Its Not Too Late

1 Conversation

It is Not Too Late

by Mark Gaffney

God is Cosmological Memory, thus, God materialized me, His Servant, lowest of the low on the very bottom of a free market economy totem pole, an unemployed vagabond, as a construct embracing collective human creativity and insight into naturally derived Truth. Apart from God, I have no intelligence. I am a mere hillbilly.

As a citizen who resides in the heart of the United States of America, I am consciously aware I have escaped exposure to the most extreme, harsh, cruel, geographical conditions imaginable. If I lived within Arab nations, more than likely, I would have long ago been a relic upon the arid desert terrain.

Death and suffering of innocent Muslim citizens at the hands of cold, harsh, physical reality of famine within parch dry desert Arab regions seems utterly insensible and incomprehensible within a natural universe in which Allah or God is sovereign. Why some things have to happen within the universe is a mystery, and will remain a mystery, until final collapse of the physical universe at the end of time.

“If I deliver my body to be burned”, it will not erase afflictions of numerous poor Muslim Bedouins struggling to survive, day after day, against vicious natural elements. But, know this, and be rest assured, if love prevail physical death for all those of every race, creed, gender, and ethnic origin, who have died unjustly will not be in vain.

As a secular nation, dedicated to religious freedom of all mankind, America displays an economic affinity for support of Israel, even though Israel is not a primary exporter of oil to the United States of America.(1) All things being equitable, the United States of America enjoys mutually beneficial business partnerships with Middle East Arab nations by spending billions of dollars per year upon Arab oil exports. Yet, upon consideration of incomprehensible reality of death and suffering of impoverish Muslims, and given Israel is not a primary oil exporter, America’s economic affinity for Israel is difficult to understand.

Embodied within physical manifestation of the word, Jihad, as given unto the great Muslim prophet, Mohammed, the human spirit is ‘set apart’ and opposed to earthly forces that lash out, crush, and defeat the human spirit. Truth embodied within physical manifestation of the word Jihad, as given unto the great Muslim Prophet Mohammed, imparts the very essential essence of free will within creation.

Evolutionary design of the natural physical universe is physical effort of an Intelligent Consciously Aware Universe to impart free will. Free will is the ultimate intent of evolutionary design.

Satan snorted and lights went out on the East coast. Software glitches infiltrated Internet relays like worms eat flesh of a dead carcass.

Unable to access the Internet, I fell dead asleep upon my living room sofa. I am awaken from a dream with a severe migraine headache derived from spending too much time in front of a flickering computer screen emitting radiation.

Chatter of a Kentucky Higher Education Network (KET) talk show awakens me. KET talk show guest discussed vital economic support provided to impoverished Arab citizenry by radical ultra-conservative groups like Hamas.(2)

Since radical militant groups like Hamas provide vital economic support to impoverished Arab citizenry, militant groups like Hamas must be recognized for their effort to help innocent people try to survive within harsh geographic areas of the world.(3) For this reason, people with affiliations to radical militant groups like Hamas have been allowed to maintain offices to operate charitable institutions within the United States of America until the 9-11 tragedy generated fear another similar attack may occur.

A KET talk show guest made a poignant observation that new forms of economic support must be realized for the Arab region. Several months ago, as I burned fuel oil driving down the highway in my car, by chance I tuned into a talk show program aired by a public radio station sponsored by The Economist.(4)

The radio talk show program featured acclaimed author, scientist, and business consultant, Dr. William Atkinson. Dr. William Atkinson is an author of new book about nanotechnology entitled, Nanocosm.(5)

Dr. Atkinson definitively stated during the public radio talk show program that wild imaginative hype expounded by nanotechnology enthusiast, pertaining to remote far distant potential future possibilities of science, borders on science fiction and is nothing more then hype. According to Dr. Atkinson, author of Nanocosm, as stated within a public radio broadcast, new scientific methodology to extract water molecules from the air is currently being perfected by scientific laboratories.

I express hope of collective humanity within a freelance feature article I wrote entitled, Lessons from the Garden. The Spirit of Truth and Discernment, as embodied within an independent existence of Knowledge and Truth, attest Allah created gardens all over our globe. The following is a key excerpt from Lessons from the Garden:

I love the dazzling color of beautiful spring flowers splashing hills, valleys, and filling shelves of retail outlets selling greenhouse supplies. Gardening can be a spiritual exercise.
A person can learn many spiritual lessons while gardening. I often wish the synagogues, mosque, cathedrals, and places of worship throughout the middle east could have acres and acres of beautiful gardens to glorify God, who is One and the same as Yahweh and Allah.

