled, If God Ordain the Sun to Rise Tomorrow; My Final Reward: The Last Great Entrepreneur Adventure; The Penance of Karl Marx. I have taken time away from writing my memoir to express support for Prime Minister Tony Blair. A print edition of my book entitled, If God Ordain the Sun to Rise Tomorrow, will soon be available through the on-demand publishing company, The URL address is

Tony Blair Should Be Nominated
For Man of the Century Award!

by Mark Gaffney

The political flak Prime Minister Tony Blair is receiving for his heroic support of United States lead military intervention and peacekeeping force in Iraq is outrageous, illogical, and intellectually unfathomable. Prime Minister Tony Blair is a modern day hero who should receive man of the year and/or man of the century awards.

The Bush Administration and Tony Blair are receiving lots of flagellation, scorn, and political battering for failure to find weapons of mass destruction. The billions of American dollars found stashed away within headquarters of the old Iraqi regime is a weapon of mass destruction that could potentially have funded training camps for terrorist all across the globe.

The billions of American dollars found stashed away may have helped the old Iraqi regime acquire deadly weapons outside Iraqi borders throughout the globe. The invasion of Kuwait in 1990, failure to comply with weapons inspections legally mandated by the United Nations, as well as defiance and belligerent talk by Saddam Hussein provided solid data strongly indicating the major intent and goal of the old Iraqi regime is to disrupt mutually beneficial business relationships between oil producing Arab Nations and the United States of America.

Also, new emerging technologies such as nanotechnology, are producing small, easily concealed, mobile laboratory equipment. Small, easily concealed, mobile laboratory equipment may have been quickly moved across the border weeks before coalition forces moved into Iraq.

Nuclear Missile components recently found buried in the back yard of an Iraqi scientist suggest the old Iraqi regime scraped outdated missile manufacturing technology and may have decided to pursue more up-to-date cutting edge mobile nanotechnology laboratory processes.

The apparent intent and goal of ex-Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein is to cause all mutually beneficial business relationships between Arab oil-producing nations and the United States to be completely severed. An attempt to disrupt mutually beneficial business relationships between Arab oil-producing nations and the United States is deeply illogical.

Severance of economic ties between Arab oil-producing nations and the United States will put Middle East economies in dire economic straits. Severance of economic ties between Arab oil-producing nations and the United States will likely create massive poverty and starvation within Middle East nations and throughout the globe.

As a major consumer of oil, the United States is a loyal customer to Arab oil-producing nations. Many European countries with strict authoritarian governments choose not to purchase massive bulk supplies of oil.

Massive bulk supplies of oil provide citizens with economic power and mobility. Strict authoritarian governments throughout Europe have an interest in restricting economic power and mobility of ordinary average working class citizens. Thus, Chinese citizens often peddle bicycles to get here and there.

Prime Minister Tony Blair courageously rubbed against the political grain of the European Union. The European Union is currently in the process of trying to gain superpower status.

An effort by the European Union to gain superpower status motivated an attempt by the European Union to corner the United States of America into an unfavorable bargaining position within the United Nations by portraying the United States as a war-mongering nation.

Prime Minister Tony Blair’s support of a far away nation within another hemisphere may have created an economic disadvantage to Great Britain citizenry and industrial markets. Prime Minister Tony Blair’s support of military initiative of the distant United States continent may have created an economic disadvantage to Great Britain citizenry and industrial markets trying to get a piece of the action.

Great Britain citizenry and industrial markets are trying to get a piece of the action by arranging business contracts within borders of the rapidly changing European continent. The European continent is currently in the process of rapid transformation as a consequence of negotiation of mergers between various political powers and business entities.

Prime Minister Tony Blair’s support of popular European political rhetoric opposing the United States lead peacekeeping mission within Iraq may have insured Tony Blair a position as a power broker within the new European Union. Prime Minister Tony Blair courageously rejected quick fame and fortune. Prime Minister Tony Blair rejected quick fame and fortune to do the right thing.

Tony Blair’s unilateral support of the European Unions popular position opposing an United States lead military intervention inside Iraq may have temporarily made Great Britain’s industrial markets richer. Tony Blair realized immediate gratification of wealth from unilateral support of the popular European position opposing the United States peacekeeping mission within Iraq likely would create temporary riches.

Prime Minister Tony Blair had foresight. Prime Minister Tony Blair realized that in the long run failure to support the United States lead peacekeeping mission within Iraq would eventually destabilize the global economy. Destabilization of the global economy would eventually create economic hardship for all Great Britain citizens as well as the entire global community.

The political flagellation and battering of Prime Minister Tony Blair within Great Britain’s parliament is reminiscent of the old-time favorite vaudeville riddle, “Who is on first base?” as made famous in the Hollywood Blockbuster Smash hit classic movie, The Rain Man, starring Dustin Hoffman. Politics include an enormous amount of circular reasoning. Many lawmakers get as emotional as The Rain Man when debating issues.

An enormous amount of circular reasoning in politics may be due to the spherical morphology of the human brain. At any given time, only a small subset of information is contemplated, debated, and processed.

A small subset of information may be viewed as a small surface area or segment of a round spherical object. A small surface area or segment of information may be considered a point. According to Albert Einstein, in order to fully understand a point in time and space each and every point must be examined in reference to another point. During the course of political debates other points may not be readily accessible since the human brain has a limited capacity to process only a small segment of information at any given time.

The events that transpired during the Iraq crisis can be understood in the context of a very simple framework. The United States of America annually spends billions of dollars to purchase oil from predominately Arab Middle East nations. Middle East nations and the United States of America enjoy a mutually beneficial business relationship.

As major consumers of oil product from Middle East nations, the United States has a right to be involved in Middle East politics by virtue of being a loyal customer and participating in mutually beneficial business relationships with various Arab nations throughout the Middle East.

The old Iraqi regime lead by ex-Iraqi President Saddam Hussein violated international law by invading Kuwait in 1990. As a consequence of invading Iraq, the United Nations levied mandatory weapons inspections upon Iraq.

The old Iraqi regime lead by ex-Iraqi President Saddam Hussein failed to cooperate with weapons inspections as legally mandated by the United Nations. As a consequence of failure to comply with weapons inspections the United Nations levied trade embargo sanctions upon Iraq.

Trade embargo sanctions continued for many years. Trade embargo sanctions placed the United States in a “damn if you do, damn if you don’t dipolar political conflict.

At that point in time, the United States would be damned if U.S. authorities lifted trade embargo sanctions because lifting sanctions would give the old Iraqi regime more power to effectively conduct a global military terror campaign that would eventually disrupt mutually beneficial business relationships between Arab oil-producing nations and the United States.

Trade embargo sanctions caused innocent Iraqi citizens to suffer. Trade embargo sanctions dragged on for many years due to the old Iraqi regimes failure to comply with weapons inspections mandated by the United Nations.

Something had to be done. Continuation of trade embargo sanctions generated anti-American sentiment and hatred against the United States. The United States would be damned to allow the trade embargo sanctions to continue. Thus, the United States was caught in a circular “damn if you do, damn if you don’t” conflict.

The courageous action of Prime Minister Tony Blair while facing enormous political opposition prompts me to consider sharing the Nobel Peace Prize Award with Prime Minister Tony Blair, 50/50.

The new European Union needs leaders like Prime Minister Tony Blair to help keep a level playing field and maintain international equilibrium as new emerging technologies transform global economies in upcoming decades of the 21st century.

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