The ability to extract water molecules from the air may eventually help realize the dream for all the many synagogues, mosque, cathedrals, and places of worship throughout the Middle East to be surrounded by acres and acres of beautiful gardens to glorify God, who is One and the same as Yahweh and Allah. Scientific ability to extract water molecules from the air is still being perfected within science labs.

If scientific methodology to extract water molecules from the air should be fully perfected today it would not be a useful technique to improve quality of life within the Middle East. An unrelenting volley of military attack, retreat, then surprise attack again from both sides of the Israeli-Palestine border is a response from the human heart that will transform a potentially useful positive scientific discovery into a tool to build massive bulwark of a frightening aggressive military machine throughout the entire Middle East region.

An application of scientific methodology allowing water molecules to be extracted from the air will more than likely create greater economic prosperity within parch dry sweltering hot desert lands of the Middle East. Greater economic prosperity within a war torn region of the globe warped by hatred and lust for revenge will more than likely contribute to construction of a military machine on both sides of the Israeli-Palestine border.

Construction of a powerful bulwark of a military machine on both sides of the Israeli-Palestine border, facilitated by improved economic conditions as a result of a potentially positive scientific discovery, may culminate in an extremely violent destructive Middle East war that will destroy the entire Middle East region. An excerpt from a freelance feature article I wrote entitled, Hillbilly Flounders and Fairs Poorly On Capital Hill; Hillbilly Bites Off More than He Can Chew In Washington D.C.; Hillbilly Trips Over Legislative Ropes In Washington D.C.; And Allegorically Hangs Self, is pertinent:

Money cannot buy compliance and subservience. A proper response must proceed from the heart of each and every individual.

A proper response includes (1) desire to honor Creator of Our Universe by doing what is right, and (2) love and respect for one’s neighbor within the global international community. A perfectly ordered system cannot be formulated to account for every variable, nor mechanically churn out a specific desired output with precision control as a desired result.

A mechanical system based upon behaviorist concepts of B.F. Skinner cannot be fruitfully implemented to produce a desired response. However, Skinnerian Behaviorism can be successfully used to examine, sort out, understand, and untangle complex interrelationships pertaining to motives of various individuals belonging to different socioeconomic groups.(6)

The Spirit of Truth and Discernment, as embodied within an independent existence of Knowledge and Reason within an Intelligent Consciously Aware Universe, attest that it is not too late. It is not too late for peace. It is not too late for forgiveness.

When all these thoughts occurred to me, as I tracked around within sullen darkened rooms, suddenly the television screen paused in a pitch-black blank silent moment. “Every tongue shall be silent”, upon collapse of the natural physical universe.

Electrical components and wires unite in a lump of inorganic material to form a television set. Even “rocks and hills” obey and conform to the will of an Intelligent Consciously Aware Universe. After I turned my television off to write this article, the lump of inorganic material shaping my television set suddenly shrieked in a cracking sound that startled me.

An Intelligent Consciously Aware Universe, existing as an independent state of Knowledge and Truth, is a bridge between Allah, Yahweh, the Christian concept of God, the oriental Buddhist concept of Tao, Atheism as a belief system dedicated to the common social good, Hinduism, and Tribal Indian beliefs of natural Divinity. An Intelligent Consciously Aware Universe, existing as an independent state of Knowledge and Truth, is the level upon which all mankind can practice love and mutual respect for one’s neighbor.

However, there should never ever be a one-world religion of any type. It is not my intent to start a new religion. Each and every religious system of thought should strongly adhere to major tenets, precepts, and teachings. Otherwise, many religious systems will converge into a shapeless conformity, which lacks substance.

God alone can materialize quantum truth by guiding mankind until the end of time. Thus, as stated above, it is not my intent to start a new religion at this level of understanding and insight. Until the end of time, each separate religious system of thought must be intelligent and prudent in relation to other systems of religious thought. It is my hope and desire to help improve quality of life of people belonging to every race, creed, gender, and ethnic origin at home and abroad, around the globe.

It may seem impossible for lax permissive free market democratic and socialist societies to be contiguously aligned with religious states upholding strict fundamentalist ultra-conservative values for the purpose of mutual support and cooperation. Free market democratic and socialist societies seemed to be completely filled with vile detestable contemptible stuff.

A human encounter with that which a person perceptually perceives may be detestable in the sight of God, who created the natural physical universe, can also be an assault upon human pride and arrogance. Human pride and arrogance enter into spiritual struggles of every man and woman on earth.

“What goes into a man does not corrupt him, but what comes out of a man can bring a man to complete spiritual ruin”. Ultimately, the human heart and soul determines whether a detestable object translates into either an assault upon God, or an assault upon human pride and arrogance.

An encounter with what perceptually appears to be vile disgusting contemptible objects can allow a person to interact with myriad facets of human personality, they as individuals possess, as bestowed by the Creator of the universe as a gift.

In the epic literary work, The Metamorphosis, written by Franz Kafka, Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman who leads a boring mundane life is transformed overnight into a vile gross detestable bug. Movement of the prickly legs of the detestable bug, Gregor Samsa becomes, is symbolic of discovering new parts of oneself.(7)

A person who is ‘set apart’ and opposed, not to flesh and blood, but evil actions produced from unseen spiritual realms of existence, and endures a Divine mission to fulfill a peaceful non-violent Jihad, feels like a he or she is suddenly transformed into a gross detestable bug, as in The Metamorphosis, written by acclaimed author Franz Kafka.

All the vile sin and corruption on this earth a person must waddle trough is muddle. A person must waddle through the muddle to return to God. A gross nasty vile detestable bug chews and masticates, then spews out the opposite end vile disgusting contemptible substance. Ultimately, muddle does not affect a person’s heart, unless his heart is wrong to begin with.

Human interaction with myriad facets of human personality as a person waddles in the muddle of life on earth can potentially help a person undergo positive constructive personal growth and change. It is not God’s desire for a person to return to Him as an automaton, an empty shell, a mere facsimile of earthly powers surrounding him or her.
Objective reality that is perceived to be vile, gross, and detestable is often associated with sin. God does not condone sin. God allows sin to exist within the natural physical universe to accomplish a good purpose.

God allows sin to exist in order to incorporate free will within fabric of the natural physical universe. Free will is a product of evolutionary design. Evolutionary design is purposeful intention of the Divine Creator to incorporate free will within context of the natural physical universe.

An all-powerful pre-existing God could have easily produced a genetic clone of Himself. If God chose to produce an exact clone of His Divine Self, then there would be no such thing as love within the natural physical universe. Mastication of moderate forms of sinfulness can potentially contribute to positive growth and development of human personality, which is not an exact clone of God’s Divine personality. It is written, “God made man a little lower then the angels”.

Yet, some people are so disgusted with what they personally perceive to be a vile, gross, impure, and detestable physical reality that they simply cannot accept life on earth. Sometimes, a person may cognitively experience obsessions related to what they personally perceive to be vile, gross, impure, and detestable objects.
Obsessions are uncontrollable repetitious thoughts. Obsessive thinking often leads to compulsive behavior. Compulsive behavior is a superhuman effort to prevent uncontrollable repetitious thoughts from occurring.

When I was young, I use to stand by the sink and compulsively scrub a dog bowl for hours. I had the cleanest dog bowl on earth. I should have entered my dog bowl in the Guinness Book of World Records.(8) Uncontrollable repetitious thoughts can generate extreme guilt.

In 2001, Andrea Yates murdered her five children during what is reported to be an emotional psychotic breakdown.(9) Andrea Yates husband Russell Yates worked for NASA, according to mass media accounts.

It is very possible that, since Andrea Yates husband worked for NASA, Andrea Yates may have known a lot about events related to nanotechnology, and other forms of new emerging technology. Is it possible extreme fear about an extended life expectancy in a world perceived to be vile, gross, impure, and detestable may have contributed to Andrea Yates mental health breakdown?

People, everywhere, need to understand no one is going to force them to undergo any type of medical procedure they personally do not want, either now, or in the future. Laws prevent a person from being forced to undergo any type of medical procedure they personally do not want. As stated above, creation of the natural physical universe is based upon free will of a consenting adult with a sound mind.

The Spirit of Truth and Discernment, as embodied within an independent state of Knowledge and Truth within the natural physical universe, attest that suicide bombings and other forms of civil anarchy are an invalid form of religious expression. Bombing of the Okalahoma state building by Timothy McVeigh is an example of an extreme form of religious expression.

What purposeful outcome do suicide bombings and other forms of civil anarchy achieve?

Are the goals of suicide bombings and other forms of civil anarchy as a means of religious expression to build an earthly Kingdom for God? Massive destruction logically defies a desired purposeful outcome to build an earthly Kingdom for God. How can an earthly Kingdom of God be built if the earth is transformed into a charred lifeless cinder floating in space?

Are the goals of suicide bombing and other forms of civil anarchy to totally annihilate ‘the enemy’? Love should be the ultimate goal of each and every true religious system of thought.

A valid true religious system that (1) completely annihilates ‘the enemy’, (2) achieves total supremacy over every other religious system, and (3) sits on the throne reserved only for the one true God, will in real factual actuality invalidate and negate itself as a true valid religion, whether that religion be Christian, Islamic, Judaic, Hindu, an Atheist belief system, Tribal Indian beliefs, Tao, Buddhist, or any other.

The Spirit of Truth and Discernment, as embodied within an independent state of Knowledge and Truth contained within an Intelligent Consciously Aware Universe, attest that spiritually, mankind has no choice, but to learn to love and share with intelligence and prudence. Love is not love when one ‘loves’ only those people who are identical and who love them in return.

The practice of ‘loving only those who are identical’ is an emotional desire to have a genetic human clone. Thus, a religious system that achieves world domination will spit out clones.

Clones in mass will be produced not by the science of genetics, but instead, by a biological process of memetics. A cognitive biological process of memetics applies the Lorentz Transformation to produce biological similarities between two or more people, or their beloved pets.

Are the goals of suicide bombings and other forms of civil anarchy to finalize life on earth and be with Allah or God in heaven? I absolutely have no doubt, whatsoever, that some devout people who sincerely believe they serve Allah or God by participating in suicide bombings or other forms of civil anarchy will actually be with Allah in heaven.

My believe that devout people who sincerely believe they serve Allah or God by participating in suicide bombings and other forms of civil anarchy will actually be with Allah in heaven does not imply that suicide bombings and other forms civil anarchy is a valid form of religious expression in the sight of God or Allah.

An act of killing other people who have dissimilar belief systems completely contradicts love as the ultimate goal of every true religious system of thought. An act of killing other people who have dissimilar belief systems is a demand that other people be exactly like me. A demand that other people be exactly like me is an emotional desire for a human clone.

Plus, a person who practices suicide bombing and other forms of civil anarchy cannot absolutely definitively know for sure that the Divine will of Allah or God does not include a Jihad mission on earth for one or more people killed during a suicide bombing and other forms of civil anarchy. The Spirit of Truth and Discernment, as embodied within an independent state of Knowledge and Reason within an Intelligent Consciously Aware Universe, attest Allah or God can help people change, even if at a specific point in time people are completely corrupt and morally depraved.

Life of each and every human person is a sacred gift bestowed by the Divine Creator of our universe. Each and every person on earth should not be fooled, but instead consider themselves a temple for Allah or God. If the ultimate goal of suicide bombing and other forms of civil anarchy is to return to Allah or God in heaven, then a more logical alternative is the Japanese practice of hari-kari as a more valid form of religious expression.(10)

Hari-kari is a more logical alternative to self-actualize a personal goal to return to Allah or God since no person on earth has ever met Allah or God face to face, and cannot absolutely definitively know for sure that the Divine will of Allah or God does not include a Jihad mission on earth for one or more people killed during a suicide bombing and other forms of civil anarchy.

Suicide bombings and other forms of civic anarchy, as a form of religious expression, may actually be a religious system of thought comprised not only of radical Islamic fundamentalism, but also, radical Christian and Judaic fundamentalism. Logical inconsistencies provide evidence for a collaborative effort of Islamic, Christian, and Judaic extremist groups.

An except from a freelance feature article I wrote entitled, Presentation of Proposed New Peace Plan that May Save Millions of Lives to Nobel Peace Prize Committee, is pertinent to this discussion:

I believe in the Sovereignty of Israel and formation of a new Palestine State. The fact is that both Israel and Palestine are strict authoritarian ultra conservative religious societies that are aligned in opposition to the lax permissive free Democratic American Society. Also, the strict authoritarian belief system of ultra conservative religious societies in the Middle East appeals to highly conservative political factions within the United States.

The ultimate effect of the constantly repeated rounds of attack, retreat, and attack again is to perpetuate violent conflict and to cut a hole in the pants pocket of America. The poor and working class citizens of America spend billions of taxpayer dollars only to perpetuate war and bloodshed in the Middle East.

A highly relevant truism from days of old is, “the truth shall set you free”. The international community is using the entire Middle East region to keep America weak.

As stated above, militant groups like Hamas must be recognized for their effort to help innocent people try to survive within harsh geographic areas of the world since radical ultra-conservative groups like Hamas provide vital economic support to impoverished Arab citizenry. I believe leaders of radical ultra-conservative groups, whose main purpose is a pure motive to help innocent people survive within a harsh geographic region of the globe, will be with Allah or God in heaven.

An except from my freelance feature article entitled, My Two Cents: A Peace Proposal No One on Earth May have Contemplated, sheds insight into my line of reasoning pertaining to these ideas:

Every society includes (1) radical ultra left liberal elements, (2) moderates, and (3) radical ultra conservative right elements. Every society also includes reprobates possessing intelligence to manipulate ideology to cause chaos and confusion for their own self-interest and personal gain. Reprobates often engage in murder and plunder.

I am not prejudice against people of a different race, creed, ethnic origin, or gender. I am prejudice against reprobates of any race, creed, ethnic origin, and gender.

Suicide bombings and other forms of civil anarchy are an invalid form of religious expression because it is not physically possible for surviving members of religious sects to completely remove themselves from a sociological trajectory. Fear and terrorism may merely exist as a socioeconomic tool to gain a competitive advantage in regard to economic issues surrounding new emerging technologies currently developed worldwide upon a global scale.

Are the goals of suicide bombings and other forms of civil anarchy to achieve greater religious freedom? Arab Muslim citizens residing in America freely practice Islam in their chosen Mosque. Creation of an atmosphere of terror and fear leads to a decrease in religious freedom worldwide for each and every separate religious group.

Historically, tension began between Israel and Palestine during the famous battle between the small boy, David, and the large giant, Goliath. I do not believe David intentionally met to kill Goliath. It was an accident.I believe David’s true motive for challenging the giant, Goliath, is to return home to his own Maker.

The Spirit of Truth and Discernment, as embodied within an independent existence of Knowledge and Reason within an Intelligent Consciously Aware Universe, attest that it is not too late. It is not too late for peace. It is not too late for forgiveness.
1 Israel Government Getaway official website,, The State of Israel, Copyright 2000

2 Kentucky Higher Education Network,, Kentucky Tonight: The Middle East,, KET, Copyright 2003

3 The Palestinian Information Center official website,, Last Updated August 21, 2003

4 official website,, The Economist Newspaper, Copyright 2003

5 Atkinson, William, Nanocosm, Amacom, 1st edition Copyright June 2003

6 B.F. Skinner Foundation official website,, B. F. Skinner Foundation, Copyright 2002

7 The Kafka Project ( Official Website,, The Kafka Project 2.4.3. Copyright Mauro Nervi 1999 – 2003

8 Guinness Book of World Records official website,, Guinness Book of World Records, Copyright 2003

9 Where Local News Comes First KPRC Official Website, Houston Father Buries His Five Children: Mother Remains Under Suicide Watch,, Internet Broadcasting Systems Inc., Copyright 2003

10 official website,, Lexico Publishing Group, LLC,,


Mark Gaffney is a contributing freelance writer. Mark has earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology with a concentration of coursework in physiology, biology, and computer science. Mark is in the process of trying to start a new Not-for-Profit Foundation entitled, Wonderful Life Foundation. Mark plans to submit his online work as a thesis project to earn his Doctorate (PhD.) degree and officially become a Nanotechnology Sociologist.

Mark is currently in the process of writing a book entitled, If God Ordain the Sun to Rise Tomorrow; My Final Reward: The Last Great Entrepreneur Adventure; The Penance of Karl Marx. Mark’s book will soon be available through the on-demand print publication service, The URL address of is

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